artificial intelligence
Sen. Wadsack’s Bill Seeks To Protect Arizonans From Harms Created By Artificial Intelligence

February 10, 2024

By Daniel Stefanski |

A bill to protect Arizonans from harms created by artificial intelligence technology is making its way through the state legislature.

This past week, State Senator Justine Wadsack announced that she had introduced SB 1599 “to prevent fraud (from artificial intelligence) from impacting the lives of her constituents. Wadsack’s proposal would “establish artificial intelligence as a weapon, so that there may be legal consequences when this technology is used to commit crimes.”

The bill would amend Section 13-701 of the Arizona Revised Statutes, which deals with “Sentence of imprisonment for felony; presentence report; aggravating and mitigating factors; consecutive terms of imprisonment.”

Under the amended statute, one of the aggravating circumstances for the court to consider, “use, threatened use or possession of a deadly weapon or dangerous instrument,” would include artificial intelligence.

In a statement, Wadsack explained why this issue was a priority of hers this legislative session, saying, “Artificial Intelligence technology is becoming more sophisticated, and criminals are taking advantage of it. Scammers now have the ability to create realistic audio that sounds like the voices of unsuspecting victims’ loved ones. Scottsdale resident Jennifer DeStefano testified on Capitol Hill in D.C. last year, shining a light on her disturbing experience with scammers cloning her daughter’s voice and demanding $1 million in ransom.”

Wadsack added, “I can’t imagine getting a call from who I believe is my child that’s been kidnapped. That type of encounter has lasting traumatizing effects that impact your sense of security and safety. Unfortunately, this isn’t an isolated incident. Having the legal tools to fight back is absolutely necessary.”

SB 1599 has been assigned to the Senate Committee on Transportation, Technology and Missing Children. The bill is expected to receive a hearing on Monday, February 12.

Daniel Stefanski is a reporter for AZ Free News. You can send him news tips using this link.

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