JAMES CARTER: One Simple Fix To Tax Code Could Help Unleash New Era Of American Economic Dominance

JAMES CARTER: One Simple Fix To Tax Code Could Help Unleash New Era Of American Economic Dominance

By James Carter |

Donald Trump’s renewed pledge to “Make America Great Again” requires nothing less than reigniting economic growth and prosperity. Wealth creation is essential. Yet as Congress prepares to extend and expand upon Trump’s landmark Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017, he can take matters into his own hands by issuing an executive order to index capital gains for inflation.

Taxing inflationary “phantom” capital gains is an unfair and ill-advised policy that punishes risk and success.

Consider this: You invest $1,000, and after four years of Joe Biden in the White House, you sell that investment for $1,100. But since inflation raged during Biden’s tenure, the $1,100 you receive will be worth less in real terms than the $1,000 you invested. And yet, under current law, you will pay a tax on your $100 capital “gain.”

Talk about perverse!

“As has been well documented,” writes Alan Auerbach, University of California economist, “realized capital gains may be subject to tax rates that easily exceed 100% of real gains in the presence of inflation.”

But it’s the law. And not only would eliminating it be the fair thing to do for investors, it would ignite a surge of American prosperity.

Eight years ago, the late Treasury economist Gary Robbins estimated that indexing capital gains for inflation would, by 2025, create an additional 400,000 jobs, grow the U.S. capital stock by $1.1 trillion and boost GDP by roughly $500 billion. Because capital gains were never indexed, average household income today is $3,600 lower than it could have been otherwise.

However, it’s never too late to start doing the right thing.

Congress has repeatedly toyed with indexing capital gains. In fact, indexing capital gains used to be a bipartisan issue. In the early 1990s, congressional Democrats touted indexing as an effective way to boost economic growth and benefit workers.

“If we really want to increase growth,” said a youthful Chuck Schumer, the then-future Senate minority leader, “there are proposals that we can do. I would be for indexing all capital gains, savings and borrowings.”

Having mastered the ways of the D.C. swamp, Schumer now opposes indexing capital gains. Listen to Congressman Schumer, not Senator Swamp.

Indeed, as Trump emphasized in 2019, “Indexing is something that a lot of people have liked for a long time. It’s something that would be very easy to do. It’s something that I am certainly thinking about.”

Looking forward, the Congressional Budget Office estimated last month that federal capital gains tax receipts will total $2.8 trillion over the decade ahead. If only one-fourth of those tax receipts—a conservative estimate—are due to taxing phantom gains, American taxpayers will pay $700 billion in taxes on income that doesn’t exist.

Opponents of capital gains indexation say the subsequent revenue loss would be too great. But inasmuch as inflationary gains should not have been taxed in the first place, a revenue loss is a good thing. It represents the correction of a tax injustice.

The second-order effects that Robbins documents should remove any reservations based on revenue loss. Without the federal tax on inflationary gains, asset prices will adjust until they reach a new, higher equilibrium. Investors will see their portfolios appreciate bigly.

It’s a safe bet that millions of American investors and pensioners would choose a Dow Jones average of 50,000 with indexation over a Dow Jones average of 44,500 without indexation.

As taxpayers realize real capital gains, the federal government will collect billions of dollars in new tax revenue. Federal tax revenue may ultimately be higher with indexation, not lower.

There is the question of whether Trump has the legal authority to issue an executive order instructing the Treasury secretary to issue new regulations indexing the capital gains cost basis for inflation. It comes down to whether the governing Internal Revenue Code section covering the definition of the word “cost” is sufficiently ambiguous to allow regulatory reinterpretation. Congress never specifically mandated that “cost” was to be determined in nominal terms, nor did it prohibit the use of real valuation.

According to a watershed 2012 paper by Charles Cooper and Vincent Colatriano in the Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy, “jurisprudential developments over the last two decades have confirmed . . . that Treasury has regulatory authority to index capital gains for inflation.” With that justification, Trump has little reason to hold back.

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Originally published by the Daily Caller News Foundation.

James Carter is a contributor to The Daily Caller News Foundation and a principal with Navigators Global. He previously headed President Donald Trump’s tax team during the 2016-17 transition and served as a deputy assistant secretary of the Treasury for then-President George W. Bush.

Rep. Weninger Introduces Bill To Create Dedicated Funding For DBacks’ Stadium

Rep. Weninger Introduces Bill To Create Dedicated Funding For DBacks’ Stadium

By Daniel Stefanski |

An Arizona lawmaker has introduced a bill to solve the murky funding situation with the stadium of the hometown professional baseball franchise.

Last week, State Representative Jeff Weninger filed HB 2704 to “create a dedicated funding source needed to maintain Chase Field and keep it a world class facility for baseball and other events.” The proposal comes as the stadium lease for the Arizona Diamondbacks is set to run its course in 2027.

