Sky Harbor Airport
Rep. Gosar’s Bill Providing Safe Travel For Vets Signed Into Law

January 12, 2025

By Daniel Stefanski |

A Republican Member of Congress in the Arizona delegation is cheering on his bill becoming law.

Last week, U.S. Representative Paul Gosar highlighted that H.R. 7365, the Veterans Expedited TSA Safe Travel Act, was signed into law by outgoing President, Joseph R. Biden.

Gosar said, “Very pleased that my bill, HR 7365 – the VETS Safe Travel Act, has been signed by Mr. Biden and is now the law of the land and will provide TSA’s PreCheck program to severely injured or disabled veterans free of charge.”

A press release from the White House thanked Representative Gosar “for his leadership.”

According to information from Gosar’s office, “under the VETS Safe Travel Act, the Department of Veterans Affairs would certify that a veteran is severely injured and therefore eligible to apply for the TSA PreCheck program free of charge. TSA would process the veteran’s application, granting access to TSA PreCheck program provided they successfully pass the necessary background check and interview process.”

Gosar’s office supplied data from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, showing that “approximately 325,000 veterans would become eligible for this free PreCheck screening program.”

The VETS Safe Travel Act was supported by the Wounded Warrior Project, Paralyzed Veterans of America, Disabled American Veterans, American Legion, Blinded Veterans Association, Veterans of Foreign Wars, Operation Second Chance, Inc., Unified Arizona Veterans, Texas Coalition of Veteran Organizations, and Veterans Airlift Command.

When this proposal passed the U.S. House of Representatives last month, Gosar said, “My great state of Arizona is home to over 450,000 veterans and nearly 30% of those live with a disability. Traveling through standard airport checkpoints with severe injuries can present significant challenges for disabled veterans. They often must wait in long and winding lines, remove their shoes, and maintain balance to stand in a security scanner.  For many disabled veterans, these can be difficult tasks that can present a fall hazard or require special assistance.”

After the U.S. Senate passed the bill, he added, No American veteran, particularly disabled veterans, should be hassled at our airports. With successful passage in the Senate, the VETS Safe Travel Act is one step closer to becoming law.”

Daniel Stefanski is a reporter for AZ Free News. You can send him news tips using this link.

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