Democrat Super PAC Has Out-Of-State Billionaires Investing Heavily To Flip Arizona’s Legislature Blue

Democrat Super PAC Has Out-Of-State Billionaires Investing Heavily To Flip Arizona’s Legislature Blue

By Staff Reporter |

A major Democrat super political action committee, the PAC for America’s Future, is investing heavily in Arizona this election year. PAC for America’s Future is not only the largest PAC in Arizona; it is a top donor to the Democratic Party.

PAC For America’s Future has focused on Arizona, one of the more contentious of the six key swing states for the election, alongside Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Georgia, and Nevada. According to the Arizona secretary of state’s campaign finance portal, the PAC is the second-largest in the state with over $9.5 million in income and $4.2 million in expenditures, after Arizona for Abortion Access ($12.3 million income, $9.6 million expense). However, PAC for America’s Future has the highest cash balance in the state: over $8.3 million.

These funds are from out-of-state interests, not Arizonans. AZ Free News reviewed all finance reports and found that total funds from Arizonans amounted to slightly less than $13,500 across 122 donations (some of whom were recurring donors). That’s .0014 percent of total donations since last year.

Most of the other funds come from sizable contributions by wealthy out-of-state Democrats. Jonathan Soros, heir to father George Soros’ $25 billion empire, has given $2 million to PAC for America’s Future this year and remains their single-highest donor.

Other top donors from last year to this year include:

  • $500,000 from Lynn Schusterman, an Oklahoma billionaire and wife of the late oil and gas founder Charles Schusterman
  • $1 million from Wendy and Barry Munger, Californians and children of former Berkshire Hathaway vice chair and late Charles Munger
  • $400,000 from Indiana philanthropist Deborah Simon, daughter of billionaire shopping mall magnate Melvin Simon
  • $400,000 from Steven Laufer, economist with the Federal Reserve Board
  • $300,000 from Debra Ann Efroymson, a New Mexico descendant of the wealthy Efroymson dynasty
  • $250,000 from New York property management tycoon Gideon Friedman
  • $245,000 from billionaire California philanthropist John Pritzker, son of Hyatt Corporation founder Jay Pritzker
  • $200,000 from David Karp, former CEO of major social media platform Tumblr
  • $100,000 from a Paul Karp (Paul Haahr), a Google software engineer out of California
  • $100,000 from Linda Schlein, the wife to venture capitalist Ted Schlein out of California
  • $170,000 from multiple members of the billionaire Pigott family out of Seattle, Washington
  • $75,000 from Juan Sebastian Scripps, an angel investor out of Kentucky
  • $75,000 from Andrew Beck, a New York-based philanthropist
  • $50,000 from Steven Spielberg, the acclaimed Hollywood director
  • $50,000 from Kate Capshaw, a Hollywood actress
  • $50,000 from Jacqueline Asplundh, the Asplundh Tree Expert Company scion out of Florida
  • $50,000 from Brian Rosenthal, the engineering director for Facebook residing in New York
  • $50,000 from Lorin Silverman, the New York descendant of business tycoon Marty Silverman

PAC for America’s Future’s affiliates have also brought in millions for the cause. These affiliates serve as holding entities for transferring funds to the PAC.

PAC for America’s Future formerly went by the “Future Now Fund” up until 2021. It’s a repository for funds from major Democratic dark money donors like George Soros and funder to one of the state’s leading dark money nonprofits, Progress Arizona, the outfit led in part by Governor Katie Hobbs’ former press secretary Josselyn Berry. (She rejoined after resigning from the governor’s office due to her posted gun violence threat to “transphobes” last year within hours of the Nashville elementary school shooting.)

Given its most recent name, it should come as no surprise that PAC for America’s Future is listed as “related” on tax returns to two similarly named 501c4 nonprofit entities: Future Now Action and Future Forward USA Action. The two nonprofits also operate a super PAC, Future Forward PAC, which has received nearly $19 million so far this year from Future Forward USA Action ($12 million in 2022).