In a statement accompanying his press release, Weninger, the Chairman of the House Commerce Committee, said, “The Arizona Diamondbacks are an indispensable part of our state’s identify and economy. I’m proud to sponsor HB 2704, which provides a dedicated funding solution to renovate Chase Field and ensure the Diamondbacks remain right here in Arizona where they belong. With the departure of the Coyotes last year, it is more important than ever to take proactive steps to protect the future of our teams and the venues that make them possible.”

Representative Weninger added, “The Arizona Diamondbacks are a pillar of our community, and Chase Field has been a cornerstone of Arizona’s sports and entertainment scene for decades, welcoming millions of fans and creating unforgettable memories. That’s why there’s widespread interest in finding a sustainable solution. HB 2704 is a crucial step toward preserving Chase Field and ensuring it continues to be a world-class venue for generations to come.”

According to the information provided by Weninger’s release, HB 2704 “would recapture sales and income taxes associated with Chase Field and the Arizona Diamondbacks and direct them to a fund dedicated to repairing and maintaining the ballpark. The concept mirrors the Arizona Sports and Tourism Authority, which is responsible for the maintenance and funding of State Farm Stadium – the west valley home of the Arizona Cardinals. The Diamondbacks would also provide most funds necessary for the repairs required for the continued upkeep of their stadium.

The President, CEO, and General Partner of the Arizona Diamondbacks, Derrick Hall, also released a statement to endorse Weninger’s bill and encourage its passage through the Arizona Legislature. He wrote, “We are thrilled with all the momentum and positivity surrounding this legislation. We greatly appreciate the hard work and commitment from all who are delivering this public-private partnership to save baseball at Chase Field. Our ballpark has provided memories to fans and their families for over 27 years, and we will now reestablish and maintain it as one of the premier venues in the game with this funding, and the hundreds of millions the team is committed to investing. This solution avoids any new taxes and demonstrates civic pride for a franchise that cherishes its role in creating jobs, impacting the economy, bettering the community, and providing an exciting product.”

Daniel Stefanski is a reporter for AZ Free News. You can send him news tips using this link.

JAMES CARTER: One Simple Fix To Tax Code Could Help Unleash New Era Of American Economic Dominance

STEPHEN MOORE: Here’s One Way To Pay Off Trump’s Tax Cuts That’s Flying Under The Radar

By Stephen Moore |

The federal government owns multiple trillions of dollars of federal assets — from land, to buildings, to patent rights, to mineral rights, to immigrant visas, to oil fields to trucks and trains and unused office furniture equipment.

The government could earn well more than $1 trillion and perhaps as much as $10 trillion by selling off these assets that are simply hoarded (figuratively) in the dark and dusty basement of government buildings. These assets could then generate added annual tax receipts once they are utilized for productive purposes.

I’m not talking about selling the Washington Monument or Yellowstone National Park. The sales could and in most cases should be limited to American citizens and American businesses.

I’m referring to NON-environmentally sensitive properties that could be put to use growing our economy and using the money to retire some of our $35 trillion national debt. The sales could and should in most cases be limited to American citizens or businesses.

It’s a win-win for taxpayers, our children (who will be handed a lower debt obligation) and the U.S. economy.

One of the most valuable assets that should be put on the auction block immediately is tracts along the electro-magnetic spectrum. The spectrum contains the invisible airwaves that power mobile phones, Wi-Fi and other wireless technologies such as 5g communications.

In the past, auctioning spectrum rights to telecommunication firms and tech companies has raised more than $100 billion for the U.S. Treasury.

Congress could raise at least another $100 billion in another round of spectrum auctions. This would sell or lease space that the military doesn’t need and that other agencies of government (such as local police and fire departments) are fine without.

This strategy would help stimulate the economy in two ways. First, as in the past, the revenues raised can offset any real or imagined revenue loss from the imperative of making the Trump tax cuts permanent.

new report by the economic consulting firm NERA, finds that auctioning 100 megahertz of mid-band spectrum that’s licensed for 5G will boost U.S. GDP by more than $260 billion, and create 1.5 million new jobs

On at least four previous occasions, Congress has used dollars raised from spectrum auctions to offset tax cuts in reconciliation packages. That’s exactly what they should do again.

“Effectively allocating spectrum to meet the ever-growing need is critical to promoting American innovation and protecting our national security,” Chairman Richard Hudson said yesterday at the first House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Communications and Technology hearing of the new Congress.

He points out correctly that the U.S. government has been conducting spectrum auctions for the past 30 years, and they have a track record of success. They are much fairer than giving bureaucrats the power to decide who gets spectrum, which can lead to allocations that are politically or ideologically motivated, with the result that spectrum would be used inefficiently (or not at all) by beneficiaries.

