Scottsdale School Board President – Mask Mandate Imposer – Caught Maskless At Bar

August 31, 2021

By Corrinne Murdock |

After another long week of defending his decision to impose mask mandates for Scottsdale Unified School District (SUSD) students, Governing Board President Jann-Michael Greenburg hung out at a bar maskless last Saturday.

When asked, Greenburg told other reporters via email that confusion over his enjoying a maskless night at the bar while imposing mask mandates at SUSD was nothing more than a “baseless attack.”

“This video is another baseless attack by people whose agenda is to destroy public education and discourage people from serving,” said Greenburg. “It won’t work.”

The CDC cautions that pregnant women are at more of an increased risk for severe illness from COVID-19.

Just a few days earlier, Greenburg cursed at concerned parents during a board meeting. Greenburg later apologized, saying he let his frustration get the better of him.

“Jesus f***ing Christ, people,” muttered Greenburg on the hot mic.

Greenburg hasn’t been the only pro-mask mandate public education leader caught enjoying a maskless social life as of late. Arizona Superintendent Kathy Hoffman attended a baby shower maskless and without adhering to social distancing. None of the other guests wore masks or socially distanced themselves, either.

 Corinne Murdock is a reporter for AZ Free News. Follow her latest on Twitter, or email tips to

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