This network of millions is a critical resource for the Democratic Party during election years.

Jennifer O’Malley Dillon, White House deputy chief of staff and Biden’s 2020 campaign manager, told The New York Times that the Future Forward ecosystem was “critical” in the 2020 presidential election, and would be again this year.

The Biden team directed his 2020 campaign finance director and White House deputy assistant Katie Petrelius to join the Future Forward team.

The Soros family’s Open Societies Foundation gave $15 million to Future Forward USA Action in 2022 and $5.5 million in 2021. The Arabella Advisors dark money network has also given millions to PAC for America’s Future and the two related “Future” nonprofit entities.

Although few of this mega PAC’s funds come from Arizonans, the Arizona Democratic Party, its candidates, and close-knit organizations have benefitted. In this most recent quarterly campaign finance report, as well as the last, the Arizona Democratic Party received nearly $300,000.

In the last campaign finance report, PAC for America’s Future reported spending over $140,000 on Arizona’s Democratic candidates, with all candidates receiving $10,800 boosts each. AZ List PAC also received $27,000.

For the State House, these donations went to candidates Deborah Howard, Stephanie Simacek, Oscar De Los Santos, Brandy Reese, Nicholas Gonzales, Matias Rosales, Mariana Sandoval, Karen Gresham, and Kevin Volk. For the State Senate, these donations went to Christine Marsh, Analise Ortiz, John McLean, and Stacy Seaman.

PAC for America’s Future is technically a “hybrid” committee — or “Carey” committee — meaning it’s capable of making independent expenditures as well as direct contributions to candidates.

A donor’s first $5,000 goes to a contribution account per PAC for America’s Future’s donor site. All funds beyond that $5,000 cap go into a non-federal account. That latter account is for PAC for America’s Future’s 527 committee, a tax-exempt type of committee that allows for unlimited donations to support or defeat political candidates but requires disclosure of all donors and expenses.

PAC for America’s Future’s 527 Committee then funnels the donations in excess of $5,000 — estimated to amount to tens of millions — to PAC for America’s Future’s joint initiative with Future Now Action, “The States Project” (TSP).

TSP took credit for moves undertaken to flip the Arizona legislature blue, dating back to their initial claim of victory in 2018 with four seats flipped for Democrats in the state House; then two new seats in the House and one new seat in the Senate in 2020; and then defense of won seats in 2022.

“Flipping both chambers in Arizona is possible in 2024. In the Senate 1,500 voters changing their minds would have shifted the balance of power in 2022. And in the House, we see a clear path to governing power, as less than 1,000 voters shifting would have ended rightwing control. Investing in the districts where we see the opportunities to shift power now gives us the strongest shot at achieving our goals in the state.” – TSP

Based on the influx of funds through their various PAC for America’s future tributaries, it appears that wealthy out-of-state interests have a vested interest in ensuring Arizona goes from a swing state to a firmly blue stronghold.

AZ Free News is your #1 source for Arizona news and politics. You can send us news tips using this link.

Governor Hobbs Says Inflammatory Speech Needs To Stop, But Not Her Speech

Governor Hobbs Says Inflammatory Speech Needs To Stop, But Not Her Speech

By Staff Reporter |

Governor Katie Hobbs said people need to pump the brakes on inflammatory rhetoric aimed at political opponents, but brushed off questions about whether she was guilty of using similar rhetoric.

Hobbs made the remarks in brief during her press conference Monday announcing an apprenticeship program partnership with Intel. The governor offered her opinion on what constitutes appropriate and safe political rhetoric as a response to the attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump over the weekend.

“Political violence has no place in this country, and voicing our political opinions peacefully is absolutely paramount to preserve the sanctity of our democracy,” said Hobbs. “We have to come together and we have to stop inflaming this kind of rhetoric, using this kind of rhetoric.” 

Hobbs added that political discourse has become unhealthy and a hindrance to a healthy society. 

