Mesa City Council Approves Across-The-Board Utility Rate Hikes

Mesa City Council Approves Across-The-Board Utility Rate Hikes

By Matthew Holloway |

During a city council meeting this week, Mayor John Giles and the Mesa City Council voted to approve across-the-board increases in the city’s utility rates and fees covering solid waste removal, electricity, gas, water, and wastewater. Over two-dozen Mesa citizens spoke during the meeting, which stretched over two-hours. Mesa, lacking a primary property tax, derives much of its funding from utility rates and fees.

The city is facing increases in electric rates of up to 39% for Winter Tier 2 usage charges for residents and a $2.75 per month service charge increase according to the council report. Non-residential users will face increases from 2-6 percent. Solid waste residential barrel rates will increase 5.5%, with commercial roll-off rates jumping 6.5%. Gas rates are increasing 6-15% for residences and from 9-25% for non-residential users. Water rates are increasing 4-9% for residents, 5.5% for non-residential, 8.5% for commercial users, and 19.5% for large commercial or industrial users. Finally wastewater service and usage components charges will increase by 7.5% for residents and 8.5% for non-residential.

City staffers told The Mesa Tribune that the typical residential bill for water, wastewater, and solid waste will see an increase of about $5.60, from the current average of $100.21 to $105.81

As reported by the Tribune, Giles answered criticism at a meeting in late November telling the frustrated residents, “This proposed water-rate increase of less than 5% in Mesa is dramatically less than you see in every other community,” said Giles, zeroing in on the water utility increase.

“Cities around the Valley are increasing water 25%, talking about increasing wastewater charges 95%. We’re not doing anything remotely like that in the City of Mesa.“

“So if you’re upset about the increasing price of water, I’m with you. But if you want to vent those feelings, probably every other city council in the state would be a more appropriate place to do that because the increases are less than what you’re seeing in other cities.”

Kevin Medema, a Mesa resident who led the organization of a petition opposing the utility increases reportedly signed by 2,000 people, stressed, “We have citizens that are hurting financially. The city shoots for that 20% reserve (in the utility accounts). Well, you know a lot of residents won’t have that in themselves. So, please consider voting ‘no.’’’

Medema suggested that residents have offered to help the city find ways to reduce spending.

During the November 18th meeting, one Mesa resident, Lynda Patrick-Hayes poignantly called upon the council to “entertain the idea of cutting the utility rates and encourage the city manager to eliminate government waste. The City of Mesa has no revenue problems. It has a spending problem.”

Citing the city’s reliance on utility charges and sales tax due to lacking a property tax, Giles told the citizens, “There’s not an apples-to-apples comparison because the City of Mesa has a different model. We’re going to use utilities to help subsidize city services.”

Multiple attempts to reinstate a primary property tax, eliminated in 1945, have failed over the years.

“Now if you don’t like that model…the answer is not to come to the City of Mesa and say, ‘We don’t want you to raise utilities because that’s denying the reality of math.’”

Responding to calls to reduce city spending, Giles told the gathered objectors, “What your proposal is, you’re saying, ‘I want to dramatically cut spending on public safety in the City of Mesa.’ That’s what you’re asking us to do.” 

Republican State Representative Barbara Parker spoke on behalf of her constituents in the area and told the council, “They call me when they lose their homes. They call the state when they can’t afford their insurance. And on behalf of them, I am telling you they are hurting and even one dollar makes a huge difference.”

Parker castigated the mayor and council for suggesting the city cut public safety spending, “The fact that we use the threat of fear and emotion that we are going to cut police and fire is so disingenuous and inappropriate. And to all the gentlemen and women in uniform tonight: I am one of you and I have trained many of the firefighters, and I want you to know we have your backs. And we need to elect people who will fund you first and then find funding for everything else. We are never going to cut funding to police and fire. That is always a tactic. It’s disingenuous, it is inappropriate, it lacks accountability, it is intellectually dishonest, and they are not pawns and you deserve better. Don’t let them use you as a pawn police and fire. It’s inappropriate to have a bond and then immediately after that election to suddenly have a tax increase or a rate payers increase.”

She concluded, “One of the things I was able to communicate to the legislature as a member of the Appropriations Committee is that: EVERY. SINGLE. DOLLAR. IS. SACRED. Every single penny is sacred. And when I’ve asked the citizens would they rather have one more penny in their pocket than have it go to waste or redundancies or excesses. Absolutely they say yes. I hope you’ll have the courage to do the right thing tonight. I can tell you on behalf of the state: we were able to cut budget, balance our budget, give money back to the taxpayers and fund every single program. And if the state of Arizona can do it, Mesa can do it better.”

