Legislators Recognize Arizona’s Correctional Officers

Legislators Recognize Arizona’s Correctional Officers

By Daniel Stefanski |

Arizona officials recently took time to recognize the state’s correctional officers.

Last week, the Arizona Legislature celebrated Arizona Correctional Professionals Day.

The Arizona Senate Republicans Caucus “X” account posted, “Senate Republicans unequivocally support our men and women in public safety, and we are proud to celebrate Arizona Correctional Professionals Day at the Capitol. These dedicated men and women are a crucial community within our public safety sector and play an important role in protecting our citizens, as well as the rehabilitation of those who are incarcerated.”

Senator T.J. Shope also issued a statement to highlight Arizona’s correctional officers. He wrote, “We celebrated Arizona Correctional Professionals Day at the Capitol this week, and I had the honor of welcoming these public servants at a BBQ lunch by presenting them with a legislative proclamation recognizing their work. Arizona is dedicated to providing reentry and rehabilitation services for incarcerated individuals so that they may become productive citizens contributing to our society after release.”

Shope added, “Our state’s nearly 8,000 correctional officers and security staff are crucial to this mission. Their unwavering dedication, professionalism, and bravery in the face of challenging circumstances is to be commended. They truly demonstrate exceptional commitment to upholding the rule of law, ensuring humane treatment of the incarcerated, and fostering an environment for positive behavioral change. For the past 12 years, l’ve been honored to represent the men and women working in our private and public correctional facilities in Pinal County. Thank you for your service!”

Governor Katie Hobbs joined Shope and others to thank the men and women who serve in this specific line of work, declaring the week as “Correctional Officers and Employee Week.”

At the end of the week, the “X” account for the Arizona Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation posted, “THANK YOU to the entire ADCRR family for your ongoing effort and service as we reimagine corrections across Arizona. We hope you had a great Correctional Officers and Employees Week.”

Daniel Stefanski is a reporter for AZ Free News. You can send him news tips using this link.

House Republicans Hold The Line On Abortion Ban

House Republicans Hold The Line On Abortion Ban

By Daniel Stefanski |

A majority of Republicans in Arizona’s Legislature held the line Wednesday to preserve the state’s near abortion ban.

On Wednesday morning, the Arizona House of Representatives gaveled into session for the first time this week, giving a coalition of members the opportunity to repeal a broad abortion ban that the State Supreme Court had reinstated earlier this month.

Since the Arizona Supreme Court’s historic opinion on the statute, Democrats and some Republicans have sought to repeal the 1864 abortion policy, which has been ratified by the state legislature several times, including in a 2022 bill that established a 15-week abortion ban before the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade. A coalition attempted to call up a proposal, HB 2677, from Democrat State Representative Stephanie Stahl Hamilton, which would repeal the law. Members did not have a chance to vote on the bill due to a chaotic scene on the floor, that included a successful motion to recess and adjourn for the week.

Stahl Hamilton wasted little time on Wednesday in trying to call up her bill for consideration, but was thwarted by a point of order from Republican State Representative Jacqueline Parker, who highlighted a rule of the chamber giving the Speaker veto power over these procedures. Speaker Pro Tempore Travis Grantham asked Speaker Ben Toma for his decision, and Toma exercised his right to veto Stahl Hamilton’s request. After a couple of split procedural votes to override the Speaker’s action, which Republican Representative Matthew Gress joined with Democrats, the House recessed without any progress in repealing the near abortion ban.

Democrat Governor Katie Hobbs reacted to the latest from the State House, expressing her outrage over the inability to repeal the near abortion ban. She wrote, “Extremist Republicans in the Legislature have failed again to do the right thing. In just one week living under this new reality, women, doctors, and healthcare providers have already begun to feel the devastating effects of living under a total abortion ban. We cannot go on like this.”

Hobbs added, “I will continue to call on the Legislature to do its job and repeal this law. In the meantime, I remain committed to protecting the freedoms of every single Arizonan, and I am working to make sure women are able to access the care they need.”

