AZGOP Billboards Highlight Real Political ‘Unity’ In The Trump Campaign

AZGOP Billboards Highlight Real Political ‘Unity’ In The Trump Campaign

By Matthew Holloway |

The Republican Party of Arizona (AZGOP) released a new billboard design on Thursday exemplifying a theme of unity. The new digital billboards featured across the Valley of the Sun prominently feature an image of President Donald Trump backed by the Arizona Flag’s rays of red and gold sun above the blue sky and flanked by former Democrats, Rep. Tulsi Gabbard and former Presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., as well as Republicans Vice Presidential candidate Sen. JD Vance (R-OH), former Presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy, and ‘X’ owner Elon Musk. Although Musk has been supporting Trump, he has historically declared himself a “registered independent” and “politically moderate.” Thus the billboard represents real political unity representing Democrats, Independents, and Republicans.

According to a press release from the AZGOP, the new billboard is “part of its ‘Team Unity’ campaign, featuring President Donald J. Trump and Vice Presidential nominee Senator J.D. Vance alongside a coalition of prominent American heroes dedicated to restoring our great country.”

“The ‘Team Unity’ billboard is part of a broader effort by the AZGOP to energize voters ahead of the 2024 election. The AZGOP is committed to reaching every corner of the state with this message of hope, optimism, and most importantly, unity.”

The state party Chair Gina Swoboda hailed the billboard’s launch and emphasized the immense need for political unity in America:

“This billboard embodies the spirit of unity that our nation desperately needs,” said Swoboda. “The Trump-Vance ticket represents a powerful coalition of voices that will fight for America — protecting freedom of speech, addressing the health crisis, restoring prosperity, and ensuring security for all Americans. This campaign is about bringing together Arizonans and Americans who are united by their commitment to restoring our nation’s values and standing strong against those who seek to divide us.”

Dating back to his inaugural address in 2021 and throughout his term so far, President Joe Biden has often touted his administration as being one focused on “Unity,” but the message has largely fallen flat with voters, given that any “bipartisan” measures are only superficially so, typically representing the furthest left and most anti-Trump Congressmen and Senators siding against their own party, as well as the increasingly divisive and vitriolic rhetoric the Biden-Harris administration has employed against President Trump and his supporters.

During his inaugural address, Biden said, “We come together as one nation.”  He claimed, “Democracy has prevailed,”  adding, “We have much to repair, much to restore, much to build, much to heal, and much to gain. But we cannot do it while divided against ourselves. My whole soul is in this—bringing America together,” he said. It is time to end our “uncivil war.”

Alas, by September 2021, in his infamous “Red Speech” (Officially “Remarks by President Biden on the Continued Battle for the Soul of the Nation”), Biden seemed to wholly abandon the cause of ‘unity’ with pro-Trump Republicans when he declared unequivocally:

“Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans represent an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our republic.”

Although he attempted to pivot, claiming, “Not every Republican, not even the majority of Republicans, are MAGA Republicans. Not every Republican embraces their extreme ideology.” He quickly fell back to the divisive rhetoric, telling supporters, “There is no question that the Republican Party today is dominated, driven, and intimidated by Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans, and that is a threat to this country.”

He added, “MAGA Republicans do not respect the Constitution. They do not believe in the rule of law. They do not recognize the will of the people.”

However, as the 2024 Election loomed, a resurgence of the new “Unity,” began to spring from the Biden-Harris administration. Yet, even then, he readily maligned President Trump and his supporters, and Vice President Kamala Harris through her campaign has continued to do so.

The clear dichotomy presents the Trump campaign versus the effort to install Harris, as the only ‘true’ example of unity across the political spectrum.

Matthew Holloway is a senior reporter for AZ Free News. Follow him on X for his latest stories, or email tips to

‘Anti-Woke’ Satire Billboards, News Ads Appear In Phoenix Mocking Leftist Policies

‘Anti-Woke’ Satire Billboards, News Ads Appear In Phoenix Mocking Leftist Policies

By Corinne Murdock |

The most recent advertisements in Phoenix highways and newspapers employ satire as commentary on leftist policies. They’re commissioned by a nonprofit group called Citizens For Sanity (CFS), which has flooded similar messaging throughout the Valley and the nation. 

“Waiting in the [emergency room] for 10 hours is a small price to pay for the gift of open borders,” reads their latest billboard.

Additionally, the latest CFS newspaper ad appeared in Ahwatukee Foothills News this week, claiming that Senator Mark Kelly (D-AZ) supports drug cartels.

“Drug cartels are trying to run an honest business,” read the ad. “Help them stay profitable by supporting Mark Kelly and keeping our borders wide open.”

Another ad, also targeting Kelly, appeared in the Arizona Daily Sun.

“Thank you Mark Kelly, for voting to protect pregnant men, to keep our borders open, and to safeguard violent criminals,” wrote CFS. “Woke values are Arizona values.”

According to the CFS website, their mission is to replace “wokeism” and other mindsets it describes as “anti-critical thinking” with common sense, logic, and reason. Their satirical language resembles that of classic 18th-century satirist Jonathan Swift (“Gulliver’s Travels,” “A Modest Proposal”). A more modern comparison may be drawn to The Babylon Bee, a satire news website.

Their other billboards in Phoenix poked fun at criminal justice reform.

“Don’t let the radical right put our neighborhood street gangs behind bars,” read one sign. “Support Joe Biden and progressive candidates.”

“Real progressives support violent criminals in their hour of need,” read another.

One of the key figures behind CFS is Ian Prior, who apprised Fox News of his role with CFS as a strategic consultant. Prior played a central role in the parent mobilization that led to the historic election of a Republican governor in deep-blue Virginia, Glenn Youngkin. He’s also the executive director of Fight For Schools and a senior advisor at America First Legal. 

“We cannot stand by as radical woke biology-deniers use young children as guinea pigs for their ideological experiments. Using experimental drugs to stop puberty, injecting opposite-sex hormones, and surgically removing breasts and genitals of young children is insane,” stated Prior.

Prior also shared that CFS targets its messaging toward those most likely to be receptive, such as exposing gender ideology-related messages to the Latino communities rather than to “sheltered rich white coastal leftist elites.” That’s why some of their ads are in Spanish.

“Progressives support pregnant Latinx men,” reads one of their translated newspaper ads.

In addition to billboards, the group puts out video and radio advertisements. Those aren’t satirical: rather, they’re structured as campaign advertisements. 

The group’s efforts nationwide caught the attention of mainstream media shortly after launching their first video about midway last month. Politico reported that the nonprofit relied on “prominent” and “veteran” Republican strategists. 

Corinne Murdock is a reporter for AZ Free News. Follow her latest on Twitter, or email tips to