Bill Easing Zoning On Home Building Signed Into Law

April 26, 2024

By Daniel Stefanski |

An Arizona Legislative Republican solution to assist homebuilding in the state was signed into law.

Earlier this week, Governor Katie Hobbs signed SB 1162, which “establishes requirements relating to zoning ordinances and a housing needs assessment” – per the overview from the Arizona House of Representatives.

According to the press release from the Arizona State Senate Republicans, the legislation “cuts the unnecessary government red tape, responsible for prolonging approvals on zoning applications needed for home construction to begin, by requiring local governments adhere to reasonable timelines to help expedite the homebuilding process in an effort to increase supply and lower prices.” It would also require “cities and towns to conduct and publish a housing needs study every five years to proactively assess current and anticipated demand for homes in order to swiftly respond to housing shortages.”

Senator Janae Shamp, the bill’s sponsor, cheered on the success of her proposal, writing, “Every hardworking citizen within the state of Arizona should be able to afford a home in a safe community. Unfortunately, the American dream of homeownership has become unattainable for many Arizonans over the past five years because of increased demand combined with irresponsible actions from local governments. Republicans at the Arizona Legislature are committed to solving Arizona’s housing shortage crisis, and this is just a small piece of the puzzle. Government helped create this problem, and we will continue to craft policy getting government out of the way so the free market can respond to our citizens’ needs.”

Shamp thanked one of her legislative partners in this specific effort and promised more action on behalf of Arizonans. She said, “I want to thank Representative Matt Gress for working on this legislation with me, and I look forward to taking additional action with Republican lawmakers to offset the crippling inflation Arizonans are struggling with under the Biden Administration.”

SB 1162 will go into effect 90 days after the Arizona Legislature adjourns for the 2024 session.

Daniel Stefanski is a reporter for AZ Free News. You can send him news tips using this link.

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