by AZ Free Enterprise Club | Apr 12, 2024 | Opinion
By the Arizona Free Enterprise Club |
Everyone knows that political pundits, social media influencers, and the corporate media love a good narrative. And one of their favorites for years has been the claim that Arizona is trending blue—that a demographic shift toward Democrats is inevitable.
This ‘conventional wisdom’ is repeated so often that much of the Republican political class in the state has accepted it as fact. Some are even advising candidates that the only path forward for Republicans is to abandon their conservative principles, embrace center-left policy solutions, and settle for a future of divided government.
But a funny thing about narratives and conventional wisdom: numbers don’t lie, especially those showing party preference when people are registering to vote.
Last month, the Secretary of State updated the statewide voter registration data prior to the Presidential Preference Election. The latest figures show that Republicans are once again the largest voting bloc in Arizona, surpassing Independents by nearly 40,000. This is certainly an important development—especially given all the attention it received on social media when Independent registrations surpassed Republicans last year.
But that’s not the most significant voter registration trend…
by AZ Free Enterprise Club | Dec 11, 2022 | Opinion
By the Arizona Free Enterprise Club |
The public school system in Arizona is a complete mess. But during the past few years, it really hit a new low.
Attempts to indoctrinate children with Critical Race Theory and radical gender theory have been spreading throughout our public school districts. COVID shutdowns have wreaked havoc on students’ education—especially low-income parents and children. In the meantime, public school spending surged during COVID while teacher pay didn’t keep pace. But that didn’t stop failed teachers’ unions like Red4ED from trying to use the “low teacher pay” narrative in their attempts to push more ridiculous tax increases on taxpayers like you.
Of course, all of this is only more infuriating when you consider that the majority of Arizona students continue to fail the statewide assessment. And ACT scores for Arizona students have fallen below the standards for our state universities. That’s why the Club made it a priority to drain the public school swamp in this past November’s election. And we saw some great success…
by Corinne Murdock | Aug 13, 2021 | News
By Corinne Murdock |
Gilbert Public Schools (GPS) students are coming home with more than what they learned at school today – some are coming home with exposure to gender theory.
GPS students are reporting that teachers are surveying students about their “preferred pronouns.” If a female student doesn’t want to go by feminine pronouns, or a male student doesn’t want to go by male pronouns, then they may choose to identify themselves by “nonbinary pronouns” or “neopronouns.”
One GPS parent reported that her student witnessed a fight between certain students and “furries” – people with an interest in anthropomorphic animals, sometimes dressing like them – over a handout asking about preferred pronouns. The furries were concerned that their preferred pronouns weren’t options on the handout.
Preferred pronouns may disregard proper grammar entirely – such as the nonbinary pronouns “they/them.” Neopronouns can be anything, even “animal-themed” like “coyoteself.” It’s up to an individual to determine their pronouns. According to those who subscribe to or support alternative pronouns, their preferred pronouns can change by the day – even by the minute.
Beyond the traditional pronouns for males and females, popularized preferred pronouns include ze (or, zie, sie, xie, and xe, pronounced “zee”) and hir (pronounced “heer”).
Below is an example of one of the handouts from a GPS teacher:

Corinne Murdock is a reporter for AZ Free News. Follow her latest on Twitter, or email tips to