Arizona Voters Deserve The Opportunity To Stop The Orwellian Vehicle Miles Tax

Arizona Voters Deserve The Opportunity To Stop The Orwellian Vehicle Miles Tax

By the Arizona Free Enterprise Club |

The Biden administration and his liberal allies have been moving at warp speed to impose their radical agenda on the American people. From banning gas cars and gas stoves to adopting race-based DEI programs in our schools, proposals that would have seemed preposterous just 5 years ago have now become mainstream positions within the Democrat party.

Nothing appears to be off limits, and that even includes our ability to travel in our automobiles without having the government monitor, limit, and tax our vehicle miles traveled (VMT).

All throughout the country, there are efforts by government bureaucrats and climate change zealots to adopt these authoritarian VMT tax schemes. They are all motivated to eliminate carbon emissions and create a new revenue stream for expensive and rarely used transit projects.

For instance, tucked in the Inflation Reduction Act passed by the Biden administration was a pilot program for a VMT tax that would monitor your miles traveled in your vehicle while charging you a fee for any miles you do travel. And if you’re driving a gas-powered car, buckle up because now you’ll get to pay two taxes…


We Are Witnessing A Return To Energy Realism

We Are Witnessing A Return To Energy Realism

By David Blackmon |

A new survey conducted by Bain & Co. finds a rising percentage of energy executives willing to recognize the reality that the world will fail to achieve the “net zero by 2050” drop-dead goal pushed by the globalist community.

Bain & Co. surveyed more than 600 executives in oil and gas, utilities, chemicals, mining, and agribusiness during last November’s COP28 conference in Dubai and over the weeks following that event.

2050, of course, is the alarm-driven drop-dead date given to us by the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) as the year we must achieve global net zero carbon emissions to prevent disastrous levels of global warming. But everyone knows that such alarmist projections have always been quite malleable and tend to shift to later dates in time once it becomes clear that the predicted disasters by certain dates aren’t actually coming about. You know, like all those alarms about the end of snow, the melting of the polar ice caps, Greenland’s ice shelf sliding off into the ocean, and Manhattan being inundated by rising sea levels. Al Gore kind of stuff.

Similarly, Bain & Co. finds that a rising percentage of energy executives now expect the ballyhooed “net zero” date to be pushed well past 2050, with fully 62% now anticipating it won’t be reached before 2060 or even later. That number is up from just 54% expressing the same opinion a year ago, and we can be sure it will keep rising in every subsequent year as the impossibility of reaching that 2050 goal becomes increasingly obvious to even the truest of true believers.

Here is how Bain puts it in its press release: “Clearly, the longer that executives on the front lines of the energy transition grapple with the challenges of putting decarbonization plans into action, the more sober they’re getting about the transition’s practical realities.”

Yes, pesky practical realities do have a way of intruding on the fantasy thinking that underlies so much of the energy transition’s prevailing narratives. In its next paragraph, Bain cites factors like rising interest rates and growing concerns about lack of “policy stability” in the US and other western democracies, i.e., democratic elections, as factors causing more and more of these executives to become skeptical about achieving the alarmist goals.

But weren’t those and other factors completely foreseeable to anyone who understands how the world really works? Of course, they were, but we must recognize that the key decisions related to this heavily subsidized transition are not being made by such people, but by politicians and bureaucrats. And therein lies the real trouble. Politicians look at impractical “solutions” like wind, solar, and electric vehicles and see shiny objects that they might be able to leverage with voters. Whether or not the solutions have any practical value is a secondary thought if they consider it at all.

We see this survey’s findings now reflected in remarks by industry executives at this week’s CERAWeek conference in Houston. CEOs from companies like Saudi Aramco, ExxonMobil, Shell, and others stated their views that the world will require more and more oil, natural gas, and coal for decades to come, and discussed their plans to rededicate more of their capital budgets to their core businesses and less to pleasing ESG investors by throwing away money at unprofitable green ventures.

Reality is setting in, slowly but surely. When Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm tells an interviewer from E&E News that the Biden administration is trying to bring about “a managed transition,” as she did this week, more and more smart people in the energy space are coming to realize the threat that really represents.

Speaking to the CERAWeek audience Monday, Granholm claimed strong public support for the Biden Green New Deal agenda, saying, “Consumers are calling for change. Communities are calling for change. Investors are calling for change.” Again, Bain finds a rising percentage of executives actually in the business increasingly skeptical any of that is accurate.

What we are seeing here is a return to energy realism in the business community. That’s good news for everyone, whether the Biden administration and its alarmist supporters approve of it or not.

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Originally published by the Daily Caller News Foundation.

David Blackmon is a contributor to The Daily Caller News Foundation, an energy writer, and consultant based in Texas. He spent 40 years in the oil and gas business, where he specialized in public policy and communications.

