Arizona Treasurer Honored Before Congress For Inspiring Young Women

May 21, 2024

By Staff Reporter |

Arizona Treasurer Kimberly Yee was honored before Congress on Monday for her work and legacy inspiring girls and young women.

Congresswoman Debbie Lesko presented the recognition for Yee. Lesko noted that Yee was the first Chinese-American woman in Arizona to take on a high state-level position, as well as a Republican.

“It is the first Asian-American elected to a statewide office in Arizona history,” said Lesko. 

Yee formerly served in the Arizona legislature, in both the House and the Senate, and rose to become the state’s second female majority leader, after the late Sandra Day O’Connor. 

Prior to joining the state legislature and coming to Arizona, Yee worked for California’s Republican governors Pete Wilson and Arnold Shwarzenegger. After Yee moved to California, Yee became communications director for the place she now leads: the state treasurer’s office. 

Yee’s transition into the legislature began after Governor Jan Brewer successfully recommended Yee to replace another lawmaker, former Republican representative Doug Quellan. 

It was in the legislature that Yee passed a bill requiring doctors to provide women with the option of an ultrasound before obtaining an abortion.

Some of Yee’s high marks in office include her improvements that led to record highs of the Permanent Land Endowment Trust Fund, totaling over $8.6 billion at one point (as of March’s end, $6.75 billion); punishing companies’ boycotts of Israel; and getting into state law a requirement of financial education for high schoolers prior to graduation.

“Treasurer Yee’s service to Arizona has raised financial literacy rates, improved Arizona’s economy, and helped show young women and girls across the state that anything is possible,” said Lesko. 

Yee has acted and spoken out consistently on her views of unsound policy, usually Democratic.

Back in February, Yee joined state Republican lawmakers’ lawsuit against the Biden administration over its confiscation of nearly one million acres of land in northern Arizona in an attempt to declare the land a monument.

The treasurer has also pushed back on Governor Katie Hobbs. She asserted publicly that the governor’s proposed education funding plan was “dangerous and unsustainable.” 

Yee also refused to admit government employees under two agencies during a Board of Investment meeting after the Governor refused to nominate agency directors.

After the Hamas terrorist attack that initiated the ongoing conflict between Israel and Gaza, Yee ramped up support for Israel. The state increased its bond holdings to support Israel. 

Yee ensured Arizona was the first state in the country to enforce anti-Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions laws. The state divested $143 million from Unilever, the parent company of Ben & Jerry’s, in response to the latter company’s ceasing distribution in Israel. 

Yee also improved Education Savings Plans (ESPs) under her leadership. The ESPs were up 38 percent: a three-year difference worth $2.25 billion.

Last year, Yee resisted Hobbs’ alleged desire to cancel ESA-related grants enabling children to attend all-day kindergarten. 

Assets under Yee’s management grew from $15.4 billion when she took office to $30.4 billion.

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