Will “Election Officials” Finally Stop Fighting Reforms To Get Results On Election Night?

Will “Election Officials” Finally Stop Fighting Reforms To Get Results On Election Night?

By the Arizona Free Enterprise Club |

Another election has come and gone, and unsurprisingly, Arizona is yet again the butt of national jokes for taking weeks to process ballots and tabulate votes. While some in the corporate media still attempt to defend our vote counting circus, most everyone is in agreement that big changes are needed. It doesn’t take being an election expert to recognize that states with far greater populations, who also experience large rates of early voting, somehow get their votes counted on election night or near to it.

It’s a fix that is long overdue, yet for over five years the reform has continued to run into a political meatgrinder at the state Capitol. Since 2019, our organization, the Arizona Free Enterprise Club, has supported, championed, and authored bills to ensure we get results on election night. And while Democrats in the legislature have been an obstacle to reform (they have universally opposed any reforms geared toward getting faster results), they have not been the only impediment to fixing the problem.

The real culprit is opposition from county “election officials,” or more precisely, their taxpayer-funded lobbyists. For years, our so-called election experts have worked overtime to stop any reasonable reforms to Arizona’s mail-in voting system. Their tactics are incredibly disingenuous. When people express their frustration about the glacier pace of vote counting, they clap back (usually with dripping condescension) that their hands are tied by existing law. But when lawmakers introduce bills to change those laws, those same election officials send their army of lobbyists down to the Capitol to fight reform at every turn…


Maricopa County Official Who Defended Botched Elections Now Sees Need For Reforms

Maricopa County Official Who Defended Botched Elections Now Sees Need For Reforms

By Matthew Holloway |

An election reform plan to accelerate ballot processing and speed up official returns has been proposed by Maricopa County Supervisor Thomas Galvin. Galvin once defended Maricopa County’s botched elections but now asserts that procedural changes would make it possible for 95% of an election’s votes to be counted on election night.

The Supervisor believes that although it took over eleven days for all Arizona voting precincts to report their unofficial results in the 2024 election, Arizona can avoid future criticism by enacting what he dubs his 95/1 plan.

In a statement to The Center Square Galvin said, “Although the tabulation of early ballots and election day ballots were done in accordance with state law and within the normal timeframe of previous elections, there is growing concern from the public about the time it takes for Arizona to tabulate ballots and call contested races.”

“Since election day, I’ve had productive conversations with Republican leaders at the Arizona Legislature who agree sensible and practical changes are needed to speed up processing while also protecting the integrity of the early voting system that most Arizonans utilize.”

Galvin’s proposal would advance the current cutoff date for early ballot drop off to early polling places. At present, the law sets the deadline as the Friday prior to an election. In addition to the moving the cutoff date, Galvin proposes to close the emergency voting windows on the Saturday and Monday before Election Day, but allows the use of in-person voting. He has also proposed the use of government buildings to host polling locations.

He added in the statement, “By moving up the cutoff date for early ballot drop offs, using government buildings to host polling sites, and eliminate emergency voting for the Saturday and Monday prior to the election while allowing folks to vote in person, we can significantly speed up the process and have nearly 95% of ballots tabulated by election night.”

Galvin concluded, “I urge the Arizona Legislature to make my ‘95/1 Plan’ a top priority in 2025 and look forward to working with county and state leaders on these important reforms.”

In a post to X, Galvin directly called upon Arizona Governor Katie Hobbs to “work with the Arizona Legislature to make my “95/1 Plan” a top priority in 2025,” adding that “Arizona voters & elections workers deserve this reform.”

Pima County Supervisor Democrat Rex Scott expressed support for the proposal writing in a post, “I am grateful to my colleague @ThomasGalvin for putting these timely ideas forth. We may be from different parties and represent different counties, but we share the same concerns. When the new Legislature convenes in January, his proposals should be given serious consideration.”

