The Passage Of Proposition 139 Means “Red Wave” Will Include Innocent Blood

The Passage Of Proposition 139 Means “Red Wave” Will Include Innocent Blood

By Tiffany Benson |

Anyone could have predicted that Christians and pro-lifers would be outvoted on the abortion issue. We all know spiritual leaders are guilty of telling their people to “stay out of politics,” “be spiritual, not political,” “turn off the news,” and “God’s in control.” Okay…

As of publication, just over 1.9 million voted in favor of abortion on demand—potentially up to birth—while 1.2 million voted against Proposition 139. All we needed to do was tell 800,000 people to fill in a circle on their ballot. Wow.

Was it God who dropped the ball?

As I said on my Facebook live and most recent Substack, I believe the passage of Prop 139 is an indictment of the Church (body of Christ) in Arizona. For emphasis, I’ll restate my thoughts here:

“What are the churches doing in Arizona? If you weren’t speaking to your congregations about Proposition 139—but you’re calling yourself a minister or a ministry, you’re taking money, you’re not paying any taxes on tithes and offerings—then, what are you doing? To me, pro-life is the one issue that shows whether or not the church is effective in the state. And we’re not effective.”

I’m glad to hear at least one minister mobilized 700 of his peers in some sort of effort against Prop 139. I’m sure a faithful remnant of church leaders mentioned it in their sermons and asked their congregations to pray about it. But these efforts fell woefully short.

Again, we all know the silent ministers are bewitched by false ideologies like “separation of church and state.” The rest are afraid to offend big donors or they’re unwilling to risk that coveted 501(c)(3) status. This is idolatry. One megachurch is literally buying up all the real estate and branding everyone’s bumper, yet those of us outside the organization have no clue what they’re doing to change Arizona.

For the record, abortion is not a political issue. According to the Sixth Commandment, abortion is a moral issue. Plainly stated: abortion is murder. For those who are quick to say, “What about cases of rape, cases of incest, the life of the mother?” I will defer to this report from the Guttmacher Institute.

Screenshot is sourced from a 2019 article published by USA Today.

I’ve heard many call Arizona a “purple” state, meaning there’s a near even split of conservatives and liberals, Republicans and Democrats, who occupy this territory. Well, we’re slowly slipping into denial with this statement as dark forces are working overtime to flip this state. From a governmental perspective, Arizona is about as blue as they come with our highest-ranking leadership positions currently in the hands of leftists (note: the following is not an exhaustive list).

graphic breaking down Arizona's political environment

A call to pastors and ministry leaders:

If you want to save Arizona, please stop telling your congregations to avoid the news and politics. You have 66 Books to preach from that will help everyone discern false narratives and make wise decisions. You simply need to trust God and say what He said.

Intercession and evangelism are not in competition. Both are essential for reformation (see the Four Gospels and Acts 1-28). Prayer is absolutely necessary, but the Great Commission is not fulfilled by sitting in prayer closets and kneeling at the altar. Fellowship is important, but the Great Commission is not fulfilled by perfect church attendance or inviting people to sign membership papers.

Only a small percentage are called to full-time ministry. The rest of us are created to do far more than warm the pews and fund your “vision for the ministry.” Please stop trying to build nonprofit organizations and start building the Kingdom of God. It’s time to leave the four walls, stop over separating “the sacred from the secular,” and teach your people how to contend for righteousness in the marketplace. Persecution is our inheritance in Christ.

Fear God, not man.

Lastly, I want to correct the false ideology that says, “We can’t legislate morality.” On the contrary, politics and government are nothing more than spheres of influence whereby morality is enforced through law and order. Legislation, then, is simply morality applied to a society.

Which set of morals best serves a nation—God’s morality or man’s morality? One brings us closer to life. The other, as we can see, brings us closer to death.

So, to all Christians and pro-lifers (whether you’re a believer or not), what are we going to do about Proposition 139?

Tiffany Benson is the Founder of Restore Parental Rights in Education. Her commentaries on education, politics, and Christian faith can be viewed at and

Growing Number Of Pastors Stand In Opposition To Arizona Abortion Access Act

Growing Number Of Pastors Stand In Opposition To Arizona Abortion Access Act

By Daniel Stefanski |

A growing number of Arizona pastors are joining together to stand in opposition to a ballot measure that would amend the state constitution to allow abortion on demand.

This month, Pastor Eric Jones of Evident Life Church in Gilbert, announced that there were almost 700 faith leaders who signed the Declaration of Arizona Pastors in Defense of Voiceless Children and Vulnerable Women.

In July, Jones wrote, “Last August, after hearing about the horrific ‘Arizona Abortion Access Act’ (now called Prop 139) which would legalize abortion for all nine months, I felt the Lord calling me to do something. This declaration and the growing coalition of Arizona pastors is the result.”

The Declaration reads as follows:

“To save the lives of innocent children, to protect the health of women, to help people avoid a terrible regret, and to show love to our neighbors, we, as Christian pastors in Arizona, declare the following:

  • Whereas every human life is valuable because every human life, born and pre-born, is wonderfully made in the image of God (Genesis 1:27Psalm 139:13-14).
  • Whereas abortion is the ending of an innocent human life, and results in danger and hurt towards women (Exodus 21:22-25Genesis 9:6).
  • Whereas the church is here to compassionately serve and support vulnerable women (1 John 3:18Psalm 82:3-4).
  • Whereas abortion is not a political issue, but a biblical and moral one (Mark 12:17).
  • Whereas effort is underway to change the Arizona Constitution to allow children to be aborted during all nine months of development in the womb.

The undersigned Arizona pastors urge every person to refuse to provide a signature to put the ‘Arizona Abortion Access Act’ (Prop 139) on the ballot and should also vote against the Act, or any similar measure, if it appears on the ballot (Proverbs 6:16-17Ephesians 5:11).”

According to the Declaration’s website, the purpose of this document and statewide effort is “designed to unify Arizona Christian pastors around the sanctity of human life while providing a clear voice against the proposed ‘Arizona Abortion Access Act’ (Prop 139).” The website shares that, per an analysis from an attorney, “the amendment is written so broadly that it allows unlimited abortion up to birth, removes most safety standards, eliminates the required qualified medical doctor, gives broad leeway to who can provide abortions, shuts out moms and dads when their minor daughter needs them most, shields sex offenders who force their victims to get abortions to cover their crimes, opens the door to taxpayer funded abortions, [and] threatens conscience protections for healthcare workers.”

Arizona voters will get an opportunity to decide the fate of the Abortion Access Act in November’s General Election.

Daniel Stefanski is a reporter for AZ Free News. You can send him news tips using this link.