What To Make Of The Confusing And (Mostly) Incorrect Federal Court Ruling On Arizona’s Proof Of Citizenship Election Law

What To Make Of The Confusing And (Mostly) Incorrect Federal Court Ruling On Arizona’s Proof Of Citizenship Election Law

By the Arizona Free Enterprise Club |

It is no secret that an overwhelming number of Americans believe that only U.S. citizens should be allowed to vote in our elections. It arguably is and ought to be the first and primary qualification to vote. But what good is that requirement if it isn’t verified? In other words, without proof of citizenship, we are relying on a simple stroke of a pen or pencil on a registration form, checking a small box attesting to citizenship.

That’s why in 2004 Arizona voters approved a measure to require proof of citizenship before registering to vote. But, in the 20 years since, that requirement has been whittled away and now there are tens of thousands of people voting in Arizona elections (often referred to as “Federal only” voters) without ever having provided evidence of their citizenship.

In response to this explosion of ‘Federal Only’ voters, the Arizona legislature passed two landmark bills, HB2492 and HB2243, to require proof of citizenship and regular, enhanced voter roll maintenance to ensure only eligible individuals are registering and voting in our elections.

What happened next shouldn’t surprise anyone that has watched the left fight every reasonable voter integrity measure around the country. As soon as both bills were signed into law, a dozen liberal organizations and the Biden Justice Department sued in federal court, claiming that the measures were unconstitutional, illegal, and (of course) racist.

The case was given to Bill Clinton appointed judge Susan Bolton, and after a year of litigation, she issued a confusing, disjointed two-part ruling that is destined for appeal. And while a few positives can be gleaned from the decision, the bad and ugly from the liberal opinion far outweighed the good…


The Biden Administration Undermines A Beleaguered Ally

The Biden Administration Undermines A Beleaguered Ally

By Dr. Thomas Patterson |

During World War II, the civilians of the Axis nations suffered greatly. Their daily lives were disrupted by bombing. Severe food shortages were common. Families were separated. An estimated 2 million civilians died in Japan alone.

Yet the Allied powers would have thought it preposterous to provide humanitarian aid. These countries had attacked us and were committed to achieving world domination. Our only hope to save civilization was to force their surrender. Instead of sending relief packages, we dropped atomic bombs on them.

You know how it worked out. America and the Allies prevailed and proved to be unusually benevolent victors. Germany, Italy, and Japan eventually became functioning, prosperous nations.

During the war, the Allies, like combatants throughout history, realized it was lunacy to work against your own war aims by subsidizing your enemy. Yet that is precisely what America is forcing on Israel in the Gaza War with our persistent calls for ceasefires, which give the beleaguered Hamas forces the opportunity to regroup and resupply.

Anthony Blinken alone has made at least three trips pressuring Israel to give their enemy a fighting chance by providing humanitarian aid. President Netanyahu is widely criticized for not going along.

The American far left, which exerts an outsized influence on foreign policy in Democratic circles, holds large rallies calling for a complete ceasefire. For them, Israel’s only way to avoid international censure is to admit defeat and accept subjugation to their savage foe, an unthinkable option.

Netanyahu’s response to the unprovoked, horrific massacre orchestrated by Hamas on October 6 was transparent. Decades of seeking accommodation with them through negotiations had come to naught. Hamas, among the Islamist terrorist groups sponsored by Iran, has fighters who since birth have been taught to hate all Jews.

The only strategic goal of any interest to Hamas is the complete annihilation of the Jewish state. They put Israel into a position where it had to permanently destroy Hamas to have any hope for a safe, peaceful future.

America seemed to initially understand the Israeli position. Israel is a small, mostly Jewish state of 10 million residents surrounded by 24 hostile countries with 500 million Muslims, most of whom ascribe to an ideology that demands eradicating Judaism. Every day, Israeli Jews must defend their right to exist.

America’s initial support of Israel’s response to a massive act of war melted under pressure from the pro-Muslim left to end the collateral damage of civilian death and suffering. The Israeli military is considered one of the most careful anywhere, sometimes amending battle plans to avoid civilian casualties.

Hamas, on the other hand, uses civilians as human shields, often housing them in the same building as military targets. Hamas celebrates their deaths as public relations coups.

Wartime hostages are always a difficult issue. Few loved ones anywhere would act differently than those piteously begging now for the return of their family members.

Yet the cruel calculus of war is that ransoming hostages, especially in lopsided transactions, inevitably means more will be taken in the future. Only a policy of remorselessly attacking hostage takers can prevent future potential kidnappings.

At this point, it is clear that the Biden administration, once Israel’s ally, is now siding with Hamas. Biden publicly criticizes Netanyahu for not agreeing to an immediate ceasefire. He is planning to build a large port into Gaza to accommodate bounteous food shipments.

We seem not to know or care that this is handing victory to Israel’s enemy. If Hamas can escape consequences for the October 6 debacle and live to fight another day, their greatest dreams will be achieved.