Fellow Maricopa County Supervisor Mark Stewart also stood beside Galvin’s proposed reforms in a statement to X, “I stand with my colleague @ThomasGalvin in emphasizing the importance of efficient and transparent elections in Maricopa County. This is a standard we must meet, as anything less undermines public trust. I look forward to collaborating with my fellow supervisors @DebbieLesko, @KateMcGeeAZ , and Steve Gallardo, as well as our state legislators and governor, to advocate for legislation ensuring election results are finalized promptly after walk-up tallies are complete. Arizona can and should resolve election delays—our voters and the nation deserve a process that reflects both competence and integrity.”

When asked by KJZZ if she would support the proposal, Hobbs replied that she would veto any changes to the early voting deadline. “My line in the sand has been and will continue to be anything that makes it harder for Arizonans to vote is a no for me, and that includes the flexibility that we have with early voting.”

Galvin rejected the notion that moving the deadline would disenfranchise Arizona voters saying, “I think this would just have to be a shift in behavior among Arizona voters,” Galvin said. “But I think Arizona voters are very smart and will shift their behavior and react accordingly.”

Responding to concerns regarding emergency voting, Galvin said, “If you do want to vote in person before Election Day, you have to do it that weekend, but it has to be for emergency reasons and you have to sign a piece of paper attesting that you have an emergency,” he said. “It’s called emergency voting, so I just want to transition emergency voting to full in person.”

The idea to shift voting locations to government buildings proposed by Galvin actually mirrors a recommendation cited by KJZZ from Hobbs’ election task force in 2023. That recommendation led her to sign an executive order which authorized the use of state buildings for polling centers.

Matthew Holloway is a senior reporter for AZ Free News. Follow him on X for his latest stories, or email tips to Matthew@azfreenews.com.

Arizona Leaders Look To Florida For Advice On Timely Ballot Processing

Arizona Leaders Look To Florida For Advice On Timely Ballot Processing

By Daniel Stefanski |

Arizona Republican officials have met with the State of Florida’s chief of elections to ascertain necessary changes to their own systems of counting and reporting votes.

On Tuesday, Arizona Senate President Warren Petersen led a call with the Florida Secretary of State, Cord Byrd, for the purpose of gleaning information about the Sunshine State’s efficient ballot tabulation for Election Day.

In a post on his X account, Petersen marked the meeting, saying, “Just finished a great meeting with Florida Secretary of State Cord Byrd and his staff discussing what they do to get election results quickly. As expected a big difference is that we do not have a cutoff for early ballot drop-offs at polling places like they do. But we also learned of other ways to be more efficient. I look forward to passing legislation so that AZ will have election results night of.”

Petersen also thanked the Republicans who joined him on the call, including Representatives Steve Montenegro, John Gillette, Senators Shawna Bolick, John Kavanagh, JD Mesnard, incoming Senator Mark Finchem, Maricopa County Supervisor Thomas Galvin, incoming Supervisor Debbie Lesko, and Republican Party of Arizona Chair Gina Swoboda.

In an exclusive comment to AZ Free News, Petersen shared more of his thoughts about the meeting, stating, “What I came away with is that the biggest thing we can do to speed up results, that would be the easiest to implement, would be having a cutoff of 7 p.m. on the Friday before the election to drop off ballots.”

Secretary Byrd acknowledged the meeting on social media, posting, “Yesterday, I and my team at the Florida Secretary of State spoke with legislative leaders from Arizona including the Senate President and Speaker of the House about how Florida’s election code allows for the timely and accurate counting of ballots. We are happy to share the Florida blueprint.”

Senator Bolick, who was also on the call with the Florida Secretary of State, told AZ Free News that, “In the past, I have worked with folks who helped fix the Florida issues. We also have tried different solutions over the past few years only for bills to be vetoed or killed by fellow GOP legislators because they didn’t sponsor the bill. I believe late earlies are the biggest hinderance in getting results on election night. Our voters are tired of being the laughingstock of the country, especially voters in Maricopa County. We shouldn’t be waiting two weeks for results. Early voting ends the Friday before the election as should mail-in ballots.”