“Too often our communities are being torn apart by politics,” said Hobbs. “We need to come together and remember that we are neighbors, friends, and American citizens all united by a love for our country.”

However, when pressed by reporters to address her past usage of inflammatory political rhetoric, Hobbs refused to justify her remarks. The governor dismissed concerns about her own actions as a different type of “politics” than what she was addressing. 

“I’m not going to get into that,” said Hobbs. “I’m not thinking about politics right now.” 

Hobbs has spent years framing Republicans as dangerous extremists, namely in reference to her gubernatorial opponent (now Senate candidate) Kari Lake and Trump. 

“The extremist Republican majority had the chance to do the right thing for their constituents, and they failed. While extremists in the legislature refuse to protect our rights, I will do everything in my power to protect reproductive freedoms for Arizona women.”

“Hate speech and religious discrimination have absolutely no place in our state. Kari Lake and her extremist allies’ rhetoric is harmful, and to give them statewide platforms to spread it would be seriously dangerous for Arizona.”

“Kari Lake is too dangerous for Arizona.”

“Kari Lake has gone radical and is far too dangerous for Arizona.”

“Kari Lake’s campaign spends more time spreading conspiracy theories and inciting fear than providing real solutions to Arizona’s very real challenges. Her dangerous rhetoric and ideas pose a serious threat to our state and country.”

Several days before the 2022 election, Hobbs urged Republican voters in an opinion piece for Fox News to back her because Lake and other modern Republicans were “extremist, radical stone throwers” that represented an insanity and chaos that would override the Constitution and upend democracy. 

Even before becoming governor, Hobbs engaged in inflammatory rhetoric against the former president. During the first year of Trump’s presidency, Hobbs accused Trump of pandering to Nazis.

“[Donald Trump] has made it abundantly clear he’s more interested in pandering to his neo-nazi base than being [President] for all Americans,” wrote Hobbs.

During Trump’s initial presidential campaign, Hobbs accused Trump of “promot[ing] rape culture” and “bragg[ing] about sexually assaulting women.” Hobbs also claimed that Trump posed a serious, existential threat to our country. 

AZ Free News is your #1 source for Arizona news and politics. You can send us news tips using this link.

Arizona & National Leaders Respond To Trump Assassination Attempt

Arizona & National Leaders Respond To Trump Assassination Attempt

By Matthew Holloway |

Donald J. Trump, the 45th President of the United States and presumptive Republican 2024 nominee, survived an attempted assassination in Butler County, PA, on Saturday. According to reports, an assailant opened fire with a 22-caliber rifle from a rooftop approximately 150 yards away from the mainstage where Trump was addressing his rally, grazing him in the right ear and killing a rally attendee. The Secret Service told reporters that two spectators were also critically injured. The would-be assassin was engaged by police snipers according to the New York Post with one bystander saying, “They blew his head off.”

As the shots rang out, President Trump can be seen raising a hand to his ear and exclaiming “Oh!” after the first round grazed him. A moment later he dropped to the ground and was swarmed by Secret Service Agents as rally goers took cover behind him. One of the agents can be heard on microphone shouting “Get down, get down, get down, get down!” Seconds later, per the Associated Press, the agents can be heard saying “shooter’s down.” The agents conferred for a few moments before helping Trump rise to his feet. After asking for his shoes, Trump is heard telling his agents to wait before looking out to the crowd with blood trailing across his face from his wounded ear and mouthing, “Fight, Fight, Fight” to his supporters.

Trump was transported to an area hospital in stable condition and released later in the evening.

Within moments, Arizona politicos and elected officials began to respond to the narrowly averted assassination.

Governor Katie Hobbs (D) posted a statement to X saying, “Political violence is unacceptable, and has no place in this country. I am glad that former President Trump is safe, and hope that others at the rally were not seriously injured. I hope the perpetrator of this heinous act will be swiftly brought to justice.” Her comments echoed the sentiment of many prominent Democrats such as Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) condemning political violence.

