armed cop at school
Arizona Legislator Prioritizes School Safety Legislation

January 30, 2025

By Daniel Stefanski |

A long-time Arizona legislator is calling on his state to add more protections to schools in response to a near-tragedy earlier this month.

Late last week, State Senator David Farnsworth issued a statement following a school safety incident in southern Arizona, where an off-duty officer in Tucson, who was serving as a school resource officer, detained an armed man who had been threatening children in the gymnasium at Legacy Traditional School East. The Republican-led Arizona Legislature has increasingly prioritized school safety efforts around the state to ensure that students, teachers, and other employees are protected from potential harms.

In recent years, the Arizona Legislature created the School Safety Program within the State Department of Education, which “support[s], promote[s], and enhance[s] safe and effective learning environments for all students by supporting the cost of placing school resource officers, juvenile probation officers, school counselors, and school social workers on school campuses.” According to information provided by the department, this program “is a competitive, state-funded grant that runs in three-year cycles.”

Senator Farnsworth said, “I applaud the Tucson School District for obtaining the grant and working in conjunction with local law enforcement to hire the off-duty Tucson Police Officer that saved the lives of the children and faculty present that day. We cannot continue to leave classrooms open with easy access for predators. We must come together as a community and encourage school districts to apply for the grant and put measures into place that protect the safety of students and school faculty. I am committed to working with stakeholders, school boards, and the Legislature to prioritize school safety legislation that safeguards Arizona schools from threats.”

Arizona Superintendent of Public Instruction, Tom Horne, added, “Only the heroic actions of the school resource officer, William Bonanno, prevented a catastrophe. He undoubtedly saved lives because of his incredible professionalism in that he was experienced enough to act quickly rather than wait for backup. The presence of an armed officer has sadly become a crucial element of campus safety, and this incident proves that beyond a doubt. The heroism of this officer means that more than 20 families have not experienced the tragic death or injury to an innocent child. As a parent who has suffered the loss of a child, I can tell you that you never get over it.”

Lawmakers will continue to work on solutions to increase security for the state’s schools in this current legislative session – especially with the potential near-miss in southern Arizona.

Daniel Stefanski is a reporter for AZ Free News. You can send him news tips using this link.

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