military men at sunset
Biden USO Appointee Attacks Military Members Who Voted For Reps. Biggs And Crane

October 3, 2023

By Corinne Murdock |

One of President Joe Biden’s United Service Organizations (USO) appointees attacked members of the military that voted for Reps. Andy Biggs (R-AZ-05) and Eli Crane (R-AZ-02).

USO Board of Governors member Rebekah Sanderlin accused Republican-voting servicemembers of having no commitment to their country and putting their fellow Americans at risk, claiming they would be at fault for domestic violence arising from economic stresses. Ultimately, Sanderlin said the government shutdown was Republican military voters’ fault. Sanderlin works for a Florida-based consulting firm, Ground Truth Consulting, that the Veterans Affairs Department (VA) works with to provide mental health services outreach. 

“If you’re in the military & you voted for them, look to your left & right: YOU did this to your brothers & sisters. I’ve been responding to panicked milspouses all day. I’m pissed at YOU. You did when you supported politicians who want Fox News time more than they want to lead,” said Sanderlin. “So think about that. When that E5’s family can’t eat this month. When that PFC can’t fly home for grandma’s funeral. When student loans & car payments don’t get paid & the stress of it all results in domestic violence, know that YOUR lack of commitment to our country put us here. When you send egoistic clowns to Congress because they’re entertaining, YOU put us all at risk.”

Sanderlin also called out servicemembers who voted for representatives in other states: Matt Gaetz, Tim Burchett, Anna Paulina Luna, Andy Ogles, Matt Rosendale, Dan Bishop, Wesley Hunt, and Cory Mills. 

Sanderlin has never served in the military; she is a marketing strategist and former journalist, and the wife of a retired Army Special Forces command sergeant major who served in Afghanistan. 

Sanderlin worked with the Obama administration’s Joining Forces initiative. Currently, Sanderlin works with Ground Truth Consulting. Her firm has worked with the Veteran Affairs Department on their Veterans Crisis Line and Make the Connection mental health initiatives for several years.

The consulting firm has also provided services to the defense sector, according to its various consultants’ LinkedIn pages. Neither of two government contract databases — USA Spending or the Federal Procurement Data System — reflected any government contracts with Ground Truth Consulting. The last entity contracted for Make the Connection was J.R. Reingold & Associates from 2013 to 2016 for $25.8 million. The System for Award Management (SAM) database also reflects no awarded contracts at any time, though the consulting firm is registered with SAM. 

The firm’s founder, former CEO, and current owner Christopher Murray, a retired Navy rear admiral and commander, also serves on NASA’s Aerospace Safety Advisory Panel (ASAP).

Other principals at the firm are husband and wife, Joe and Claire Woodward. Joe, a retired Marine, worked for IBM as a consultant and account executive, and the Defense Department Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) as a deputy director. 

As part of his government work, Joe Woodward was part of a DTRA team that developed the Constellation system prototype to track threats of weapons of mass destruction.

Claire Woodward worked as the executive director of several military spouse nonprofits, Blue Star Families and MPower prior to founding the consulting firm. 

Corinne Murdock is a reporter for AZ Free News. Follow her latest on Twitter, or email tips to

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