Speaker of the Arizona State House of Representatives Ben Toma (R-AZ-27) wrote within minutes, “Praying for President Trump, first responders, and any others who may have also been injured at the rally.”

Arizona Senate Presdient Warren Peterson looked back on a recent attempt by Democrats in Congress to strip Trump of Secret Service protection in a post to X saying, “It is a good thing the Democrats have not been successful in taking the secret service from Trump.”

In April, Democratic Congressman Bennie Thompson from Mississippi, the Ranking Member of the Committee on Homeland Security led an effort to remove Trump’s protective detail known as the Disgraced Former Protectees Act (H.R. 8081) as reported by USA Today. The bill was co-sponsored by Reps. Troy A. Carter Sr., Barbara Lee, Frederica Wilson, Yvette D. Clarke, Bonnie Watson Coleman, Jasmine Crockett, Joyce Beatty, and Steve Cohen.

Arizona’s Democrat Attorney General Kris Mayes offered her thoughts in a statement to X as well writing:

“The attack against former President Trump must be strongly condemned by ALL Americans — no matter their political beliefs. Poltical violence is never acceptable. Never. My thoughts are with the former President and anyone else who may have been injured or hurt at today’s rally.”

Maricopa County Attorney Rachel Mitchell noted, “This is horrifying. Violence is never the answer. Praying for a full and speedy recovery for President Trump.”

Arizona Secretary of State Adrian Fontes offered his statement, notably without mentioning Trump by name, saying, “I condemn political violence in the most unequivocal terms. NO American political figure should ever be threatened with OR acted against with violence. If we want to beat a political opponent, we do it with ballots, not bullets.”

Arizona State Senator Janae Shamp lauded the efforts of the U.S. Secret Service protecting President Trump writing, “God bless the men and women who put their lives on the line to protect President Trump! #absoluteheroes”

State Rep. Steve Montenegro (R-AZ-29) shared a now iconic image of Trump raising his fist defiantly saying, “Praying for President Trump. #StandWithTrump”

Republican Senate primary candidate Kari Lake issued a statement saying, “I am shaken and horrified by the assassination attempt on President Trump’s life today. I am praying for President Trump and the innocent attendees who were tragically injured or killed. I am grateful for the brave Secret Service agents and law enforcement officials for their swift action and for preventing this incident from becoming even more tragic.”

She later joined RSBN during the network’s live coverage and wrote, “Today, we saw an assassination attempt on a man who’s been fighting for this country. I’m praying for Donald Trump. I’m praying just as much for his family, & the people in that crowd, & more than anything, I pray for this great Republic & that we can come together as Americans.”

Fellow GOP Senate contender, Pinal County Sheriff Mark Lamb, wrote, “Our prayers are with President Trump and his entire family. I applaud the quick reaction and work of law enforcement and members of the Secret Service to move the President to safety and neutralize the suspect.”

Congressman Ruben Gallego (D-AZ), who is also running for the Senate seat of outgoing Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (I-AZ), wrote, “Absolutely horrible. Political violence should never be tolerated. I hope President Trump and everyone at the rally is safe. Grateful Secret Service and law enforcement got the situation under control so quickly.”

President Trump made a statement posted to Truth Social, first thanking the Secret Service and law enforcement and offering condolences to those injured and killed and their families: “I want to thank The United States Secret Service, and all of Law Enforcement, for their rapid response on the shooting that just took place in Butler, Pennsylvania. Most importantly, I want to extend my condolences to the family of the person at the Rally who was killed, and also to the family of another person that was badly injured.”

He added, “It is incredible that such an act can take place in our Country. Nothing is known at this time about the shooter, who is now dead. I was shot with a bullet that pierced the upper part of my right ear. I knew immediately that something was wrong in that I heard a whizzing sound, shots, and immediately felt the bullet ripping through the skin. Much bleeding took place, so I realized then what was happening. GOD BLESS AMERICA!”

