Rep. Kolodin Helps Draft 8 Proposed Platform Planks With Republicans For National Renewal

Rep. Kolodin Helps Draft 8 Proposed Platform Planks With Republicans For National Renewal

By Matthew Holloway |

Rep. Alexander Kolodin (R-AZ03) and Republicans for National Renewal issued “America First Platform Planks” on July 5 and put forth a call for them for to be adopted by the Republican National Convention, which is scheduled to meet July 15-18, 2024 in Milwaukee, WI. In a post to X, Republicans for National Renewal challenged RNC Chairman Michael Watley and co-chair Lara Trump to support their proposal.

Rep. Kolodin reposted the statement writing that he, “was proud to help with the drafting of these America-First proposed planks for our party platform!” The RNR document shared via X outlines eight platform planks:

  • Restricting Mass Immigration
  • The First Amendment: Freedom of Expression; Defeating the Deep State and its Weaponization of the U.S. Government
  • Fighting Racism and Defending the Individual Rights of Americans
  • The U.S. Territories; Our Nation’s Capital
  • Voting Rights
  • Against Interventionism and Unconstitutional War in Ukraine
  • In Support of the “Defend the Guard” Act
  • Sound Money in the Digital Age

Under the heading “Restricting Mass Immigration,” the proposal explains that, “If a person comes into the country and/or stays in the country in violation of the country’s laws, that person, no matter what their motivations or personal circumstances are, has absolutely no business being in the country, nor does this country have any obligation to show these lawbreakers any leniency.”

The proposal posits that many illegal immigrants who by definition break the laws of our nation merely by being here “continue to break other laws while here. This has led to an explosion in crime, severely underreported by the media, that is felt in border towns and across the country,” and recommends a policy of eliminating welfare benefits to illegal immigrants, and an overall end to mass immigration in the form of a pause or reasonable reduction in immigration overall.

Regarding the Weaponization of Government, the RNR has suggested that the next of President of the United States, “ensure the survival of the First Amendment by prioritizing and aggressively dismantling the deep state and its pervasive weaponization of our government.” They add, “Cutting this weaponization off at the roots is not optional; it must be utterly thwarted, or else our society is not free, our citizens are not free, and our Constitution is just lofty words on paper.”

The proposal addressing racism and individual rights also offers a direct rebuke to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion narratives and Critical Race Theory saying, “Terrifyingly, the Democratic Party is waging war with the egalitarian ideals of the Civil Rights Movement. Pervasive and anachronistic critical race theory (CRT) dogma, diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) mandates in the workplace and in government, and the racialization of every facet of daily life have had the effect of undoing the progress achieved by the Civil Rights Movement.” The RNR specifically calls out the simultaneously much maligned and willfully ignored rising specter of “anti-white racism and hatred,” describing it’s insidious rise as, “something that would be considered beyond the pale if it were directed at literally any other community in this country, is becoming increasingly commonplace in every institution.”

In addition, the platform rejects the non-Constitutional notion of statehood for Washington, D.C., and the admission of U.S. territories such as Guam, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, American Samoa, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and Puerto Rico to the union as states. It further recommends aggressive voting security measures, the abolition of mail-in-voting and Ranked-choice voting, and the use of electronic voting machines as well as a requirement of photo ID and proof of citizenship for all voters.

Finally, the recommendations breaks from many establishment voices in Washington, D.C. by arguing strongly against interventionism and American participation in the Russo-Ukrainian War. It also calls upon President Trump to enact his avowed support for market-driven crypto-currency and rejects central bank digital currencies or CDBCs.

Matthew Holloway is a reporter for AZ Free News. Follow him on X for his latest stories, or email tips to

Hoffman Challenges Mayes’ “Politically Driven Prosecution” Against Republicans

Hoffman Challenges Mayes’ “Politically Driven Prosecution” Against Republicans

By Matthew Holloway |

Arizona Senator Jake Hoffman (R-LD15) has raised a potent legal challenge to the politically driven prosecution that he and 17 other prominent Republican alternate electors have faced at the hands of Arizona Attorney General Kris Mayes whom he referred to as “zealously partisan.” Hoffman released a scorching statement to accompany a legal motion to dismiss the case on July 2, along with his official mugshot taken after his indictment “in response to Kris Mayes political persecution campaign against the 2020 Republican electors.”

