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FREE ENTERPRISE CLUB: Arizona’s Tax Dollars Should Not Be Going To Hollywood

January 25, 2025

By the Arizona Free Enterprise Club |

As President Trump gets to work cleaning up Joe Biden’s failed economy, the last thing the people of Arizona need is to be sending their hard-earned dollars to woke Hollywood. But that’s exactly what’s happening.

Thanks to a law passed in 2022, movie companies that film in Arizona will begin receiving refundable tax credit subsidies this year—up to 15 percent if they spend up to $10 million in production costs, 17.5 percent if they spend between $10 million and $35 million, and 20 percent if they spend over $35 million. Then, to top it all off, these movie companies can get an additional 2.5 percent if they meet other criteria.

But here’s the real kicker. The keyword in all of this is “refundable.” This essentially means that if a movie company qualifies for more credits than they owe in taxes, the State of Arizona sends them a check!

So, how much does this outrageous tax scheme cost the people of Arizona?

Up to $125 million each year!

For that kind of money, there must be at least some kind of return on this investment, right? Nope.

If a company comes to Arizona, films a movie, mentions our state in the credits but decides not to release or distribute the film, it still receives the money.

Yes. You read that right. Arizona taxpayers could be funding Hollywood movies that won’t ever see the light of day…


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