Senator Tim Scott (R-SC), a popular contender to serve as Trump’s Vice Presidential pick, declared on X, “Let’s be clear: This was an assassination attempt aided and abetted by the radical Left and corporate media incessantly calling Trump a threat to democracy, fascists, or worse.”

Fellow VP short-lister Sen. J.D. Vance echoed a similar sentiment saying, “Today is not just some isolated incident. The central premise of the Biden campaign is that President Donald Trump is an authoritarian fascist who must be stopped at all costs. That rhetoric led directly to President Trump’s attempted assassination.” He also condemned Rep. Thompson for his efforts to strip Trump of his protective detail saying “Remember this? I do. Kick his ass out of Congress. Absolute scumbag.”

Former Governor of North Dakota Doug Burgum, another rumored potential VP, noted, “Please join Kathryn and me in praying for President Trump, his family and everyone attending the rally today,” adding, “We all know President Trump is stronger than his enemies. Today he showed it.”

Possible Vice-Presidential pick and former presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy offered a lengthy statement saying in part, “First they sued him. Then they prosecuted him. Then they tried to take him off the ballot. The only thing more tragic than what just happened is that, if we’re being honest, it wasn’t totally a shock. Biden’s inevitable ritual condemnation of political violence today (when it comes) will be insufficient and irrelevant. No amount of verbiage today changes the toxic national climate that led to this tragedy.

Apoorva and I mourn for the rally attendee who was apparently killed by the shooter. We believe the fact that President Trump is safe right now is nothing short of an act of God. My heart tells me God intervened not just for Trump, but for our nation. Today, the future survival of the United States of America came down to less than a hair’s width in the path of a bullet.”

He added, “If any good comes of today, let it be this: Americans just had the chance to see our next President’s true character, unvarnished. He took the fire, he took the hit, he felt the blood, and then he stood right back up for the people he was put here to lead. Regardless of who you vote for, let’s unite around the TRUTH that what happened today is unacceptable, now and forever.”

Matthew Holloway is a reporter for AZ Free News. Follow him on X for his latest stories, or email tips to

Hobbs’ Gubernatorial Campaign Raising Millions To Flip Arizona Legislature Blue

Hobbs’ Gubernatorial Campaign Raising Millions To Flip Arizona Legislature Blue

By Staff Reporter |

Governor Katie Hobbs has prioritized the fundraising of millions of dollars to flip the state legislature over to Democrats over the governance of the state.

According to the campaign finance records, Hobbs’ gubernatorial campaign has collected over $2.6 million from 2023 through March: just over $2.1 million in 2023, and nearly $468,000 from January through March of this year. 

Campaign totals from April through the present of this year weren’t yet available on the campaign finance reporting website. 

Out of the over 27,800 individual contributions Hobbs’ campaign received from last year through this March, around 8,600 were from out of state.

The top donors since Hobbs took office last year include $10,800 contributions from AFSCME People, United Here PAC, UFCW Local 99 PAC, AZ CWA State Council PAC, and USAA Employee PAC.

The second-highest level of contributions were around 180 individual contributions of $5,400 donations, and about 30 individual contributions of $5,000.

Several organizations and entities also donated sums of $5,400: Moms Fed Up, Smart TD PAC, JP Morgan Chase & Co Arizona PAC, the Pascua Yaqui Tribe, Gila River Indian Community, Tohono O’Odham Nation, Salt River Pima Maricopa Indian Community, Drive Committee – Non-Federal, Democrat, Republican, Independent Voter Education, Pattern Energy Group PAC, Southwest Regional Council of Carpenters Issues Committee, Molina Healthcare PAC, Salt River Project, Realtors of Arizona PAC, Arizona Dispensaries Association PAC, Boilermakers-Blacksmiths Leap, Amalgamated Transit Union – Cope. 

Other high-level donations included the Arizona Hospital and Healthcare Association PAC, $5,000; Republic Services, $4,400; American Airlines PAC, $3,000; and UNS Energy Corporation PAC , $2,500; Wells Fargo; Arizona Employee PAC, $2,500; and American Property Casualty Insurance, $2,400. 