Hoffman wrote,

“In war, only leaders are targeted for assassination.

This is a political war.

You can persecute us.

You can attack us.

But you will never silence us.

Truth will always prevail.


Before an investigation had even been conducted and with no evidence, Kris Mayes declared that she believed electors such as myself were guilty of a crime, that it was her job to get Biden re-elected, and that she would control the timing of the indictment.

Let me be unequivocal, I am innocent of any crime, I will vigorously defend myself, and I look forward to the day when I am vindicated of this naked political persecution by the judicial process.”

Hoffman’s attorney Tim La Sota filed the motion citing Arizona state law that allows for rapid dismissal of cases under special circumstances to protect citizens from legal action for exercising a constitutional right known as “SLAPP” or “strategic lawsuit against public participation,” according to the Arizona Republic.

La Sota called the charges against Hoffman “politics by other means,” describing it as, “an effort by an overtly partisan elected attorney general to shame and punish her political opponents and critics for exercising their constitutional rights.”

In the motion, La Sota added, “The attorney general’s novel, overzealous, and retaliatory prosecution is also tied to Sen. Hoffman’s Republican colleagues’ efforts to conduct oversight of her office.”

Hoffman’s attorney pointed to multiple examples of extra-judicial speech from Mayes and her Chief Deputy Dan Barr for prejudicial statements posted to social media, such as a July 2022 post in which Mayes wrote she “would have immediately investigated the fake electors” stating they “videotaped their crime for all to see.” He also pointed to an August 2022 post from Barr who wrote, the alternate GOP electors were “criminals” claiming they “should be prosecuted as such,” according to AZCentral.

La Sota wrote in the motion, “Attorney General Mayes’ and Chief Deputy Attorney General Barr’s extrajudicial statements demonstrate a strong animus against those who questioned the 2020 election and particularly the alternate electors, including Senator Hoffman, and a desire to prosecute them before any investigation had taken place.”

In an email to the outlet Tuesday, he explained that Mayes’ and her surrogates had effectively branded his client and his co-defendants as criminals before any investigation into their actions began. “It was more than a mere pledge to investigate whether or not they committed a crime, which would have been ethical.”

Executive Director of Save Arizona and Chairwoman of Strong Communities Action Merissa Hamilton reposted Hoffman’s post to X supportively writing, “Future generations will look back on this dark time in our nation’s history and remember those that stood in the gap to save our freedom! Please keep @JakeHoffmanAZ and his family in your prayers! They have backbones of steel! Every day wake up and ask yourself what you can do to save Arizona today! Then go forth like your freedom and life depends on it!”

Matthew Holloway is a reporter for AZ Free News. Follow him on X for his latest stories, or email tips to

July 4th Cookout Prices At Record High

July 4th Cookout Prices At Record High

By Matthew Holloway |

A report released by the American Farm Bureau Federation has revealed that for the third year in a row, the national average consumer cost for putting on a typical Fourth of July cookout has increased. This year the average given for a conservative celebration feeding 10 is approximately $71.22. The increase of about 5% from 2023 would seem minor if it were not merely the latest increment of the 30% jump from 2019 prices enjoyed during the Trump administration.

The report contradicts a White House release from June 20 that claimed, “grocery inflation is, in fact, way down.” In a survey conducted by the Farm Bureau, volunteers across the country registered a record high result since the survey began in 2013. The volunteers priced out the constituent components of cheeseburgers, chicken breasts, pork chops, homemade potato salad, strawberries, and ice cream, with other common accompaniments.

AFBF Chief Economist Roger Cryan laid it out in a statement,

“Higher prices at the grocery store reflect a number of challenges facing America’s families. Lower availability of some cookout staples and inflation are hitting people in their wallets. Farmers are also feeling the effects of high prices. They’re price takers, not price makers. Their share of the retail food dollar is just 15%, but they still pay elevated fuel, fertilizer and other supply prices.”

