Julie Willoughby
Willoughby Eyes Return To Arizona House To Continue Push For Parental Rights And Safe Communities

September 6, 2024

By Staff Reporter |

A Phoenix-area nurse and mother is key to Arizona Republicans’ chances to hang onto control of the state House of Representatives.

Julie Willoughby is running for the Arizona House of Representatives in Legislative District 13, covering several east valley communities. Willoughby is a first-time officeholder in the state legislature, having been appointed to serve in the chamber by the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors in May 2023.  She is a mother of two and an Emergency Room trauma nurse who also makes time to serve in her church.

On her campaign website, Willoughby makes the case for voters to return her to the state House for another term in office. She writes, “By asking for your vote, I am asking you to believe in me; to put your faith in me. So I think it’s important that I share my ‘Why.’ My husband Brice and I have two wonderful children. We are like many of you – a happy growing family living in the present but with a careful eye on the future. We moved our family to Chandler over 5 years ago because it offered everything we wanted for our family – lots of young active parents, safe communities, and plenty of parks all wrapped up in a lovely, family-friendly vibe. We were thrilled to be part of such a wonderful city!”

The Republican legislator continued, “Once we got settled in, we started considering the bigger questions. How do we ensure our family’s safety? How do we safeguard our access to the best possible education for our children? How do we protect our family business so that it continues to flourish and grow? These important questions and many others led Brice and I to a discussion about how we could become more vocal and involved. Always avid voters, we were keenly aware that every vote counts, but what about the things that don’t end up on a ballot? How can we raise our voice for ALL issues that impact our family and so many others?”

Willoughby added, “After much discussion, soul-searching and prayer, the answer was crystal clear to both of us – we would run for the legislature, to protect the future of our family and yours. Brice and I have no doubt that this is the path God had planned for us all along, and we couldn’t be more excited to enter this new chapter of public service.”

Since entering the legislature in May 2023, Willoughby has been extremely active and focused on solutions for the men and women she represents in the easy valley of the Phoenix-metro area. Last year, Willoughby announced that she had “spearheaded the expansion of the Arizona Resource Equity & Access Coordination Hub (AZ REACH), a pioneering program that facilitates the seamless transfer of medical patients, providing critical support to hospitals across the state.”

Willoughby’s release revealed that the AZ REACH Program “has been instrumental in facilitating the seamless transfer of over 4,000 patients, with an impressive acceptance rate exceeding 90 percent,” adding that “the program streamlines the transfer process by facilitating calls for placement, connecting practitioners, and following through on placement progress, allowing referring facility team members to focus on care.” AZ REACH started in December 2022.

In a statement about this positive development, Representative Willoughby said, “As a nurse, I know that the AZ REACH program helps save practitioners time and patients’ lives. With the introduction of AZ STEP, we are taking a monumental step towards improving patient care, throughput, and access to specialty services, particularly in our smaller rural hospitals. During peak times, it’s imperative that clinical staff can focus on patients’ needs without being burdened by transfer logistics. AZ STEP will bridge this gap further, ensuring patients receive the care they require.”

The freshman lawmaker also issued a press release in September 2023 to announce that she had secured $2.25 million in the state budget “intended to support the efforts of the Chandler Police Department in their fight against Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC).” The release informed readers that the funding would “empower law enforcement to employ cutting-edge technology and enhance critical investigative capabilities in their pursuit of justice,” adding that the support would “combat heinous offenses that not only impact our state but resonate across the nation.”

In a statement accompanying her announcement about ICAC, Willoughby said, “Backing those dedicated to upholding the safety and security of our community, and especially our children, is a cornerstone of my commitment as a state representative. This funding will equip the Chandler Police Department with advanced technology and resources dedicated to combatting Internet Crimes Against Children and other high priority criminal cases, safeguarding our communities and preserving the innocence of our youth. By investing in this critical area, we are taking a significant step forward in ensuring a safer Arizona for all.”

Earlier this year, Willoughby sponsored HB 2183, which would have “entitle[d] parents with the right to receive from a healthcare entity equivalent access to any electronic portal or other healthcare delivery platform for their minor child.” According to Willoughby’s press release, her bill would have increased the protections afforded to parents in the Arizona parents’ bill of rights by “guaranteeing parents’ equal access to healthcare delivery platforms like online medical portals to care for their minor children.”

Unfortunately for parental rights in Arizona, Democrat Governor Katie Hobbs vetoed the proposal when it reached her desk, writing, “The measure as written could put the health and safety of vulnerable Arizonans at risk.”

Willoughby was greatly disappointed by the governor’s action. After the veto, she said, “I am deeply dismayed by Governor Hobbs’ decision to veto HB 2183. This was important legislation designed to assist Arizona families, particularly those with children suffering from chronic diseases, access vital medical records, which are often required for arranging specialty follow-up appointments, surgeries, or consultations with out-of-state specialists. The governor’s veto means that families will continue to face unnecessary hurdles in obtaining the critical information they need, precisely when they need it most, especially during urgent health crises. This decision not only undermines the welfare of vulnerable families but also impedes their access to necessary healthcare information.”

According to the Arizona Independent Redistricting Commission, Legislative District 13 is one of the most competitive in the state, with a 1.6% vote spread between Republicans and Democrats in the past nine statewide elections. In those contests, Republicans have won five times, compared to four for Democrats.

Willoughby is running alongside former legislator Jeff Weninger for the two seats in the Arizona House of Representatives in the district. The two Republicans are facing off against Democrats Nicholas Gonzales and Brandy Reese in November’s General Election in what figures to be an exciting showdown for the right to represent the constituents of Legislative District 13.

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