Sen. Carroll Pushes ‘Secure Border Act’ After Arrest Of 8 ISIS Affiliates Who Crossed Border Illegally

Sen. Carroll Pushes ‘Secure Border Act’ After Arrest Of 8 ISIS Affiliates Who Crossed Border Illegally

By Daniel Stefanski |

A Republican member of the Arizona Legislature is sounding the alarm after the release of a shocking revelation tied to the southern border.

Earlier this month, national media reported that eight suspected terrorists were arrested in major U.S. cities. The aliens, who were Tajikistan nationals, were apprehended in New York City, Los Angeles, and Philadelphia by ICE and the FBI’s Joint Terrorism Task Force.

Bill Melugin, a Fox News journalist, shared that he was “told all 8 crossed the southern border illegally, received ‘full vetting’, and had no initial derogatory information that flagged.” He noted that “derogatory info/potential national security concerns flagged later on – apparently after release into the U.S.”

Arizona State Senator Frank Carroll reacted to the stunning news, writing, “A recent Fox News report revealed eight Tajikistan nationals with ties to ISIS were caught by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) in conjunction with the FBI’s Joint Terrorism Task Force in three major cities across America. These terrorists crossed the border illegally and were processed then released into our country without being flagged. Luckily, we were able to catch them later on, but eventually, our luck WILL run out! Clearly, our vetting process is not very efficient, and that’s for the people who we actually processed! This doesn’t include the millions of gotaways who’ve entered our country illegally and were never caught. How many more terrorists will we allow in before we wake up to the reality of what’s really going on?

Carroll added, “Thankfully, Republicans get it. That’s why we’re sending the Secure the Border Act to the November ballot. It will help prevent these violent terrorists and criminals from entering our country. The threat to our safety as Arizonans and Americans is at an all-time high!”

The FBI and DHS issued a joint statement to Fox News about the news, stating, “Over the last few days, ICE agents arrested several non-citizens pursuant to immigration authorities. The actions were carried out in close coordination with the FBI’s Joint Terrorism Task Forces. The individuals arrested are detained in ICE custody pending removal proceedings. As the FBI and DHS have recently described in public and partner bulletins, the U.S. has been in a heightened threat environment. The FBI and DHS will continue working around the clock with our partners to identify, investigate, and disrupt potential threats to national security.”

Melugin later called attention to an earlier interview with an illegal alien from Turkey, who told the media how American citizens should be “worried” about the state of their border security and the individuals who are making their way into the homeland from all parts of the world.

Daniel Stefanski is a reporter for AZ Free News. You can send him news tips using this link.

Sen. Carroll’s Bill Protecting Arizona From China Aggression Wins Bipartisan Support

Sen. Carroll’s Bill Protecting Arizona From China Aggression Wins Bipartisan Support

By Daniel Stefanksi |

A bill to help prepare the State of Arizona for international conflict and chaos may be close to the Governor’s Office for her decision.

In the recent Arizona Senate Republicans’ newsletter, Senator Frank Carroll discussed his bill, SB 1638, which would “require the Department of Emergency and Military Affairs (DEMA), to the extent possible, to: 1) identify any threats posed to Arizona in the event of a Pacific conflict; 2) complete a comprehensive risk assessment, including all vulnerabilities and recommendations for emergency response strategies for outlined areas; and 3) provide mitigation strategies and suggestions to limit or eliminate the risk posed to critical infrastructure and other assets as well as the safety and security of Arizona or the United States” – according to the purpose statement from the state Senate.

Carroll said, “A bipartisan bill to help ensure our state is prepared in the event of a future conflict overseas is making its way through the Legislature. I sponsored SB 1638 to require the Department of Emergency and Military Affairs (DEMA) to identify any threats posed to the state of Arizona in the event of a Pacific conflict. This bill will also require DEMA to provide a comprehensive risk assessment that includes vulnerabilities and recommendations for emergency response strategies in areas like critical infrastructure, state cybersecurity, public health, and safety and security.”

