Business Ordered To Cease Operations Following Court Settlement With Maricopa County

January 13, 2025

By Matthew Holloway |

Growers Market, a composting business located in Laveen, will be shuttering its operations in South Phoenix as a direct result of legal action brought by the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors.

According to a release from Maricopa County, the operators of Growers Market concluded an agreement with the Board that they be prohibited from operating the firm’s composting facility on the Laveen property involved in the legal complaint. The company also agreed to a series of strict stipulations imposed by the county that will result in the business’ operations being shut down rapidly and the composting material removed from the land.

As reported by ABC15, the facility, located near 27th Avenue and Dobbins, was first mentioned in a legal complaint against Growers Market on December 18th. According to the order obtained by ABC15, the court found the composting operation to be in violation of the property’s RU-43 zoning designation adding, “A composting operation is not authorized in that zoning designation without a special use permit. Defendants had neither applied for nor received a special use permit allowing the use of the Property for a composting operation. Maricopa County Zoning Ordinance (MCZO) sections 501 & 503.”

The county issued a Notice and Order for the owners to comply with the zoning in August and issued a hearing summons in September for the violation. On November 8th the hearing officer issued a Judgment and Order finding the business in violation of zoning, and the order was not appealed.

In a statement released to the press, Supervisor Steve Gallardo, who represents District 5 where the property is located, said, “This settlement is a big win for Laveen community members. This business could have continued operating for months while we waited around for court hearings to be scheduled. Instead, we took complaints seriously, took action to hold this business responsible, and prioritized results.”

Under the terms of the court order, the business must vacate the property by no later than March 1st or face fines of $1,000 per day. Growers Market will be authorized to begin processing all material on the land until January 20 when grinding or screening of mulch material must cease and all related equipment must be removed from the property.

Until the property is cleared, the county advised, Growers Market is permitted to haul off remaining mulch and materials Monday though Friday between 7am and 5pm through the March 1st deadline but must submit to regular inspections and provide weekly progress reports to County officials.

“Look, I support small businesses and want to see them thrive,” Gallardo began. “But when their operations start to affect the health and well-being of local residents, we have to get involved and put an end to it. I’m thankful for the sense of closure this settlement provides so Laveen residents can get back to their normal lives.”

According to the order, the property is anticipated to be used as a tree farm after the cleanup is complete.

Matthew Holloway is a senior reporter for AZ Free News. Follow him on X for his latest stories, or email tips to

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