America has not only been an inconstant friend to Israel, we did much to enable this Gaza war in the first place. Obama and Biden rescued Iran when it faced a serious domestic uprising. They also provided the subsidies for Iran to fund its proxies, which are now enthusiastically killing Americans. The dynamic duo has virtually assured that Iran will soon be nuclear armed.

At a time when the world order is changing and new alliances are being formed, America does itself great harm by proving such a weak and indecisive ally. Make no mistake, the world is watching.

Dr. Thomas Patterson, former Chairman of the Goldwater Institute, is a retired emergency physician. He served as an Arizona State senator for 10 years in the 1990s, and as Majority Leader from 93-96. He is the author of Arizona’s original charter schools bill.

Beyond Politics: Arizona’s March For Life Challenges Mainstream Narrative

Beyond Politics: Arizona’s March For Life Challenges Mainstream Narrative

By Garrett Riley |

An enthusiastic, large crowd exclaimed in unison, “Everyone deserves a birthday!” The takeaway for anyone truly listening to all the speeches and observing the diversity of people and many organizations participating in the Arizona March for Life is that abortion is not merely a political issue. Every abortion decision involves layers of complicated, emotional, and often unexpectedly difficult circumstances. Every abortion choice is deeply personal, not political, and ultimately prevents the celebration of a birthday as it ends the life of an innocent human being.

Labeling those who stand for life as “anti-abortion groups” is a tiring old tactic used by activists and allies of Planned Parenthood (the mainstream media) to cast a biased label on a multifaceted pro-life movement. This narrative fails to capture the essence of what we represent and stand for. What the mainstream media doesn’t show or tell you about us is proof that it is not objective and is nearly universally supportive of on-demand abortion.

The gap between the portrayal of the pro-life movement and its true intentions was evident following the Arizona March for Life, held near the state capitol last Friday in Phoenix. More than 3,000 citizens gathered to express a collective commitment to “Walk With Every Woman, For Every Child,” aiming to shift the conversation toward making abortion unthinkable and highlighting support for women facing unplanned pregnancies.

With a radical abortion rights initiative underway in our state, this topic necessarily received the right proportion of the rally’s content and agenda. This was especially important given the stark reality that the broad language in the proposed constitutional amendment could eventually lead to the elimination of Arizona’s common-sense abortion restrictions and regulations, effectively allowing for legalized abortions through all nine months.

As the election cycle unfolds in 2024, heavy press coverage on this subject matter is understandable.

Unfortunately, most of the media limited their coverage to this aspect of the event, organized locally by the Arizona Life Coalition. This narrow lens, which seems intentional, failed to show the wide range of engagement from nonpolitical people and organizations. People from all regions of the state, from every walk of life, showed up to advocate for life. More than 30 exhibitors were present, including abortion healing groups, churches, schools, pregnancy help centers, medical, adoption, and foster care organizations.

General media bias through exclusion was evident, with virtually no mention of the other powerful speakers, including former nurse Kim Owens, whose beliefs were transformed by the profound realization of the humanity of an unborn child during an abortion procedure. Her testimony, along with that of Life Choices Women’s Clinic director, Sheila Riely, and her client, holding her beautiful baby in her arms, told the story of how she changed her mind and gave birth instead of aborting. Finally, Pastor Mike Goodwin from Emanuel Baptist Church in Tucson, encouraged compassion and forgiveness as perhaps the better way to change more hearts and minds about abortion, underscoring the rally’s deeper spiritual and moral dimensions.

We rallied and marched for life last Friday to confront the lies of abortion with truth. It’s a lie that elective abortion is women’s healthcare. It’s deceptive to define abortion as a medical procedure that terminates a pregnancy.

The truth is, “terminating a pregnancy” is just a euphemism for the reality that abortion intentionally destroys the innocent life of a helpless unborn baby.

The truth is abortion is the most blatant human rights violation in the history of mankind. In the last year, there were 11,530 abortions in Arizona as reported by the Arizona Department of Health Services. That’s an average of 221 innocent and defenseless babies killed by abortion every week in Arizona.

This deeply saddens me, but it was encouraging to see children, young adults, and seniors rally. I met one passionate woman who is 91 years old. What’s more, giving me great hope was the huge turnout of homeschool kids, local high schoolers, and groups from Grand Canyon University and Arizona Christian University, all marching for life. There were even students who wrote essays, created posters, and made pro-life videos for a contest sponsored by the Arizona Life Coalition. All these committed young pro-lifers make up generations of a society that will someday absolutely respect and protect the rights of ALL HUMAN BEINGS, born and unborn.

The press and general media’s skewed representation of the pro-life movement cannot diminish the power of personal resolve and the collective spirit that drives our cause. We stand on a foundation of science, reason, morality, and faith. So, it is imperative that we elevate the conversation beyond political divisions. Don’t be swayed by shallow narratives but instead, contemplate the truth, that indeed, everyone deserves a birthday.

Garrett Riley is the executive director of the Arizona Life Coalition, with a mission of inspiring pro-life choices through charity, education, and unifying collaboration.