2024 Easter Spending Projected To Come Near Last Year’s Record High

March 30, 2024

By Staff Reporter |

Inflation hasn’t discouraged Americans from spending to celebrate the upcoming Easter holiday. Analysts project a spending total surpassing $22 billion, with consumers explaining to them that Easter is an important tradition.

Despite record inflation and consumer goods increasing in price by more than double over the past several years, it appears that Americans still feel the holiday of hope and new life is worth the expense. 

The projections come from the annual survey by the National Retail Federation (NFR) and Prosper Insights & Analytics (PIA). In a press release, NRF President and CEO Matthew Shay explained that Easter maintained its positive meaning for Americans.

“Each year, Americans look forward to the celebration of Easter and the renewal of time and traditions with loved ones,” said Shay.

NRF surveys date back to 2003. This year’s survey spanned about 8,400 adult consumers from March 1 to 6 with a margin of error plus one or minus 1.1 percent. A majority of Americans (81 percent) said they would celebrate Easter. 

64 percent of consumers told survey analysts that they remain inspired to shop for Easter-related items because it’s tradition for them. The next-highest popular reason concerned spending time with family or friends (32 percent), while a close third (29 percent) shopped to capitalize on sales and promotions.

These projections account for food, clothing, and gifts in general. Respondents said they would spend an average of $177 per person. Unsurprisingly, the top-reported expenditures were equally candy and food, followed by general gifts, then clothing, then decorations.

Last year’s Easter shoppers set the record high at $24 billion, with about $190 spent per person. 

Back in 2007, shoppers spent $14.5 billion. The 2008 recession did cause a decline in Easter shopping for several years; it wouldn’t be until 2011 that Americans would surpass 2007 Easter spending.

The annual survey also gauged how consumers planned to spend their Easter weekend. 57 percent mentioned cooking a holiday meal, 53 percent mentioned visiting friends and family, and 43 percent mentioned going to church. Only half of households with children planned to conduct an Easter egg hunt at home.

Discount stores were top of the list for Easter shopping destinations (53 percent), followed by department stores (40 percent), online retail (33 percent), local/small businesses (22 percent), and specialty stores (20 percent).

There were those surveyed who shared that they would not be celebrating Easter. 55 percent of that demographic said they would still take advantage of Easter sales, but would spend much less per person, around $20. The capture of their market has to do with how stores advertise and curate a shopping experience, explained PIA Vice President of Strategy Phil Rist in the NRF press release. 

“The overall shopping experience itself also plays a role in purchasing behavior,” said Rist. “This year almost one-quarter of consumers said they were inspired to shop for Easter items from store displays and decorations as well as exclusive or seasonal products.”

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