Major Arizona Builder Accused Of Attempting To Silence Home Inspector

August 30, 2024

By Staff Reporter |

The Scottsdale-based national homebuilder, Taylor Morrison, is accused of attempting to silence a home inspector over his viral videos exposing what he says are poor and even dangerous workmanship. 

The inspector, Cyril (Cy) Porter, has accrued nearly 1.2 million followers collectively across Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, and YouTube for his informational videos. Porter operates independently through his company, CyFy Home Inspections. A number of the homes he finds fault with were approved by city or county inspectors. 

A Taylor Morrison representative, “Jennifer,” filed a complaint with the State Board of Technical Registration (SBTR) against Porter in April according to public records. Taylor Morrison sought disciplinary action against Porter, as well as a requirement that he delete past videos and cease posting his exposés in the future. 

During its hearing on Tuesday, SBTR voted against taking disciplinary action against Porter, however they also voted against dismissing the claim. SBTR issued a nondisciplinary letter of concern against Porter. 

Taylor Morrison accused Porter of three violations: fraud, deceit, misrepresentation, or concealment of material facts in advertising, or soliciting; use of derogatory sexualized terms for female professionals; and endorsing products for profit. 

“Taylor Morrison would like Cyril Porter, on behalf of himself and his companies, to stop posting any videos to social media about Taylor Morrison. This request includes using, showing, typing, or tagging them by name, logo, signage, and/or image for any purpose, intended to or reasonably expected to identify the builder, including but not limited to, using their tag lines or wearing t-shirts in social media postings with a version of their name. This conduct is unrelated to actual home inspecting and is actually advertising that violates BTR standards. Taylor Morrison also requests that past videos be removed. In addition, Taylor Morrison would like Registrant disciplined for his harassing, falsified, and bullying advertising/social media posting that does not serve his clients or the public, his taking payment in product endorsements, and his use of repeated sexually suggestive references to female professionals in his videos. Finally, Taylor Morrison would like it made clear that retaliation for bringing this complaint will not be tolerated by the BTR.”

Porter’s work, showcased by his viral videos, has resulted in his being booked out through most of 2026.

A number of commenters have asked Porter if he had any builders that he recommended. Porter said no, that “all [builders are] the same,” referring to poor and even dangerous workmanship.

In a statement provided to 12 News earlier this summer, Taylor Morrison called Porter’s social media posts “sensationalist” and unprofessional. 

“While we have no issue with the home inspections Cy Porter conducts, we do believe his advertising through sensationalist social media postings violates the professional conduct standards set forth by the Board of Technical Registration, which licenses and regulates home inspectors, and we trust the board to review and make an assessment,” said the company. 

Even in million-dollar new homes, Porter documents often finding and struggling to have builders resolve: improperly installed, inadequate, or damaged A/C units, ducts, stucco, counters, trusses, electrical, cabinets, doors, showers, tubs, toilets, sinks, roofing, flooring, furnaces, water heaters, walls, plumbing, rain caps, and windows; and trash and debris inside the build or left around the property.

Many of the issues Porter finds are more than just cosmetic issues: they pose major health and safety hazards. At times, builders have attempted to prevent Porter from accessing certain areas of the home for inspection, namely roofs and attics.

In addition to Taylor Morrison, Porter has documented the poor practices and/or workmanship of Alamar, Brightland Homes (Gehand), D.R. Horton, Express Homes, Fulton Homes, Homes by Towne, KB Home, Landsea Homes, Lennar, Meritage Homes, Richmond American Homes, Shea Homes, and Starlight Homes.

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