Poverty Is Caused By The Dad Gap

Poverty Is Caused By The Dad Gap

By Dr. Thomas Patterson |

Well after 50 years from the end of the Civil War, black Americans in much of the country were not allowed to enter the homes of whites by the front door. Black men could be lynched for looking a white woman in the face. Schools, restaurants, even drinking fountains were all segregated.

Today, no such legal discrepancies exist. Yes, fringe actors still show that vestiges of racism remain and maybe always will. Yet even though Americans of all races mingle peaceably, the income gap between white and black Americans stubbornly persists. Racism itself can no longer provide a satisfactory answer.

Educational disparities account for some of the gap. Too many black children are still trapped in inner-city schools, where unionized teachers often can’t manage to educate even one student per school who acquires basic academic skills.

Unfortunately for the students, individuals who graduate from high school with ninth grade academic skills have the lifetime earning potential of a dropout. You can’t fool the real world with a meaningless diploma. It would be astonishing if there weren’t a sizable income gap when such educational inequities exist.

The overwhelming evidence points to fatherless homes as the main driver of black economic stagnation. In 1960, 24 percent of black children were born to single mothers. By 2018 the figure was 70 percent. Overall, 37 percent of black kids live with married parents, compared with 84 percent of Asians and 77 percent of whites.

Families headed by single mothers are five times as likely to live in poverty than those of married couple-headed families. We all know the depressing statistics for fatherless children—the increased incidence of incarceration and drug dependence, the lower probability of educational achievement, and the high likelihood they will create single parent-headed families themselves.

It’s neither fair nor accurate to blame black fathers exclusively for this social calamity. In fact, black men are often more attentive fathers than their white counterparts. Black fathers were more likely than others to have “bathed, dressed, changed or helped their child every day” according to a National Statistics report.

The problem is not the quality of black fathers but the quantity. Too many black fathers don’t stay to model fatherhood and provide the guidance and structure that children, especially boys, need.

Some critics ascribe this tendency to “black culture” as if something inherent in blacks is the cause. Others claim that poverty causes weak family structures, not the reverse. But history debunks both contentions.

The institution of the black family emerged from centuries of slavery, poverty, and bigotry virtually intact with strong and loyal family structures. By the time of the mid-20th century civil rights movement, family incomes and social standing were also improving. Ironically, it was the Great Society modern welfare state, offering an omnipresent financial incentive for family break-up, that marked the beginning of the decline of the black family, with all its devastating consequences.

Progressives, especially influential academics, and activists like Black Lives Matter argue that the nuclear family should be dismantled because it is…racist!

For example, a 2021 academic webinar promotion stated, “Family privilege is an unacknowledged and unearned benefit” that “serves to advantage certain family forms over others and is typically bestowed upon white, traditional nuclear families.”

So, the fact that more single parent families are black, according to this traditional Marxist interpretation, means that racism is the culprit? Hogwash alert: the number of parents in the family is a far better predictor of economic outcomes than race. You can look it up.

Although intellectual sophisticates preach tolerance of all family relationships, they are more traditional in their personal behaviors. The college educated mostly delay childbearing until after marriage and raise their children in a two-parent household. It’s called “talk left, walk right” or, in other words, hypocrisy.

Rather than stigmatizing families and their fathers, we should support, in meaningful ways, their importance to human well-being. Judging from the results, families without government “help” do a better job overall of rearing and feeding children, of caring for the dependent elderly, and of creating responsible, competent human beings than does government.

We will never close the economic and social gaps until we close the Dad gap.

Dr. Thomas Patterson, former Chairman of the Goldwater Institute, is a retired emergency physician. He served as an Arizona State senator for 10 years in the 1990s, and as Majority Leader from 93-96. He is the author of Arizona’s original charter schools bill.

Yee’s Stewardship Leads To More Arizonans Saving For Kids’ Education

Yee’s Stewardship Leads To More Arizonans Saving For Kids’ Education

By Daniel Stefanski |

More Arizonans are saving for their children’s education and benefiting from the stewardship of the state’s treasurer.

This week, the “X” account for the Arizona Education Savings Plan announced that “under the leadership of Arizona Treasurer Kimberly Yee, 33,632 529 accounts have been opened in the last 37 months,” and that “assets are up 16.6% in that same time frame to $1.89 billion.”