Bolick added, “Florida’s voters know they can’t walk their vote by mail ballot into a polling place on election day. They can only walk it into their supervisor’s (aka our recorder’s) office on election day. Voters I have spoken to would be okay modifying these changes if it means getting results on races on election night. I am certain the legislature would be interested in appropriating funds to ensure timely, accurate results.”

State Senator Wendy Rogers also indicated her presence on the call and cheered the opportunity “to learn from Florida’s successes!”

Lesko made sure to note the call on her X account, writing, “Today, I was privileged to join AZ Senate President Warren Petersen, House Speaker Steve Montenegro, Supervisor Thomas Galvin, and several state legislators, on a call with Florida Secretary of State Cord Byrd to discuss their policies for elections that have made Florida into an admirable model. Republicans and Democrats must unite to make necessary reforms to Arizona elections. I look forward to working with legislators to accomplish this worthy goal on the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors.”

Republicans in the Arizona Legislature have vowed to make these reforms their top priority in the next legislative session, which starts in January. However, they are expected to meet resistance from Democrats, especially Governor Katie Hobbs, who has vetoed other commonsense elections bills in her previous two years in office.

Daniel Stefanski is a reporter for AZ Free News. You can send him news tips using this link.

Will “Election Officials” Finally Stop Fighting Reforms To Get Results On Election Night?

Proposal To Speed Up Ballot Processing Gains Bipartisan Support

By Daniel Stefanski |

Arizona’s leaders on both sides of the political aisle are calling for significant reforms to the state’s elections system.

Earlier this week, Maricopa County Supervisor Thomas Galvin issued a press release to call for “a series of election administration reforms that will expedite the tabulation of ballots with the goal of 95% of results being tabulated by election night.”

Galvin’s concepts for reforms include the following highlights:

  • “Move up cutoff date for early ballot drop offs
  • “Use Government buildings to host polling sites
  • “Eliminate Emergency voting for Saturday & Monday before Election Day and allow everyone to utilize in-person voting.”

In a statement to accompany his announcement, Galvin said, “First and foremost, I am grateful to the election staff and community volunteers who have spent countless hours preparing and administering the 2024 election. These dedicated individuals deserve our thanks for following the laws and regulations determined by state leaders. Unfortunately, they bear the brunt of unfounded criticism. Since election day, I’ve had productive conversations with Republican leaders at the Arizona Legislature who agree sensible and practical changes are needed to speed up processing while also protecting the integrity of the early voting system that most Arizonans utilize.”

Galvin added, “By moving up the cutoff date for early ballot drop offs, using government buildings to host polling sites, and eliminate emergency voting for the Saturday and Monday prior to the election while allowing folks to vote in person, we can significantly speed up the process and have nearly 95% of ballots tabulated by election night. I urge the Arizona Legislature to make my ‘95/1 Plan’ a top priority in 2025 and look forward to working with county and state leaders on these important reforms.”

Pima County Supervisor Rex Scott offered his support for the nature of Galvin’s proposals, writing, “I am grateful to my colleague Thomas Galvin for putting these timely ideas forth. We may be from different parties and represent different counties, but we share the same concerns. When the new Legislature convenes in January, his proposals should be given serious consideration.”

Incoming Maricopa County Supervisor Mark Stewart endorsed Galvin’s efforts in a post on his X account. He wrote, “I stand with my colleague Thomas Galvin in emphasizing the importance of efficient and transparent elections in Maricopa County. This is a standard we must meet, as anything less undermines public trust. I look forward to collaborating with my fellow supervisors Debbie Lesko, Kate Brophy McGee, and Steve Gallardo, as well as our state legislators and governor, to advocate for legislation ensuring election results are finalized promptly after walk-up tallies are complete. Arizona can and should resolve election delays – our voters and the nation deserve a process that reflects both competence and integrity.”

Supervisor Galvin’s proposals follow aggressive statements of the like from state legislators in the aftermath of a General Election in Arizona, where several counties counted votes days – and even weeks for some – past the contest. Senate President Warren Petersen led this charge from the Arizona Legislature immediately after Election Day. On November 7, Petersen stated, “I have tried without success to shift us to the Florida model that has a Friday cutoff to drop off early ballots. Current delay is from counting the mail ballots dropped day of, which have to be signature verified. Maybe I can get enough support now to get it to the finish line.”

