ASU Praises Student Operative From Democratic Dark Money Organization

April 28, 2023

By Corinne Murdock |

Arizona State University (ASU) issued a feature story this week praising the accomplishments of a student operative from a Democratic dark money organization.

The ASU feature highlighted Anusha Natarajan, a Barrett Honors College student and council member, as one of their notable 2023 spring graduates. The university mainly focused on Natarajan’s ability to balance four majors, two minors, three certificates, and at least nine extracurriculars.

Those extracurriculars included her board membership with Campus Vote Project (CVP); volunteering for Girl Up, an equity initiative for women; reporting for ASU’s student newspaper, State Press; researching as a fellow for the Center on the Future of War; representing students on the Civic Engagement Coalition; working with Changemaker Central; serving as editor-in-chief and co-founder of the Digital Humanities Journal, where students publish their research. 

Natarajan said she plans to become involved in combating “election misinformation” after graduation by enrolling in a data science program at Columbia University or Vanderbilt University.

The ASU feature didn’t delve into Natarajan’s role as a student operative with CVP, a progressive elections reform activist project. CVP traces back to the Arabella Advisors’ New Venture Fund (NVF), which launched the Fair Elections Center (formerly the Fair Elections Legal Network), which then launched Campus Vote Project (CVP). 

NVF has also launched a scholarship fund for illegal immigrants. Arabella Advisors is one of the most powerful and well-organized leftist dark money organizations in the country.

Last year, Gov. Katie Hobbs (while secretary of state) named Natarajan as her pick for the John Lewis Youth Leadership Award. 

CVP advocates for election reforms such as accepting student IDs as a valid form of voter ID, abolishing voter ID for online registration, allowing same-day voter registration, removing proof of campus residency, granting voting rights to all individuals regardless of past convictions or incarceration status, establishing universal mail-in voting, expanding early voting, and increasing drop box locations. Arizona doesn’t accept student ID as a valid form of voter ID. 

According to an archived version of their website from 2019, CVP partnered with American Association of State Colleges and Universities (AASCU) American Democracy Project, American Association of University Women (AAUW), Andrew Goodman Foundation, National Coalition on Black Civic Participation (NCBCP) Black Youth Vote, Campus Compact, Campus Elections Engagement Project, Circle, Democracy Works, Education Votes, Election Protection, Feminist Majority Foundation, NASPA, Generation Progress, HACU, iCitizen, Inspire US, Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, League of United Latin American Citizens, National Association for Equal Opportunity in Higher Education (NAFEO), National Campus Leadership Council (NCLC), Young Invincibles, United States Student Association, Rock the Vote, Roosevelt Institute, The Democracy Commitment, and Bridge Alliance.

CVP no longer lists its partner organizations on its website. Most recently, they announced MTV as a partner.

Corinne Murdock is a reporter for AZ Free News. Follow her latest on Twitter, or email tips to

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