Hobbs Signs Bolick’s “Second Chance” Bill

May 9, 2024

By Daniel Stefanski |

A bill to help Arizonans with their “second chance” was recently signed into law.

Last month, Governor Katie Hobbs, signed SB 1367 into law. The bill “modifies statute relating to a petition for review of criminal records for an occupational license” – according to the overview provided by the Arizona House of Representatives.

Senator Shawnna Bolick, the bill’s sponsor, shared some insight into her proposal, writing, “I worked with the Alliance for Safety and Justice to help make Arizona a safer place to live, as well as to help those individuals who are released from prison acclimate successfully back into society and become productive members contributing to their communities. Typically, when people are unable to get a job, secure a place to live, or provide for their families, they have a greater chance of reoffending and often end up back in prison.”

Bolick added, “My bill, SB 1367, was recently signed into law and will create a pathway for folks to get a job quicker after being released by expanding access to occupational licenses for non-serious offenses. This measure was supported by Crime Survivors for Safety and Justice, which includes thousands of members here in Arizona. This legislation will benefit our state by filling job vacancies, stopping cycles of crime, and improving the safety of our citizens. This is a win for crime victims, as well as for our citizens who are in search of a second chance.”

In March, the Arizona Senate overwhelmingly approved of the legislation with a 24-4 vote (with two members not voting). Later that month, it passed out of the Arizona House of Representatives with a 45-9 vote (with five members not voting and one seat vacant).

After the State House gave a green light to the legislation, the “X” account for the Alliance for Safety and Justice praised Bolick’s leadership on the issue, stating, “We are so grateful to Shawnna Bolick for leading the passage of pro-safety, pro-jobs SB 1367 in AZ today! SB 1367 will: 1. Create a pathway to jobs for those with old records and help them rebuild their lives, 2. Make communities safer, and 3. Strengthen our economy.”

On the Arizona Legislature’s Request to Speak system, representatives from Action for Safety And Justice, American Civil Liberties Union of Arizona, Justice Action Network, and State Conference NAACP signed in to support the bill.

SB 1367 will go into effect 90 days after the Arizona Legislature officially concludes its business for the 2024 session.

Daniel Stefanski is a reporter for AZ Free News. You can send him news tips using this link.

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