empty classroom
Horne Raises Concerns About Teacher Shortage

September 13, 2024

By Daniel Stefanski |

Arizona’s Republican Superintendent of Public Instruction is sounding the alarm about the state’s dwindling pool of teachers.

Earlier this month, Arizona’s school’s chief, Tom Horne, announced the results of a teacher retention survey “that shows alarming numbers pointing to a crisis in the teaching profession.”

According to the release from the Arizona Department of Education, “A survey of nearly 1,000 teachers who left the profession after 2023 shows large numbers of educators left because of lack of administrative support for classroom discipline and a desire for better pay. Teachers are leaving the profession within the first few years of teaching at an alarming rate, and there are more teachers leaving than are coming into the classroom. If this were to continue, we would ultimately end up with no teachers.”

Horne said, “This is a crisis, and it needs to be addressed immediately. In the most recent legislative session, I urged the passage of a bill that would require school leaders to support classroom teachers in discipline matters. Sadly, it did not get passed by the legislature and the crisis will not only persist but will just get worse.”

He added, “I have also consistently advocated for higher teacher pay, and yet legislative efforts have been rebuffed because of political disputes that do nothing to help improve the salaries of teachers. In short, just about any classroom teacher can tell you what they need to thrive as educators and lead students to academic excellence. Better pay and robust support from administrators on discipline are vital.”

The survey from the department collected responses from 945 Arizona teachers. Per the press release, “about 67 percent cited low pay. Nearly 64 percent agreed or strongly agreed that they left teaching because of student behavior and discipline problems. Almost 47 percent said they were dissatisfied with their administration and just over 45 percent were unhappy with working conditions.”

Daniel Stefanski is a reporter for AZ Free News. You can send him news tips using this link.

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