Yee serves as the Chairwoman of the AZ529 Plan Advisory Committee. According to its website, this committee “assists the Treasurer’s Office in promoting and raising awareness of the AZ529 Plan in accordance with A.R.S. § 41-179.” The Arizona 529 Plan “is a college savings plan named after Section 529 of the Internal Revenue Code sponsored by the State of Arizona,” and “is designed to provide a parent, grandparent, or anyone else an opportunity to save for a child’s educational dreams within a tax-deferred savings vehicle.”

Last month, the Arizona Education Savings Plan was upgraded to a ‘silver’ rating by Morningstar, which “reflected a superior investment team and/or investment process that should benefit the participants.”

Joining Treasurer Yee on this advisory committee are the following appointees:

  • Rural Community College District Representative: Keith Alexander, Special Assistant to the President for Community and Government Relations, Eastern Arizona College
  • ABOR Public University Representative: Dr. James Rund, Senior Vice President for Educational Outreach and Student Services, Arizona State University
  • Private Educational Institution Offering Advanced Degrees Representative: Brian Mueller, President, Grand Canyon University
  • Private Vocational Training Institution Representative: David Eaker, Campus President, The Refrigeration School
  • Apprenticeship Program Representative: Gary Schleuger, Vice President of State Government Affairs and Relations, University of Phoenix
  • Private School or Organization offering K-12 Instruction Representative: Chris Schoenleb, Head of School, North Valley Christian Academy
  • Teacher Representative: Karen Mensing, Technology Integration Facilitator, Paradise Valley Unified School District
  • Tribal Representative: Honorable Shaandiin Parrish, Council Delegate, Navajo Nation
  • Public Member: Maria Baier, Vice President of External Affairs, Great Hearts America
  • Public Member: Christine Burton, Co-Founder, Burton Family Foundation
  • Public Member Representing an Arizona-Based Nonprofit Organization: Susan Ciardullo, Executive Director, Life Long Learning Inc.

Daniel Stefanski is a reporter for AZ Free News. You can send him news tips using this link.

More Bonds And Budget Overrides Will Not Solve Arizona’s Educational Problems

More Bonds And Budget Overrides Will Not Solve Arizona’s Educational Problems

By Nancy Cottle |

In November 2023, there will be 23 districts within Maricopa County that are asking voters to approve a new Bond Issue, Budget Override, or District Additional Assistance.

One of the constant themes from the Educational Industrial Complex is that schools are underfunded and teachers are woefully underpaid. However, in the Arizona state 2024 budget, 50% of the total budget is allocated to education which includes K-12 schools, community colleges, and universities.

According to the Arizona Joint Legislative Budget Committee, per student funding at the state, local, and federal levels in fiscal year 2024 is an estimated $14,673 per student. This is up from 2023 funding at $14,025 per student.  Contrast that with 2015 which was $9,124 per student.

To put the spending issue into perspective, Mesa Unified, the state’s largest district, is asking for an approval for $500 million in new bonds as well as a 15% budget override. However, the district has $182 million in unspent funds from the 2018 Bond initiative as well as $173 million in unspent COVID relief funds. Couple this with the $863 million the district will receive from the state in fiscal year 2024 and that’s roughly $1.2 billion dollars. Why is the district asking for more?

Despite this funding, the academic achievement for Mesa schools districtwide is abysmal. In 2022, only 38% of students were proficient or highly proficient at English Language arts, and only 31% of students are proficient or highly proficient at math.  In addition, the 2022 graduation rate was 76%.

Some might argue that the recent steep inflation devalues the increased education spending by the legislature.  But this is a two-way street. After all, taxpayers are also subject to inflation and asking them to keep increasing funding for an obviously broken system is not sustainable.

Finally, history shows that Mesa taxpayers are not anti-education. In 2018, they passed a $300 million dollar bond to increase funding.  Fast forward to 2023 and the financial picture for Mesa schools is much healthier.  Why are they asking for more money despite the fact that academic scores have remained flat for the last four years? The answer is not additional funding.

Enough is enough. The people of Arizona should reject all bond and override initiatives.

Nancy Cottle is a longtime East Mesa community resident. You can follow her on X here.