Hobbs told Capitol Media Services that her position of authority created “the perfect storm” to secure the state legislature for her party. 

“This is the first time we’ve been this close and had a Democratic governor,” said Hobbs. “And this is what I’m focused on this election is governing majorities who will work with me.”

Fundraising emails from the Hobbs campaign focused on securing greater legalization of abortion in the state. 

Hobbs has vetoed around 200 Republican-led bills since taking office last year.

Democrats haven’t held a trifecta in nearly 60 years. The Republicans hold a slim majority in both the House and Senate: 31 out of 60 seats in the former, 16 out of 30 seats in the latter.

Hobbs’ campaign manager, Nicole DeMont, bragged that Hobbs had collected millions in her first year as governor while her predecessor, Doug Ducey, collected only about $160,000.

The millions excludes the excess in donations (estimated over $1.5 million) to Hobbs’ much-scrutinized inauguration fund, which DeMont established as a 501(c)(4) nonprofit.

The Arizona Secretary of State has a complete list of all candidates eligible to appear on the ballot.

AZ Free News is your #1 source for Arizona news and politics. You can send us news tips using this link.

Governor Hobbs Acknowledges President Biden’s Lagging Fitness For Office

Governor Hobbs Acknowledges President Biden’s Lagging Fitness For Office

By Staff Reporter |

In a press gaggle on Wednesday, Governor Katie Hobbs revealed a semblance of doubt about President Joe Biden’s fitness for office.

Hobbs acknowledged that the ongoing concerns over Biden’s apparently diminished cognitive functions were exacerbated by his debate performance last month.  

“There’s so much on the line in this November’s election. From the president down to our state legislative races: our fundamental freedoms, our very democracy,” said Hobbs. “And I know that Arizonans have been concerned about the president’s age, and since the debate I think those concerns are even more top of mind. And I think the president has a lot to do to assure Arizonans and Americans, and I know that he knows that is his job over the coming weeks.”

When pressed as to whether her assessment meant a withdrawal of support for the president, or preference that he step aside for another to take his place, Hobbs reassured that Biden could fulfill presidential duties a second go around should he remain the candidate.

“Joe Biden can do the job, and that’s all I’m going to say about the situation,” said Hobbs. “It’s up to the president. He’s the nominee. There’s no indication that’s going to change.”

Hobbs indicated that she would still vote for Biden because the alternative, former President Donald Trump, was too poor a choice to consider.

“I have one vote in this election just like everyone else,” said Hobbs. “To me, the choice is abundantly clear: the guy who’s trying to uphold democracy, and the guy who’s trying to tear it down.”

Hobbs had an up close and personal opportunity to assess Biden last week. She and 20 other Democratic governors convened with the president in a private meeting, wherein Politico reported Biden advising that he’d been cleared in a medical checkup following the debate.

That private meeting reportedly focused on addressing governors’ concerns of Biden’s fitness for office, a sudden and unanticipated meeting arranged shortly after Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre avoided questions from the press about Biden’s last medical exam.

The governor refused to disclose additional details of the meeting.

The remarks signal a pivot from Hobbs’ initial response to Biden’s debate performance. In an interview with media last week, Hobbs had dismissed those concerns of his cognitive abilities by remarking that she wasn’t “a fan of debates” either, a reference to her refusing to debate with former GOP opponent Kari Lake during their 2022 gubernatorial race.

“As the president himself has said, don’t compare him to the Almighty, compare him to the alternative, and by that metric the choice is abundantly clear in this race,” said Hobbs.

Since taking office, Hobbs has dedicated a significant portion of her focus into securing a Democrat majority in both the Arizona House and Senate, raising millions for the effort. Some of those funds have come from Hobbs’ controversial inaugural fund. 

Democratic Congressman Raul Grijalva announced late last week that he wanted Biden to drop out of the race, though should the president choose to stay he would support.

AZ Free News is your #1 source for Arizona news and politics. You can send us news tips using this link.