The rate increases were passed by the city council unanimously with Giles stating, “I know all of that is not appreciated by this crowd to the extent that we’d like it to be, but it’s the facts. For those reasons I am compelled by math and the reality of the situation to support this increase.”

Watch the Dec. 2 City Council Meeting Below:

Matthew Holloway is a senior reporter for AZ Free News. Follow him on X for his latest stories, or email tips to

Hobbs Called On To Protect Water And Wastewater Systems From Cyberattacks

Hobbs Called On To Protect Water And Wastewater Systems From Cyberattacks

By Daniel Stefanski |

Arizona legislative Republicans are requesting the state’s governor to take action to protect water and wastewater systems from cyberattacks.

On Tuesday, the Arizona State Senate Republican Caucus called on Governor Katie Hobbs “to take swift action to protect Arizona’s critical infrastructure from adversary nations seeking to unleash harm on the United States.”

The demand from the lawmakers follows a letter from the White House to state governors, warning of “the impending threat of cyberattacks.”

In that letter, which was signed by the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency and the Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs, the White House identified two of those “recent and ongoing” threats. The first was from “threat actors affiliated with the Iranian Government Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps.” This threat, according to the letter, has “carried out malicious cyberattacks against United States critical infrastructure entities, including drinking water systems.”

The second threat was from “The People’s Republic of China state-sponsored cyber group known as Volt Typhoon.” This adversary, per the letter, “has compromised information technology of multiple critical infrastructure systems, including drinking water, in the United States and its territories.”

Senate President Warren Petersen issued a statement in conjunction with his Caucus’ call to the governor, saying, “Water is vital to lives and livelihoods. It’s concerning the Governor has yet to share any information with the Legislature, or the public, on this matter. What’s even more concerning is at a recent stakeholder meeting on a completely separate issue, a representative from the Arizona Department of Emergency and Military Affairs expressed to our lawmakers no knowledge of this warning from the White House.”

According to the Administration’s communication, these cyberattacks “have the potential to disrupt the critical lifeline of clean and safe drinking water, as well as impose significant costs on affected communities.”

Petersen also shared his thoughts on what the governor should do in order to protect the state from these cyberattacks. He wrote, “I encourage her to prioritize the safety and wellbeing of our citizens by taking steps to protect Arizona’s critical infrastructure from enemy nations who are a known threat to our state and country. This includes signing our legislation crafted specifically to mitigate these threats, such as SB 1403, SB 1340, and SB 1123.”

SB 1403, sponsored by Senator Janae Shamp, would “make it generally unlawful for specified foreign principals to purchase, own, acquire by grant or devise or have any other interest in (hold) real property” – according to the Arizona House overview.

SB 1340, sponsored by Senator Frank Carroll, would “prohibit a publicly managed fund from holding an investment in a foreign adversary, a state-owned enterprise of a foreign adversary, a company domiciled within a foreign adversary, or any other entity owned by or domiciled in a foreign adversary; or investing or depositing public monies in a bank that is domiciled in, or has a principal place of business in, a foreign adversary” – according to the summary from the Arizona House.

SB 1123, sponsored by Senator Wendy Rogers, would “prohibit a business or governmental entity in Arizona from entering into an agreement involving critical infrastructure if certain criteria apply.”

The letter from the Biden Administration officials requested the help of state governors “to ensure that all water systems in your state comprehensively assess their current cybersecurity practices to identify any significant vulnerabilities, deploy practices and controls to reduce cybersecurity risks where needed, and exercise plans to prepare for, respond to, and recover from a cyber incident.”

Daniel Stefanski is a reporter for AZ Free News. You can send him news tips using this link.

Scottsdale Lawmaker Urges Senate To Kill Bill Allowing Export Of Valley’s Emergency Water

Scottsdale Lawmaker Urges Senate To Kill Bill Allowing Export Of Valley’s Emergency Water

By Corinne Murdock |

State Rep. Alex Kolodin (R-LD03) is urging the Arizona Senate to do away with a bill allowing the export of the Valley’s emergency water reserve.

The bill, HB2201 sponsored by State Rep. Tim Dunn (R-LD25), passed the House with bipartisan support, 33-23, on Monday. Kolodin said that such a measure would inevitably raise utility bills. 