Two days later, Petersen added, “AZ called last! This can never happen again. My call to move up election results is gaining a lot of support. I have also heard from counties who opposed moving up results in the past now saying they will support.”

The efforts from Arizona government officials to enact major elections reform will likely still face an uphill battle with Democrat Governor Katie Hobbs, who has vetoed several bills from Republican legislators that would have improved the state’s system. Arizona legislators could be forced to send their proposals to voters in the next election if the governor refuses to consider commonsense bills on election reform.

Daniel Stefanski is a reporter for AZ Free News. You can send him news tips using this link.

Maricopa County’s Lobbyist Helped Kill Election Reform Bills

Maricopa County’s Lobbyist Helped Kill Election Reform Bills

By Corinne Murdock |

On Wednesday, the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors (BOS) advised voters to petition the legislature for the election reform they’d like to see — yet it was a lobbyist who spoke out on behalf of the counties against certain election reform bills desired by constituents this past session.

Supervisor Thomas Galvin said during the meeting that voters dissatisfied with the election processes needed to direct their frustration at the state legislature. He claimed that the legislature was “sitting on their butts” when it came to establishing election law, hence why it takes so long to count the votes. 

“Go to the state legislature — they’ve been sitting on their butts, they haven’t done a single thing. If you want changes in how votes are counted, let them know,” said Galvin. “We’re all very disappointed in what happened, and we want to make sure it doesn’t happen again.”

Similarly, Supervisor Steve Gallardo said that it was incumbent on the legislature to reform election law.

“Many of the suggestions that were made, this board can’t do. We’re an arm of the state. You have to go to the legislature. You have to change the laws,” said Gallardo. “Give us the authority to make some of the changes that are being suggested.”

Bills designed to restructure election processes were lobbied against by someone designated to speak on behalf of the counties. Jen Marson, a lobbyist and executive director of the Arizona Association of Counties (AACo), spoke out against a number of bills introduced to refine the election processes which ultimately failed, including: 

  • SB1056, invalidating ballots not included in chain of custody documentation and making it a class 2 misdemeanor to knowingly put a ballot into the collection, verification, or tabulation process outside of the official chain of custody;
  • SB1360, granting election observers the right to observe, document, and question all stages of the election process;
  • SB1577, requiring county recorders or other lead election officials to separate and record duplicated and adjudicated ballots by their type and defect or damage, compiled in a report submitted to the legislature;
  • SB1609, requiring a court to order an election to be repeated within 90 days if a contested ballot measure or candidate didn’t receive the highest number of votes;
  • SB1359, requiring unique election system passwords for election employees, volunteers, and contractors;
  • SB1570, implementing additional voting equipment chain of custody requirements such as access restricted to authorized election personnel, tamper-proof seals for accessible ports, and chain of custody logging, as well as prohibiting voting equipment from having internet access capabilities;
  • SB1572, requiring county recorders to publish a list of eligible voters on their website 10 days before primary and general elections, as well as all ballot images and sortable cast-vote records, and requiring all ballots to be separated and tabulated by precinct;
  • SB1358, requiring ballots in counties with voting centers to be separated and grouped by precinct for hand count audits;
  • SB1404, repealing the Active Early Voting List (AEVL) and limiting early ballot voting eligibility;
  • SB1357, prohibiting election machines or devices certified by laboratories not accredited at the time of certification;
  • SB1474, declaring primary and general election days as state holidays, prohibiting voting locations from being used as on-site early voting, and establishing voting on election day only;
  • HB2241, requiring anyone dropping off an early ballot to either show ID or sign an acknowledgment that they have permission to do so on behalf of the voter.

Marson also spoke out against bills that passed, such as HB2492, which requires proof of citizenship when registering to vote. That particular law attracted lawsuits from the Department of Justice (DOJ) and voting rights groups.

Corinne Murdock is a reporter for AZ Free News. Follow her latest on Twitter, or email tips to corinne@azfreenews.com.