The west valley Republican lawmaker added, “China is strategically pursuing control over the Pacific, which includes our allies like Taiwan, in order to better position themselves to take down the United States. Their actions are a direct threat to our safety and freedoms as Americans, and we need to ensure we are informed and prepared to protect our state’s citizens. SB 1638 will head back to the Senate for a final vote before heading to the Governor for signature.”

After the bill was changed in the Arizona House of Representatives with a strike everything amendment, it overwhelmingly passed with a bipartisan majority – 45-15 on June 4. The Arizona Senate will have to concur with the new version of the bill before sending the legislation to the Governor’s Office.

Before the House resurrected this policy in SB 1638, Carroll’s proposal previously resided in SB 1338, which was defeated by the state Senate in March with a 12-16 result. Carroll pointed to an article in April as proof that the state needed to enact his bill, which had been transferred to SB 1638 at that point.

Daniel Stefanski is a reporter for AZ Free News. You can send him news tips using this link.

Republican Legislators Stand For Second Amendment At U.S. Supreme Court

Republican Legislators Stand For Second Amendment At U.S. Supreme Court

By Daniel Stefanski |

Arizona Republican legislators continue to stand up in defense of the rule of law in the absence of the Democrat attorney general.

Late last month, the Arizona Legislature, led by Senate President Warren Petersen and House Speaker Ben Toma, signed onto a petition to the U.S. Supreme Court in Smith & Wesson Brand, Inc. v. Mexico. The Second Amendment-related petition was led by the State of Montana and joined by a number of other states from around the country.

In a statement for the Arizona Senate Republicans weekly newsletter, Senator Frank Carroll addressed the latest action in federal court for state legislators, writing, “In a federal lawsuit, Mexico is trying to blame American gun manufacturers for cartel violence, instead of their own government’s negligent policies. California and other blue states, along with anti-gun activists, are working to support Mexico’s efforts in an attempt to put gun manufacturers out of business. We recently joined 26 states to urge the U.S. Supreme Court to weigh in on this case.

Carroll added, “A foreign nation has no business using our court system to try to limit the rights of our citizens, yet that’s exactly what’s occurring with this $10 billion lawsuit. The bipartisan Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act (PLCAA) prohibits civil liability actions from being brought against manufacturers for damages resulting from the misuse of their products. It was enacted nearly a decade ago for a reason. The fact that this case was revived after being previously dismissed is a threat to our Second Amendment rights, and has the potential to set a dangerous precedent moving forward, which is why we’re fighting for the highest court to weigh in.”

The coalition of states argue in the brief that the “PLCAA is part of a carefully calibrated regulatory scheme in which Congress – not just the judiciary – regulates the firearms industry, [that] the Court should grant the petition to enforce PLCAA and definitely address the scope of its exceptions, [and that] Mexico’s sovereign power undercuts any claim of proximate causation.”

This action from the Petersen and Toma-led Arizona Legislature is one of a growing number of instances where the Republican lawmakers have led their own challenges or joined other attorneys general in legal filings in federal court. Both the Arizona Senate and House have prioritized these actions over the past year with Democrats in the Governor’s and Attorney General’s Offices.

Daniel Stefanski is a reporter for AZ Free News. You can send him news tips using this link.

Bill Protecting Polticial Candidates From Deepfakes Headed To Governor’s Desk

Bill Protecting Polticial Candidates From Deepfakes Headed To Governor’s Desk

By Daniel Stefanski |

The Arizona Legislature has sent a bill to the governor that would strengthen protections for political candidates.

Last week, the Arizona Senate approved SB 1359, which would “require a person who distributes a deceptive and fraudulent deepfake of a candidate within 90 days before an election to include a clear and conspicuous disclosure that the media includes content generated by artificial intelligence (AI) and subjects a person that fails to disclose a deepfake as outlined to a civil penalty” – according to the purpose statement from the state Senate.

