homeless people in The Zone
Rep. Gress Bill Addresses Growing Homelessness Problems In Arizona

February 8, 2024

By Daniel Stefanski |

As Arizona’s homeless problems continue to grow, one Arizona legislator has introduced legislation to deal with some issues the state faces.

This week, State Representative Matt Gress unveiled HB 2782, the Arizona Homeless Protection and Drug Control Act. This bill would “bring significant amendments to existing laws to reduce homelessness and drug-related crime within designated homeless service zones.”

“This legislation is an important step towards reducing chronic homelessness and drug-related crime, ensuring that Arizona’s vulnerable populations are effectively supported while ensuring public safety,” said Representative Gress. “Establishing accountability within homeless service zones will help safeguard our communities from drug-related crime and offer a more structured and supportive environment for our homeless population to rebuild their lives.”

The freshman lawmaker added, “We are taking decisive action to improve the quality of life in these zones, ensuring that they are safe and conducive to rehabilitation and support services. Our goal is to help people and address the root causes of homelessness, which ultimately leads to safer, healthier communities across Arizona.”

According to the press release issued by the Arizona House of Representatives Republican Caucus, the legislation would “introduce new sections under Title 13, Chapter 34, to focus on the unlawful presence and activities related to dangerous drugs in homeless service zones.” Additionally, the bill would “revise existing sections under Title 41 to establish a permanent Homeless Shelter and Services Fund to allow money to be used for temporary emergency shelter while also providing clear guidelines for mixed hoteling in homeless service facilities.”

In the 2023 Annual Homelessness Assessment Report (AHAR) to Congress, which was published in December 2023, there was an estimate of 14,237 people in Arizona who were experiencing homelessness. Arizona had one of the highest rates in the nation of unsheltered people who were experiencing homelessness (7,615, 53.5%). The Grand Canyon State also observed one of the highest increases in individuals who were experiencing homelessness during the COVID-19 pandemic between the years of 2020 – 2022 (29.3%).

Daniel Stefanski is a reporter for AZ Free News. You can send him news tips using this link.

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