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Arizona’s Republican Lawmakers Looking To Bring Economic Relief

June 5, 2024

By Daniel Stefanski |

Arizona legislative Republicans are seeking to bring economic relief to many of their constituents who are struggling to make ends meet.

Over the weekend, Arizona Senate President Warren Petersen issued a statement about the harsh economic circumstances faced by thousands of Arizonans – and countless more around the nation. Petersen said, “Crippling prices on basic necessities continue to wreak havoc on hardworking Arizonans. Sadly, this will remain the case while the Biden Administration continues to enact costly policies, and while Washington D.C. continues its out of control spending spree.”

The Republican Senate President pointed to a study from a local thinktank, which proved his point about the current state of the economy, as compared to years earlier, writing, “According to a recent report from the Common Sense Institute, the average family would have saved approximately $8,400 annually over the past three years, if inflation remained at the Federal Reserve’s 2% goal. In comparison to 2020, rent for a two-bedroom apartment is now 30% higher, a tank of gas is $24 dollars more, and a month’s worth of groceries for a family of four is $302 higher!”

The report also showed that “real wages in Arizona have fallen 1% since peaking in April 2020.”

As he ended his statement about the economic woes across the state and country, Petersen said, “Senate Republicans provided families some relief with a tax rebate last year, and by also eliminating the tax renters pay on their monthly bill. We are committed to doing more to ease these burdens, while Democrats, unfortunately, ignore the problem.”

Daniel Stefanski is a reporter for AZ Free News. You can send him news tips using this link.

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