“HB2201 allows part of Scottsdale’s emergency water supply to be transferred to out-of-county users, raising our utility bills,” said Kolodin. “I voted no. Needs to die in the Senate!” 

Kolodin told AZ Free News that HB2201 will serve as a detriment to suburban ratepayers and force cities to compete for the dwindling supply.

HB2201 enables the interbasin transport of cities’ emergency groundwater supply from within the Harquahala Irrigation Non-expansion Area (INA) to any location within La Paz County. Dunn explained during last month’s hearing on the matter in the Natural Resources, Energy, & Water Committee that the bill would allow La Paz County to grow their existing water resources.

The Harquahala INA covers approximately 766 square miles within La Paz and Maricopa counties in the west-central portion of the state. Currently, Harquahala INA water supply may only be withdrawn and transported by the state and political subdivisions to the following initial Active Management Areas (AMAs): Phoenix, Tucson, Santa Cruz, Pinal, and Prescott. 

AMAs rely heavily on mined groundwater and therefore come with higher levels of management than INAs. INAs regulate wells in rural farming areas where groundwater overdraft — the removal of too much water — is less severe. There are two other INAs in the state: Hualapai Valley and Joseph City. 

These distinctions are outlined by Arizona’s Groundwater Management Act (GMA), passed over 40 years ago, which restricts interbasin water transportation for the state’s 51 groundwater basins in order to ensure AMAs maintain a 100-year water supply, also known as an assured water supply.

Healthy interbasin water transport hinges on a concept known as safe-yield: ensuring a safe balance between groundwater withdrawals and the natural and artificial recharging of water to AMA aquifers. Overdrafting can damage aquifer structure and limit future water storing capacity, increase the costs of drilling and pumping, and reduce the water quality.

Harquahala INA is considered an emergency savings account of sorts for water, saved in the event of prolonged drought: no groundwater has been transported out of the basin since 1990, according to the latest report from the Arizona Department of Water Resources (ADWR), the authority on water management. Yet, ADWR also reported that in almost all years from 2004-2022, the Harquahala INA had more water leaving the basin than entering mainly due to agriculture, which have made up 98 percent of the INA’s demand.

ADWR projected that annual supply would be insufficient for annual demand under any projected scenario over the next 50 years. 

Corinne Murdock is a reporter for AZ Free News. Follow her latest on Twitter, or email tips to

Gilbert Residents May Face Water Rate Hike Of Up To 130 Percent

Gilbert Residents May Face Water Rate Hike Of Up To 130 Percent

By Corinne Murdock |

Gilbert residents may face a massive water rate hike of up to 130 percent next year. 

The town council discussed three proposed options for water rate increases during its two-day fall retreat last week: cash funded, bond funded, or cash/bond gradual funded. The additional funds would address issues and needs instigated by the Colorado River shortage: a sharp increase in raw water supply cost, infrastructure needs to access groundwater, and additional conservation staffing and programs. 

The cash-funded option would require an immediate rate increase of 130 percent: the average monthly residential water bill would increase from $34 to $78 next April. Under this option, there wouldn’t be any new increases planned for the following two years, no new debt, an ongoing capacity of $6 million for one-time Capital Improvement Project (CIP) in the operating fund, and an ongoing Repair & Replacement (R&R) fund capacity of $73 million in the 2029 fiscal year. 

The bond-funded option would require an immediate rate increase of 95 percent, increasing the average monthly residential water bill from $34 to $66 next April. Under this option, there would be no increases planned for the following two years, but there would be $205 million of new debt with $110 million of anticipated interest paid over 20 years. The one-time CIP in the operating fund would have an ongoing capacity of $2 million, and the ongoing R&R fund capacity would be $37 million in the 2029 fiscal year. The town noted that this option would have the lowest overall rate increase by total percent.

The cash/bond gradual-funded option would require an immediate rate increase of 50 percent, followed by 25 percent in one year and another 25 percent in two years. This would result in the average monthly residential water bill to increase from $34 to $51 next April, then $64 in 2025 and $80 in 2026. Under this option, there would be a phased increase and $80 million in new debt, with $43 million in anticipated interest paid over 20 years. Additionally, the one-time CIP in the operating fund would be $5 million and the ongoing R&R fund capacity would be $66 million in the 2029 fiscal year.

