Arizona Superintendent Eliminates Kindergarten Entry Assessment: ‘Waste Of Classroom Time’

June 24, 2024

By Staff Reporter |

The Arizona legislature’s new budget for the state nixed the Kindergarten Entry Assessment (KEA) at the behest of Department of Education Superintendent Tom Horne, who called the program a “waste of classroom time.”

The KEA required teachers to assess their students within the first 45 calendar days of enrollment. 

Horne issued a press release earlier this week acknowledging the change as motivated by educators’ disdain for the program, which the superintendent said was reportedly viewed as “an unnecessary bureaucratic requirement.” Horne said eliminating the KEA would improve academic results through reducing teacher paperwork. 

KEA’s elimination wasn’t sudden: the education department reported that it reduced the program’s administrative requirements by over 80 percent last year. Although, Horne said he would have eliminated the KEA earlier if he’d had the legal authority to do it on his own. 

“Over time, the KEA had ballooned into an endless morass of paperwork that meant teachers had to spend too much time on bureaucratic requirements versus time with students,” said Horne. “Now the legislature has taken the welcome step of entirely removing the legal requirement for the KEA, which frees up more time for teachers to spend on classroom instruction.”

Several public school leaders offered support for Horne’s decision.

“Superintendent Horne reviewed our feedback on the KEA in our Kindergarten classes,” said Dysart Unified School District Superintendent John Croteau. “The KEA duplicated many of our current practices and took away valuable instructional time. This decision prioritizes student interests by focusing on maximizing valuable classroom time to enhance student learning opportunities.”

“Superintendent Horne and his department sought feedback directly from kindergarten teachers and families about the time, student privacy, and resources lost to KEA and we appreciate the swift and effective action taken to eliminate this program in the best interests of Arizona kids!” said Challenger Charter School CEO Wendy Miller.

According to last year’s KEA requirements, teachers were to observe the following learning and development objectives in their students during instruction: social emotional development (manages feelings, follows limits and expectations, responds to emotional cues, interacts with peers, solves social problems); physical (uses fingers and hands); language and literacy (tells about another time and place, follows directions, notices and discriminates rhyme, notices and discriminates alliteration, uses and appreciates books and other texts, uses print concepts); cognitive/approaches to learning (attends and engages); and mathematics (counts, quantifies, connects numerals and quantities). 

School districts and charter school governing bodies were given discretion through the last legislative session as to the appropriate evaluation methods or assessments to accomplish the KEA. Prior to that, educators had to rely on the Teaching Strategies GOLD (TSG) platform to complete KEA. TSG usage and accurate KEA completion required additional training from teachers, with the introductory course amounting to three hours alone. 

Arizona’s KEA requirement can be traced back to 2013 when the state launched a pilot initiative, The Kindergarten Project, through partnership with the Arizona State Board of Education, First Things First, Alesi Group, and Virginia G. Piper Charitable Trust.

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