National Poll Shows Trump Leading Biden In Arizona

June 10, 2024

By Daniel Stefanski |

Another national poll has former President Donald J. Trump leading current President Joseph R. Biden in the critical swing state of Arizona.

On June 6, Fox News published a poll, showing that Trump was beating Biden in a November General Election rematch by five percent (51-46%).

The poll was conducted June 1-4, 2024, with a sample of 1,095 Arizona registered voters.

President Trump improved his standing in this poll from an earlier survey in March, when he garnered 49 percent, compared to Biden’s 45 percent.

When other candidates are factored into the race, Trump maintains his five percent advantage over Biden, growing that number from March, when he led the Democrat by four percent (43-39%).

The forty-fifth President of the United States enjoys significant leads over Biden in a number of issues of trust for voters. From the poll, twenty percent more Arizona voters trust Trump than Biden when it comes to immigration and the border (58-38%), while fifteen percent more voters trust the presumed Republican nominee over the economy. Trump also enjoys a double-digit lead in trust when it comes to the Israel-Hamas War.

According to the poll, eleven percent more Arizona voters trust Biden than Trump over climate change (52-41%). The two candidates are closer together with the issues of abortion, health care, and election integrity.

President Trump traveled to the all-important swing state of Arizona on Thursday, where he participated in a packed townhall with supporters. The state’s eleven Electoral College votes will be vital to securing the General Election victory in November, and both Republicans and Democrats figure to spend massive amounts of resources to campaign for the votes of independent voters leading up to the political contest. Arizona also has several other races and initiatives that will be key to the state’s future, including the U.S. Senate, control of the Arizona Legislature, and a number of ballot initiatives.

Daniel Stefanski is a reporter for AZ Free News. You can send him news tips using this link.

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