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FREE ENTERPRISE CLUB: If Democrats Want To Stop Fraud, They Should Start With Public School Districts

January 17, 2025

By the Arizona Free Enterprise Club |

With the new year here and the 2025 legislative session officially underway, Democrats are already proving they can’t learn a lesson. Led by Governor Katie Hobbs, one of their primary targets is once again…you guessed it…Arizona’s Empowerment Scholarship Account (ESA) program. Stop us if you’ve heard this before.

You would think that Democrats would find a different target after getting trounced in an election where teachers’ unions and other anti-school choice groups made it a referendum on school choice. But no. After 2 ½ years and multiple failures trying to overturn school choice, they’d rather double down on their same tired and out-of-touch policies.

This time, Hobbs and the Dems say they want to roll back ESAs because of all the supposed “fraud” in the program. Never mind the fact that the rate of waste, fraud, and abuse in the ESA program is extremely low. Never mind the fact that ESAs have proven to be far more financially accountable than other government programs. Democrats don’t care about facts. Instead, they want to regulate this popular program while Arizona’s Democrat Attorney General Kris Mayes asks for more funding to investigate ESA fraud.

But here’s a message for Hobbs, Mayes, and the rest of the Democrats:

If you care so much about fraud, why not investigate Arizona’s public school districts?

They could start with Isaac Elementary School District (IESD)…


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