The Bureau reported the price increases broken down by individual purchases:

  • 2 pounds of ground beef, $12.77 (+11%)
  • 2 pounds of chicken breasts, $7.83 (-4%)
  • 3 pounds of pork chops, $15.49 (+8%)
  • 1 pound of cheese, $3.57 (+1%)
  • 1 package of hamburger buns, $2.41 (+7%)
  • 2 ½ pounds of homemade potato salad, $3.32 (-4%)
  • 32 ounces of pork and beans, $2.49 (+2%)
  • 16 ounces of potato chips, $4.90 (+8%)
  • 13-ounce package of chocolate chip cookies, $3.99 (+2%)
  • ½ gallon of ice cream, $5.65 (+7%)
  • 2 pints of strawberries, $4.61 (+1%)
  • 2 ½ quarts of lemonade, $4.19 (+12%)

While a record high, the report detailed that costs have not exceeded the all-time high in 2022 crediting the adaptability of the American farmer. AFBF wrote, “Our volunteer shoppers had their most expensive Fourth of July grocery bill in the history of the survey this year. However, when adjusted for the high inflation rates plaguing the United States in recent years, the real value of their Independence Day party has not surpassed the previous record set in 2022. Though faced with disease outbreaks, inventory shortages and operating challenges, farmers and ranchers have adapted to increased demand across the world for U.S. products, providing safe, affordable food for your Independence Day celebration and every other day, showcasing the resilience of the American food system.”

In an interview with Yahoo Finance’s Jennifer Schonberger, U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen made the Biden administration’s case as to why food prices have not noticeably declined despite alleged improvements in the economy. She essentially blamed increased labor costs and grocery store profit margins claiming, “I think largely reflects cost increases including labor cost increases that um firms, um grocery firms have experienced, although there may be some increases in margins.”

On June 20, the Biden White House put out a report based on the most recent Consumer Price Index data alleging that not only “some grocery prices have fallen,” but that “wage growth has been strong, grocery purchasing power is up.”

A survey from Intuit Credit Karma reported by CNBC on June 17 seemed to align with the Farm Bureau’s assessment with 80% of Americans polled stating a noticeable increase in the cost of groceries with many having to skip necessities like rent or mortgage bills to afford food. They wrote, “That includes 28% who sacrificed other needs like rent or bills to pay for groceries, and 27% who occasionally skipped meals. Additionally, 18% have either applied for or considered applying for food stamps, while 15% rely on or have considered turning to food banks.”

Startlingly though, 53% of those asked told pollsters that they “earn too much to qualify” for food stamps or any other government assistance and despite their earnings are still struggling to make ends meet.

In a statement, AFBF President Zippy Duvall said, “As we celebrate this nation’s independence, we also celebrate America’s food independence. And while all families in America are paying more for food than before, we still have one of the most affordable food supplies in the world. In the United States, we are blessed with the tools to grow the food, fiber and renewable fuel to meet the needs of every family across the country.”

Duvall stressed the importance of Congress passing legislation to better support agriculture to ensure the nation remains dominant in the field. “The success of America’s farmers is due in part to partnerships in research, conservation and farm safety net programs that are made possible through a strong farm bill. It’s crucial that as we celebrate the holiday we also urge members of Congress to return to Washington and pass a new, modernized five-year farm bill. We cannot afford more delays and short-term extensions. Farmers, and every family in America, are relying on them to get the job done to ensure America continues to lead the world in agriculture.”

Matthew Holloway is a reporter for AZ Free News. Follow him on X for his latest stories, or email tips to

Engel Silent On Biden’s Debate Debacle As She Slips In Polls

Engel Silent On Biden’s Debate Debacle As She Slips In Polls

By Matthew Holloway |

In the political fallout that has followed President Joe Biden’s abysmal showing at CNN’s first 2024 Presidential debate, the National Republican Congressional Committee has called upon Kirsten Engel, the Democrat challenger to Congressman Juan Ciscomani (R-AZ06), to answer for Biden’s perceived “senility.”

At a recent Biden campaign rally, Engel was recorded saying, “I’m be so happy to be part of the Biden-Harris coordinated team,” and leading the supporters in attendance along with Congressman Ruben Gallego (D-AZ4) in chants of “Four more years!”

In a press release Friday, NRCC Spokesman Ben Petersen said, “Extreme liberal Kirsten Engel stands with brain-addled Biden, not Southern Arizonans. Engel chooses her lock-step loyalty to Biden over the truth, leaving our border open, inflation raging and our nation in peril.”