Auctions are open and transparent, minimizing the risk of shady backroom deals. They ensure that the spectrum goes to those who value it most and can use it most effectively.

Anyone who is concerned about ensuring the uninterrupted connectivity of our electric grid system and our daily Internet connection should be all for these auctions — especially as the world goes wireless and communicates less through cables and more through satellite beams.

This is also critical to maintaining our technology lead against the Chinese communist government. One Chinese news agency reported last July that, “China’s 5G network now covers every city and town in the country, as well as more than 90 percent of its villages.”

We are dangerously lagging behind and without timely spectrum auctions the gap will grow wider.

Auctions of the spectrum and other federal assets will drive progress and prosperity — and raise revenue to pay for tax cuts or retire our debt that is soon to eclipse $40 trillion. What’s not to like about that?

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Originally published by the Daily Caller News Foundation.

Stephen Moore is a contributor to The Daily Caller News Foundation, a visiting fellow at the Heritage Foundation, and a co-founder of Unleash Prosperity. His latest book is “The Trump Economic Miracle.”

Schweikert Exposes Biden Admin’s Outgoing Job Statistics

Schweikert Exposes Biden Admin’s Outgoing Job Statistics

By Matthew Holloway |

Congressman David Schweikert revealed the truth about job numbers after an update was released by the Bureau of Labor Statistics which claimed the economy under outgoing President Joe Biden added 256,000 jobs in the month of December.

“As we transition to a new administration, the December jobs report provides an essential opportunity to assess the economic policies of the Biden administration and the challenges facing hardworking Americans,” stated Schweikert, Vice Chairman of the Joint Economic Committee.

While the December data demonstrates strong employment growth, having increased 2.2 million in 2024, the report underscores persistent issues that demand immediate attention,” added Schweikert.

“Under the Biden administration, American families have faced unprecedented economic headwinds, including inflation rates that outpaced wage growth for much of the last four years. Policies prioritizing excessive spending and burdensome regulations have strained small businesses, stifled innovation, and eroded purchasing power. While there have been temporary gains in certain heavily subsidized sectors, the broader economic foundation remains unstable,” concluded an exasperated Schweikert.

In a post to X, the Joint Economic Committee Republicans summarized, “In December, employment rose by 256K, averaging a monthly gain of 186K in 2024. While these gains are notable, challenges remain: an unemployment rate above 4% for the past 8 months and a historically low labor force participation rate.”

In his remarks Friday, Schweikert added, “It’s imperative that we prioritize policies which foster economic growth, encourage innovation, empower domestic businesses, and restore confidence in our markets.”

He added, “Reducing government overreach, prioritizing fiscal responsibility, and enacting tax reform that incentivize investment while rewarding hard work are the most crucial facets of restoring American prosperity.”

“I am committed to working with my colleagues to enact solutions that address these economic challenges and create a thriving future for all Americans. Together, we can ensure that 2025 is the beginning of a stronger, more resilient future for all Americans.”

The update from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) is infamously subject to revision as well. This proved to be a factor that badly hurt the Biden administration and the Kamala Harris campaign in August 2024 when the BLS estimate of new jobs created between March of 2023 and March of 2024 was revised down by almost 818,000 or about 30%. The release was allegedly intended after November 5th but was leaked according to President-elect Donald Trump.

Rep. Jodey Arrington, Chairman of the House Budget Committee, observed at the time, “Based on more comprehensive data released from state unemployment tax records, the Biden Bureau of Labor Statistics acknowledges they were way off on the number of new jobs created between March of 2023 and March of 2024 by almost one million or 30%, which is five times their average margin of error. The economy is the top issue in this presidential race and the recent downwardly revised job numbers taken together with persistently high prices and interest rates bellies a much weaker Biden-Harris economy than we were led to believe.”

Accusations that the Biden White House deliberately inflated the jobs numbers abounded with President-elect Donald Trump addressing the revision directly calling it a “total lie,” and “a scandal.”

Trump told supporters in Asheboro, NC, at the time, “The Harris-Biden Administration has been caught fraudulently manipulating job statistics to hid the true extent of the economic ruin that they’ve inflicted on America.”

Schweikert’s office provided a few highlights of the BLS report, noting that the outgoing legacy of the Biden administration will be marked by:

  • “Real wages failing to keep pace with inflation, leaving many families burdened with record-high levels of credit card debt and preventing the ability to grow savings.
  • A labor force participation rate that has struggled to recover to pre-pandemic levels, leaving millions of Americans sidelined from economic opportunities.
  • The failure to address workforce development, with an uneven rate of job openings compared to worker skills, leaving both manufacturing and construction industries with critical labor shortages.”