The Public Works Advisory Board (PWAB) recommended the town council adopt the third option: the cash/bond gradual funded. PWAB further recommended that the town council dedicate staff to research additional financial assistance relief to offset the predicted burden of their preferred rate increase.

The town council expressed a preference for the cash- and cash/bond gradual-funded options. 

The town estimated that it will cost around $2.8 billion to undertake pipe replacement when due between the years 2090 and 2110. They estimated that would come down to an average 50-year cost of $76 million annually. 

In addition to water rates, town residents also face a 44 percent proposed rate increase for solid waste and recycling services. 

Eric Braun, assistant public works director, said that the town had recently taken on the practice of only increasing two of four utility rates at a time because they felt it would mitigate the financial impact on residents. Braun admitted that the plan to not increase rates under the cash-funded option was promissory only and liable to change. 

Per a history of rate increases, the town last increased water rates in 2022 by 29.6 percent. Solid waste and recycling increased by 28.6 percent. 

Last year, the town increased wastewater and environmental compliance rates by 32.4 percent and 59 percent, respectively. 

Rates for all four utilities had no increase from 2019 through 2021. 

The town council is scheduled to approve a notice of intent to increase water rates and fees at its Nov. 28 meeting, with a recommended public hearing date of Feb. 6, 2024. 

Corinne Murdock is a reporter for AZ Free News. Follow her latest on Twitter, or email tips to

Scottsdale Lawmaker Urges Senate To Kill Bill Allowing Export Of Valley’s Emergency Water

Sen. Kerr Resigns From Hobbs’ Water Council

By Daniel Stefanski |

More schisms have appeared between the state’s Democrat Chief Executive and Republican legislative leadership.

Earlier this month, Senate Majority Whip Sine Kerr, the Chair of the chamber’s Committee on Natural Resources, Energy & Water, announced her resignation from the Governor’s Water Council. Senator Kerr sent a letter to Governor Hobbs, which outlined the rationale behind her thinking.

In a subsequent statement, Kerr explained her reasoning for the decision, writing, “The Governor’s Water Policy Council is nothing more than a forum to rubberstamp the progressive environmental goals of special interest groups. Its ultimate objective has nothing to do with serving the best interests of our Arizona citizens and stakeholders who will be greatly impacted by any newly adopted groundwater management policy. The radical agenda being pushed has the potential to damage our economy and kill the livelihoods of our farmers and ranchers. Sadly, this community is not being provided with fair representation at the table.”

Kerr vowed to keep up her efforts to effect legislative change over the state’s water policies in spite of her perceptions of Hobbs’ current track with those endeavors. She said, “I’m incredibly disappointed in the Governor’s approach that seeks to alienate the voices of Arizona’s multi-generational land and water stewards. This extreme departure from Arizona’s historical, collaborative approach to water management favors her own political gains over sound policymaking. Had her approach been taken over the last forty years, we would not have the tools we have today under the Groundwater Management Act, or the major victories for water augmentation, conservation, reuse, recharge, and irrigation efficiency we have adopted at the Legislature in recent years. I plan to continue my work at the Legislature, in collaboration with the agriculture community, to adopt solutions on basin management issues that will benefit all Arizonans and help with continued efforts in security our water future.”

On January 9, Governor Hobbs created the Water Policy Council “to analyze and recommend updates, revisions and additions to the 1980 Arizona Groundwater Management Act (GMA) and related water legislation, which shall include without limitation, analysis and recommendations for groundwater management outside current Active Management Areas.”

On May 4, Hobbs rolled out the members of the Council, saying, “I’m committed to passing water policies that meet this moment and tackle the challenges we face. I know that with our new Water Policy Council, we will develop the path forward and ensure our state’s natural resources are available for generations of Arizonans to come.”

The Republican Senator wasn’t the only member to leave the Council. The Arizona Farm Bureau, on October 13, also announced that it would be withdrawing from the Governor’s panel, citing a “disappointment in what has been the works of the Rural Groundwater Committee of the Council. Stefanie Smallhouse, the President of the Bureau said, “After months of deliberation, the committee’s direction, and thereby the outcome of the greater Council, appears to be pre-determined as essentially a cross between the seriously flawed attempts of the past and an AMA. At best, our priorities have been given very little committee consideration or, at worst, have been totally dismissed. This is unacceptable to our members, farm and ranch families who will undoubtedly be impacted directly and immediately by any rural groundwater regulatory framework.”

Daniel Stefanski is a reporter for AZ Free News. You can send him news tips using this link.