The last messaging from Engel’s X account urges supporters to support a pro-abortion ballot initiative, and makes no mention of the octogenarian incumbent currently occupying the top of a highly vulnerable Democrat ticket.

The emphasis on the pro-abortion campaign is also curious for Engel. On June 17, the New York Post reported that abortion is “not a factor” in the District 6 race, noting that an internal Public Opinion Strategies poll obtained by the Post put Ciscomani, a Mexican-American at a comfortable 11 point lead with 50% over Engel, who sits at non-threatening 39%.

Daniel Scarpinato, Ciscomani for Congress’ general consultant, told the outlet, “Juan’s message of the American Dream is resonating among all Arizonans, Republican, Democrat and independent.”

“We are encouraged by these incredibly strong numbers early in the race, but we also know national Democrats will stop at nothing to prop up Engel and her extreme positions on immigration and the economy.”

Following the debacle surrounding Arizona’s 19th century abortion ban, which was settled in the Supreme Court in April, Sabato’s Crystal Ball ranked District 6 as a “toss-up,” however the latest polls seem to belie that.

Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee spokeswoman Lauryn Fanguen suggested at the time that “Juan Ciscomani has an extremely unpopular anti-abortion record and has been actively working against the best interest of Arizonans in Congress.” She added, “When voters hear about his votes to take away their reproductive rights and willingness to play partisan politics with the border, they will reject him and his far-right agenda.”

The Post observed that abortion was not at the top of voters concerns based on the internal poll with inflation taking top rank at 25% and immigration and border security taking second billing at 19%. Just 9% gave abortion as the top issue.

Matthew Holloway is a reporter for AZ Free News. Follow him on X for his latest stories, or email tips to

Border Crisis Claims Three More Victims Northwest Of Ajo

Border Crisis Claims Three More Victims Northwest Of Ajo

By Matthew Holloway |

The compromised southern border of Arizona claimed another three lives on Wednesday according to the latest report from Customs and Border Patrol. Three illegal immigrants identified as Mexican nationals were found dead with surviving members of their group when an emergency rescue beacon was triggered near Sheep Peak, a bare desert mountain rising from the scorching Sonoran Desert floor on The Barry M. Goldwater Air Force Range northwest of Ajo.

The surviving illegal immigrants informed ICE that four of their cohort were left behind, one was rescued, three perished in the heat.

According to the Border Patrol press release, “After agents were advised by surviving migrants of four others who had been left behind, and exhaustive air and ground search involving Ajo Station agents and air assets from the Yuma Air Branch was initiated. A second activation of the same Rescue Beacon led agents to a member of the missing migrants, they had been searching for.

The aircrew was able to locate the body of a Mexican male. Shortly after noon, agents located the bodies of the second and third migrant.”

The release noted that the Mexican consulate was notified and the bodies were taken to the Pima County Medical Examiner’s Office for autopsy.

Fox59 reported that the deceased were two men, aged 44 and 18, and a 17-year-old girl. On Wednesday the high temperature in nearby Ajo, AZ was 102 degrees. In the remote areas of the desert west of Ajo, temperatures could well reach above 110 degrees and even up to 120 according to NOAA forecasting.

Tucson Sector Deputy Chief Patrol Agent Justin De La Torre said in a statement, “CBP’s message for anyone who is thinking of soliciting the services of smuggling organizations to enter the United States illegally along the Southern border is simple: don’t do it. As is evidenced by this case, when migrants cross the border illegally, they put their lives in peril. The terrain along the border is extreme, the relentless summer heat is severe, and remote areas where smugglers bring migrants is unforgiving. Far too many people who made the decision to place their lives into the hands of the criminal organizations have died of dehydration, and heat stroke.”

As reported by the Associated Press, Pima County authorities have already recorded eight heat-related deaths this year in the border county encompassing the Tucson Metro area and vast stretches of rural and desert land.

Data from shows that since 2018 the number of Rescue incidents in the Tucson Sector jumped from 574  in 2018 to 2,300 in 2022, an increase of just over 400%, the vast majority of which are heat-related. Data from 2023-24 is yet to be published.

Matthew Holloway is a reporter for AZ Free News. Follow him on X for his latest stories, or email tips to