A Republican running for State Representative pointed out that, unlike Hobbs’ claim that effects were already being felt, the law was not even in effect yet, due to instructions from the Arizona Supreme Court.

The Arizona Senate gaveled into its session in the afternoon and experienced a surprise action from Democrats, who, led by Senator Anna Hernandez, gained recognition for a motion to introduce a bill after the designated legislative deadline. Two Republicans joined with all Democrats to support Hernandez’s motion, which allows the chamber to fast-track a repeal of the controversial abortion law.

Both chambers adjourned for the week, leaving the near abortion ban intact through the weekend at least. If the abortion law in question is repealed, the state would likely revert to the recent 15-week abortion limit passed by lawmakers in 2022, marking the first time in the state’s history that the Arizona Legislature “affirmatively created a right to, or independently authorized, elective abortion” – as pointed out by the State Supreme Court in its opinion last week. That limit is sure to be expanded with a constitutional amendment that is likely to make the November General Election ballot.

Daniel Stefanski is a reporter for AZ Free News. You can send him news tips using this link.

America’s Future Clouded By Illegal Immigration, Uncontrolled Debt

America’s Future Clouded By Illegal Immigration, Uncontrolled Debt

By Dr. Thomas Patterson |

Americans are feeling growing unease about the accumulating dysfunctions afflicting us which seem to elude governmental solutions. The combination of weak leadership and irresolute voters has led to diminished standing internationally, inflation, rising crime rates, energy shortages, the hollowing out of once-great cities, and persistent racial disparities.

Yet the greatest threats of all to our future are the national debt and illegal immigration, both of which are wildly out of control. These two dangers, if not soon contained, threaten to consign our beloved nation to second-tier status.

Yes, it could happen. Americans tend to believe that everything will be OK, because this is America where everything naturally gets better.

But there’s nothing inevitable about our good fortune. Yes, we have a fortuitous history, but the music could stop at any time if we habitually neglect the discipline necessary for successful self-government.

There’s even an ominous question of whether the debt and illegal immigration are even solvable at this point. Yes, we’ve carried high debt loads before, notably after World War II. Strong economic growth rescued us then. Innovation and improved productivity are again our only realistic hope of avoiding sharp economic decline.

But we’ve worked ourselves into a dangerous situation, where our annual debt service has reached $1 trillion. We are forced to borrow to make interest payments while our debt continues to grow – a death spiral normally leading to bankruptcy. Creditors will soon demand higher interest payments, and many may refuse to buy our debt altogether.

The effects of the massive migration of the last few years will also be difficult to reverse. Even if we ended illegal immigration today, the 20 million new residents among us aren’t going home, and deportation of this scope may be impossible.

At least two million are “gotaways” who intentionally avoided border check points, for reasons we can easily guess. This means not only will our lives become more dangerous, but social, educational, and criminal justice systems will all be undergoing stress tests just at a time when we are running out of money (see above).

Sure, Democrats have enthusiastically led the open borders craze. They ludicrously claim there is nothing they can do unless Republicans will legislate more, spend more, and agree to comprehensive immigration reform, a.k.a. universal amnesty.

But Republicans had their chance to close the border and didn’t. Instead of cutting back immigration, the Trump administration could have used executive authority to close the border entirely to unauthorized entry, as the law requires.

Americans’ traditional respect for the Rule of Law is a linchpin of our national success. We ignore it to our detriment. We now will pay an awful price for keeping the door cracked a little open when the law is clear.

Democrats have also led the charge for irresponsible spending for false reasons (COVID) or for pure political gain (student loan forgiveness). But Republicans have failed to be the adults in the room, quailing at the threatened “government shutdowns” during spending debates, sneakily supporting spending abuses like earmarks, and generally refusing to expend political capital on spending reductions.

When you’re in a hole, stop digging, right? The first orders of business are to close the border and balance the budget. Both require prodigious amounts of political will, and these are just the first steps.

There is some hope in the sudden transformation of the formerly sanctimonious sanctuary city jurisdictions. When faced with the realities of millions of unvetted, unskilled dependents demanding…well, everything, they are swiftly losing their enthusiasm.

