We’re Suing Invest in Arizona and Katie Hobbs to Protect Tax Cuts for All Arizonans

August 5, 2021

By the Free Enterprise Club |

Who doesn’t want more money in their pocket? After a brutal year that featured COVID lockdowns, small businesses and families trying to make ends meet could certainly use some.

And Arizona Republicans delivered.

At the end of June, the state legislature passed a $1.8 billion tax cut, the single largest tax cut in Arizona history. And Governor Ducey didn’t waste any time before signing the budget, which shouldn’t come as a big surprise. As Senator Mesnard explained while voting in favor of the budget:

At the end of the day, when this passes, every single taxpayer in Arizona will get a cut. Every single one.

It was certainly a day worth celebrating. But not everyone joined the party.

Apparently, Invest in Arizona, a political committee sponsored by Arizona Education Association and Stand for Children, isn’t happy with the idea of every Arizona taxpayer receiving a cut. In an effort to block the historic tax cuts, the group filed three referendums that include components from three bills passed this legislative session:

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