Arizona House GOP Announces Committee Leaders

Arizona House GOP Announces Committee Leaders

By Corinne Murdock |

On Thursday, Arizona House Speaker-elect Ben Toma (R-LD27) announced the committee and chair appointments for the upcoming session.

The House GOP clarified that committee membership is forthcoming.

The appointments are as follows:

Appropriations Committee  —  Chair: Rep. David Livingston (R-LD28), Vice Chair: Rep. Joseph Chaplik (R-LD3)

Appropriations Subcommittee on Education — Chair: Rep. Matt Gress (R-LD04) 

Appropriations Subcommittee on Health & Welfare — Chair: Rep. Selina Bliss (R-LD01)

Commerce Committee — Chair: Rep. Justin Wilmeth (R-LD02), Vice Chair: Rep. Michael Carbone (R-LD25)

Education Committee  — Chair: Rep. Beverly Pingerelli (R-LD28), Vice Chair: Rep. David Marshall (R-LD07)

Ethics Committee  — Chair: Rep. Joseph Chaplik (R-LD03), Vice Chair: Rep. Travis Grantham (R-LD14)

Government Committee  — Chair: Rep. Tim Dunn (R-LD25), Vice Chair: Rep. John Gillette (R-LD30)

Health & Human Services Committee  — Chair: Rep. Steve Montenegro (R-LD29), Vice Chair: Rep. Barbara Parker (R-LD10)

Judiciary Committee  — Chair: Rep. Quang Nguyen (R-LD01), Vice Chair: Rep. Selina Bliss (R-LD01)

Land, Agriculture & Rural Affairs Committee  — Chair: Rep. Lupe Diaz (R-LD19), Vice Chair: Rep. Michele Pena (R-LD23)

Municipal Oversight & Elections Committee  — Chair: Rep. Jacqueline Parker (R-LD15), Vice Chair: Rep. Alexander Kolodin (R-LD03)

Natural Resources, Energy & Water Committee  — Chair: Rep. Gail Griffin (R-LD19), Vice Chair: Rep. Austin Smith (R-LD29)

Military Affairs & Public Safety Committee  — Chair: Rep. Kevin Payne (R-LD27), Vice Chair: Rep. Rachel Jones (R-LD17)

Regulatory Affairs Committee  — Chair: Rep. Laurin Hendrix (R-LD14), Vice Chair: Rep. Cory McGarr (R-LD17)

Rules Committee  — Chair: Rep. Travis Grantham (R-LD14), Vice Chair: Rep. Gail Griffin (R-LD19)

Transportation & Infrastructure Committee  — Chair: Rep. David Cook (R-LD07), Vice Chair: Rep. Liz Harris (R-LD13)

Ways & Means Committee  — Chair: Rep. Neal Carter (R-LD15), Vice Chair: Rep. Justin Heap (R-LD10)

The Senate announced its committee chairmanships and leadership last month. 

The session opens Jan. 9.

Corinne Murdock is a reporter for AZ Free News. Follow her latest on Twitter, or email tips to