Senator Frank Carroll, the sponsor of the bill, noted in the Arizona Senate Republicans weekly newsletter that his proposal received “near unanimous support.”

In February, Carroll’s legislation had passed out of the Arizona Senate with an overwhelmingly bipartisan result of 24-4 (with two members not voting). After it was transmitted to the Arizona House of Representatives, it was amended and received a 56-0 tally earlier this month (with four members not voting). The Senate then concurred with the changes from the other chamber with a 25-1 vote (with four members not voting).

Senators Bolick, Gowan, Petersen, and Shamp joined as co-sponsors of the legislation.

On the Arizona Legislature’s Request to Speak system, representatives from the Arizona Secretary of State’s Office, Arizona National Organization for Women, and State Conference NAACP signed in to support the bill. A representative from the American Civil Liberties Union of Arizona indicated opposition to the legislation.

Daniel Stefanski is a reporter for AZ Free News. You can send him news tips using this link.

‘Freedom to Move’ Bill To Ban Taxes On Vehicle Miles Traveled Stalls In Senate

‘Freedom to Move’ Bill To Ban Taxes On Vehicle Miles Traveled Stalls In Senate

By Corinne Murdock |

The “Freedom to Move” bill, a ballot referral that would create a constitutional ban on taxes or fees for Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) and limitations on travel miles, SCR1002/HCR2018, failed to pass in the Senate on Wednesday. 

The resolution failed as Republican State Sen. Ken Bennett (R-LD01) joined Democrats in voting against it.

VMTs levy fees based on miles driven, generally for passenger vehicles only. Oregon implemented a VMT in 2015, and Utah implemented a VMT in 2020. The federal government has encouraged VMT pilots and enhancements through its Surface Transportation System Funding Alternatives (STSFA) grant program. Arizona is a member state of the STSFA Road Usage Charge (RUC) America Pilot, as are 12 other states.

Bennett expressed frustration that he was unable to have “reasonable changes” made to this or any other resolution like it. 

The senator said that while he agreed with the desire to prevent limitations to free movement, he had concerns that the bill didn’t provide sufficient exceptions for governmental entities to monitor their vehicles for maintenance and employee reimbursement purposes. 

Bennett further noted that businesses brought concerns to him that they would be prevented from complying with or taking advantage of the state implementation plan through Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT), Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ), and federal statutes.

“We do not want Arizona ever to be going down the road of what’s happening in other jurisdictions where they’re using VMT taxes or fees to limit people’s ability to move freely wherever they want to go,” said Bennett.

Bennett also claimed the bill wouldn’t appropriately apply to alternative fuel vehicles, such as electric vehicles. He suggested the legislature first come up with an energy equivalency calculation to bring alternative fuel vehicles into the process of paying for the roads.

“The growing number of electric vehicles is outside the HURF [Highway User Revenue Fund] revenue in this state, and we have to address that,” said Bennett.

Sen. Jake Hoffman (R-LD15) dismissed Bennett’s concerns as “patently false” and alleged that his counterpart knew that to be the case. 

Hoffman countered that the bill does allow for governmental entities to enact VMT monitoring or limitations, just not mandates for businesses, and that the bill wouldn’t preclude businesses from voluntarily engaging with VMT rules or policies. The latter was a provision added under an amendment at the request of Intel Corporation, according to Hoffman. 

Hoffman said that the federal government and entities bent on advancing environmental interests and policies were behind a feverish push for VMT.

“It’s called choice architecture, it’s a theory of the left. In choice architecture, you artificially alter the inputs with which people make decisions, so that the architecture surrounding those decisions changes,” said Hoffman. “You raise the price of gas to an unreasonable level, well, what’s the resulting behavior? They don’t drive as much.”

Correction: A previous version of this story incorrectly stated that Republican State Sen. Frank Carroll (R-LD28) voted against SCR1002/HCR2018. Sen. Carroll voted in favor of the resolution.

Corinne Murdock is a reporter for AZ Free News. Follow her latest on Twitter, or email tips to