Junelle Cavero
Cavero Sworn In To Fill Vacated South Phoenix House Seat

April 19, 2024

By Elizabeth Troutman |

On Tuesday, Junelle Cavero was sworn in to fill the south Phoenix Arizona House Of Representatives seat vacated by Marcelino Quiñonez. The political consultant, small business owner, and community advocate was sworn in on Wednesday. 

“In a time that calls for unwavering commitment to our communities, I am dedicated to being a tireless champion for reproductive justice, affordable housing and the economic issues affecting everyday Arizonans,” Cavero said in a press release. “I pledge to work night and day to serve and uplift the voices of working families and our communities.”

Cavero is the mother of two daughters and has lived in the South Mountain community for 10 years.

“Representative Cavero brings a wealth of business experience and political savvy to our Caucus, and we look forward to her joining our Caucus as soon as possible. We have no doubts she will hit the ground running as budget negotiations heat up and we take other significant votes for our state’s future,” House Democratic Leader Lupe Contreras added. 

Quiñonez announced his resignation at the beginning of the month. 

“As I reflect on my time in office, I am proud of many things, but especially the work I did to pass two bipartisan budgets that allocated more money to our public schools, the Arizona Housing Trust Fund and the arts,” his statement said.

Cavero’s appointment runs through the end of the year, but she previously entered the 2024 race for the seat she is now holding.

Democrats Leezah Sun, Amish Shah, and Jennifer Longdon preceded  Quiñonez in leaving the House early this year.

Elizabeth Troutman is a reporter for AZ Free News. You can send her news tips using this link.

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