For now, the self-described humanitarians are demanding more help in processing and caring for illegal immigrants, but it’s likely they will become more realistic before long. We’ll see. Voters clearly respond more constructively to crises which affect them personally, which our unmanageable debt will also soon begin to do.

Many historians believe we are seeing the inevitable decline of a still great civilization, a highly successful republic that by choice never became an empire yet achieved dominance and wealth. Like many before us, prosperity produced softness and self-indulgence in the citizenry and so we too may sink into the dustbin of history.

Somehow, we must not – we cannot – let that happen.

Dr. Thomas Patterson, former Chairman of the Goldwater Institute, is a retired emergency physician. He served as an Arizona State senator for 10 years in the 1990s, and as Majority Leader from 93-96. He is the author of Arizona’s original charter schools bill.

Republicans Hope To Lower Gas Prices For Arizona Drivers

Republicans Hope To Lower Gas Prices For Arizona Drivers

By Daniel Stefanski |

On Wednesday, Republican lawmakers held a press conference to announce their plan to “ease the financial burden hitting hardworking Arizonans when they fill their gas tanks…by addressing fuel blend requirements in Arizona.”

The fuel blend issue at Arizona pumps has long been a point of contention between legislative Republicans and the Hobbs’ administration, leading to this proactive attempt at a solution on the lawmakers’ side. According to the press release issued by the State Senate Republican Caucus, “Arizona is required to provide drivers in Maricopa County a specific fuel blend for cooler season months and a different fuel blend specific for warmer season months.” The blend employed by the state during spring and summer is “Cleaner Burning Gas” (CBG) – a boutique blend dictated by statute and procured from outside the state, which can lead to shortages and higher prices for consumers filling up their tanks at critical times of the year.

Faced with this issue of a very limited set of approved fuel blends, Arizona legislative Republicans announced that they had “identified eight comparable blends” in their free-market proposal to allow “as many fuel blends as possible.”

“We believe the EPA can and should approve those blends for use, as they provide nearly identical clean air benefits as CBG,” said Senate President Warren Petersen. “Providing multiple fuel options allows the market to compete during unexpected shortages and helps keep gas prices low for Arizona drivers.”

Senator Justine Wadsack, the bill’s sponsor, added, “The Legislature was not made aware of the shortage until after it had happened. As part of our plan, we’re proposing the Legislature be immediately notified if a waiver is requested by refineries, and that the Senate President and House Speaker are provided the authority to file a waiver request directly with the EPA. Hardworking Arizonans are struggling in this economy. Turning a blind eye to crippling gas prices is like throwing salt on their wounds. As lawmakers, we should do everything in our power to improve the lives of our citizens who elected us to represent them.”

The issues raised by Wadsack refer to previously induced information this year that the Governor’s Office was convinced by the EPA not to submit a waiver for an “alternative fuel type to provide an adequate supply for drivers and preventing a hike in gas prices,” despite oil companies warning state officials of significant refinery shutdowns and past Arizona Governors applying for and receiving that opportunity. According to Senate Republicans, “this catastrophe reduced the supply of the CBG (fuel blend).”

In an exclusive statement to AZ Free News, Representative Austin Smith said, “I applaud my fellow freedom caucus colleagues, Kolodin and Wadsack, for being the leaders on this issue. Every Arizonan, specifically in Maricopa County, has felt the pain at the pump under the Biden administration. Katie Hobbs could have led on this issue with requesting a waiver from the EPA, but failed to do so. As Vice Chairman of the House Energy committee, I look forward to seeing the proposals come forward this upcoming session. It’s the upmost importance to deliver real solutions to working Arizona families where we can.”

Earlier this year, Senator Jake Hoffman unleashed a blistering rebuke of Hobbs’ reported failure “to do the right thing by requesting this waiver to allow prices at the pump to drop.” Hoffman’s statement followed the aforementioned accounts of a letter that had been sent to Hobbs in March by independent petroleum refiner HF Sinclair, warning the state’s chief executive “of a critical supply shortage in Arizona due to an unexpected equipment failure stopping the production of CBG required by the Biden Administration in Maricopa County, as well as parts of Pinal and Yavapai Counties.”