Matthew Holloway is a senior reporter for AZ Free News. Follow him on X for his latest stories, or email tips to Matthew@azfreenews.com.

STEPHEN MOORE: 10 New Ideas To Make America’s Economy Great Again In 2025

STEPHEN MOORE: 10 New Ideas To Make America’s Economy Great Again In 2025

By Stephen Moore |

Here is my wish list for the incoming Trump administration to make America healthy and prosperous and great again in 2025.

1.Slash Job-Killing Regulations

The regulatory state is a $2 trillion tax on the American economy. We all want worker safety, a clean environment and consumer protections, but in too many cases the costs of regulations far outweigh the societal benefits. President-elect Donald Trump has promised to slash 10 rules for every new rule. Just do it, Mr. President.

2. Make The Trump Tax Cuts Permanent

As JFK, Ronald Reagan and others have proven throughout history, lower tax rates lead to more growth, more investment and more jobs. The Trump tax cuts meant that a typical family of four earning $75,000 a year saw their tax bill fall by half — a benefit valued at more than $2,000. And the corporate tax rate fell from 35% — the highest in the world — to 21%, bringing jobs and capital to America. Trump has promised to make all these tax cuts permanent. Why? Because they worked almost exactly as we anticipated they would.

3. Replace Welfare With Work

Growth will require more able-bodied Americans getting off welfare and into jobs. Welfare — which includes cash assistance, public housing, food stamps, disability payments, unemployment benefits and Medicaid — needs to be a hand up, not a handout.

4. Use America’s Abundant Natural Resources

America has well more than $50 trillion of natural resources that are accessible with existing drilling and mining technologies. This is a vast storehouse of wealth that far surpasses what any other nation is endowed with. We can use the royalty payments and leases to reduce our national debt while creating hundreds of thousands of jobs.

5. Cut Medical Costs by Demanding Health Care Price Transparency

One of many ways to bring health care costs down to consumers (and taxpayers, who pay half the costs) is to require hospitals, pharmacies, doctors and health clinics to list prices for what they are charging. The Committee to Unleash Prosperity estimates that $1 trillion to $2 trillion could be reduced from health care costs, with no reduction in the quality of care, by allowing consumers to shop around on the internet for the best price — just as we do when we buy groceries, a home or a car. This will foster free market competition and lower prices.

6. Allow School Choice for All Families

Test scores in America have been plummeting. Kids are graduating from high school — if at all — without even being able to read the diploma. America no longer ranks in the top 10 in many academic achievement ratings.

A child can get a better education at half the cost in the Catholic school system and in many charters.

Trump has endorsed universal school choice for all children regardless of income or ethnicity or race. This is the civil rights issue of our time.

7. Implement A Pro-America Immigration Policy

Trump’s committed to securing our border, but we also need legal immigrants through a merit-based immigration system. This visa system would select immigrants based on their skills, talents, investment capital, English language ability and education level. These characteristics all presage success in America.

8. Revive America’s Great Cities

Our once-great cities in America — from New York to Chicago to Detroit to San Francisco to Seattle — have come to look like war zones. Crime has run rampant. Businesses and people and capital are fleeing and leaving the poorest Americans — mostly minorities — stranded with tragically limited opportunities other than working at Walmart or McDonald’s for minimum wage. Since 2020, our major cities have lost nearly 1 million residents. And tens of thousands of businesses.

Trump wants to revitalize our cities and abandoned rural areas through deregulation, reduction in tax rates, changes in zoning policies and infrastructure investments.

9. Pull the U.S. Out Of The Paris Climate Change Treaty And Other Anti-America Agreements

We must end American participation in globalist treaties that hurt America most. This includes the Paris Climate Accords — a treaty with which most other nations have failed to comply, yet which places huge burdens on American companies and workers. Trump also has pledged to end global taxation — such as Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen’s global minimum tax. Do we even need a United Nations?

10. Finally, Drain The Swamp

There is a reason why three of the five wealthiest counties in America are in or around Washington, D.C. Washington is getting rich at the expense of the rest of us. Fewer than 10% of overpaid federal workers (of which there are more than 2 million) are working full time in the office even though COVID-19 ended three years ago. These are swamp employees that often get paid $150,000 or more a year. Fire them if they don’t show up. And relocate federal agencies in other cities.

These are admittedly bold aspirations for an economic transformation toward freedom and free enterprise. But the one person who can get it done is Trump.

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Originally published by the Daily Caller News Foundation.

Stephen Moore is a contributor to The Daily Caller News Foundation and a visiting fellow at the Heritage Foundation. His new book, coauthored with Arthur Laffer, is “The Trump Economic Miracle.”