Arizona Diamondbacks’ Postseason Success Contributed $107.6 Million To The State’s GDP

April 1, 2024

By Daniel Stefanski |

The Arizona Diamondbacks and the City of Phoenix are hoping for another extended postseason run from the boys of summer in 2024.

Just before the D-Backs kicked off their new season, Arizona State University’s Seidman Research Institute conducted a study to find the economic impact of the home team’s 2023 postseason run. The study found that the economic windfall was $107.6 million.

The study revealed that there were 336,370 individuals who attended D-Backs home playoff games during the National League Division Series against the Dodgers, the National League Championship Series against the Phillies, and the World Series against the Rangers. Most of those fans resided in the Valley, but outside of the City of Phoenix (63.4%). 21.3% of the attendees traveled from another state to watch baseball in the desert.

Bars and restaurants in downtown Phoenix observed a substantial economic boon during the D-Backs surprising playoff run. According to the analysis of the study from Downtown Phoenix Inc, “Sales at bars and restaurants Downtown were up 30.7% during home playoff games compared to non-playoff game nights,” and “17.8% of playoff game ticket holders visited a Downtown bar or restaurant before entering Chase Field and 28.2% visited a Downtown bar or restaurant post-game.”

Due to the increased number of out-of-town travelers to the City and State, hotels in the area also experienced an economic fortune. Downtown Phoenix Inc analysis stated that “total hotel revenue for seven home playoff games played at Chase Field was $625,422 more than the average daily collection for the 25 non-playoff game nights in October 2023.”

Both Downtown Phoenix Inc. and the City of Phoenix’s Community & Economic Development Department commissioned the study from the university research institute.

The Arizona Diamondbacks opened their season on Thursday, March 28, winning their first game in historic and decisive fashion, 16-1. The team started the 2024 campaign with a record payroll, thanks, in large part, to the extended 2023 postseason run. They hope to reciprocate that effort yet again later this fall, giving the team and its surrounding partners another windfall in October and November.

Daniel Stefanski is a reporter for AZ Free News. You can send him news tips using this link.

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