At the time, Hoffman said, “Katie Hobbs’ incompetence as Arizona’s Governor continues to take center stage, and hardworking Arizonans are paying the price for it. The average price for a gallon of gas right now in Maricopa County is a full $1 higher than the national average. This is extra money that could help with groceries, medications and other necessities many of our taxpayers are having a difficult time affording because of the Biden Administration’s reckless policies leading to historic inflation.”

Senator Shawnna Bolick, who also attended the Wednesday press conference, told AZ Free News that “earlier this year, a proposed waiver that would have helped Arizonans save millions at the pump was rejected by an unelected government bureaucracy. During the critical supply shortage of CBG this spring it would have been invaluable to have this legislation to increase the availability of multiple gas blends instead of the current monopoly. It is time to remove unnecessary excessive red tape and open the market to competition to help Arizonans counter the Biden inflationary economy.”

Daniel Stefanski is a reporter for AZ Free News. You can send him news tips using this link.

Lawmakers Call On Mitchell To Investigate Phoenix Ukraine Gun Scheme

Lawmakers Call On Mitchell To Investigate Phoenix Ukraine Gun Scheme

By Daniel Stefanski |

Arizona Legislative Republicans aren’t finished with the City of Phoenix’s action to donate firearms to Ukraine.

Last week, three Arizona State Representatives sent a letter to Maricopa County Attorney Rachel Mitchell, calling on the prosecutor to “immediately undertake a criminal and civil investigation of City of Phoenix Mayor Kate Gallego and City Councilmembers for their intentional and flagrant violation of state law in connection with their actions surrounding the City’s Ordinance S-50010.”

The letter from Representatives Travis Grantham, Quang Nguyen, and Selina Bliss, follows a response from Arizona Attorney General Kris Mayes regarding a 1487 complaint for “a recently passed City of Phoenix ordinance allowing the illegal donation of 599 unclaimed firearms to Ukraine’s national police force.” Mayes’ report found that “Arizona law requires cities to dispose of unclaimed firearms by selling them in the manner provided by statute, yet the Ordinance provides for Phoenix to dispose of its unclaimed firearms by donating them to Ukraine via an export company. Because a ‘donation’ is not a ‘sale’ – and because the Ordinance conflicts with A.R.S. 12-945 in other related respects – it violates that statute, and therefore also violates A.R.S. 13-3108(A) and A.R.S. 12-943.”

Attorney General Mayes’ findings forced the City of Phoenix to repeal the Ordinance, as the lawmakers admitted in their letter to Mitchell. However, the legislators noted some “alarming details” contained in Mayes’ report “that confirm the City Council’s lawlessness and egregious disregard for state law.” One of those details was that when faced with the threat of the Attorney General’s investigation, the City’s counsel disclosed that the City has already completed the firearms transfer contemplated by the Ordinance and the Agreement.

The three state lawmakers argue that “neither the AG’s Report nor the City’s repeal of its Ordinance absolves the City Mayor or Councilmembers of criminal or civil liability for their misconduct,” hoping that the County Attorney could determine “the extent to which the City’s elected officials conspired to: (1) knowingly and repeatedly violate state law – particularly after we alerted them to the illegality of their conduct; (2) conceal their conduct; and (3) interfere with, coerce, or thwart the Attorney General’s S.B. 1487 investigation through improper means or communications.”

At the end of the letter, the legislators wrote, “In a free society, it is critical that our elected officials follow the rule of law, even when they may disagree with the underlying policy of the law. Citizens in our state are held to this standard every day. Arizonans reasonably expect – and the law demands – that government leaders likewise comply with state law or risk serious consequences for their intentional disregard of the law.” They added their collective hope that “the Mayor and City Councilmembers must also be held fully accountable for facilitating crimes of others through their illegal transfer of weapons, including but not limited to domestic civil offenses, war crimes, and organized crimes defined in Chapter 23 of Title 13.”

Daniel Stefanski is a reporter for AZ Free News. You can send him news tips using this link.